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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. Welcome NAF. I'm in! Is Middlestadt out?
  2. Well, like the last nine years of no Sabres, there's still m@sterbation. My right bicep is shredded.
  3. I would not be surprised if he does. Yzerman is a GM that doesn't give a F about other GM's if it makes his teams better.
  4. First, welcome Jim. I agree. It is the duty and obligation of every GM to use every tool available to make the team better. To not do that is grounds for dismissal. The players union AND management agreed to the offer sheet process. Use it. As a GM, you're not being a dick, you're being smart, and most important, you're doing your job.
  5. I agree kas. Why is it in the "business world" we poach employees from other companies all the time, but in the NHL, you have to remain friends? You're paid by the OWNER not the other GM's. Do what you have to do to make the team better. It's a fiduciary duty. Otherwise, GTFO.
  6. Sorry to hear that, man. I'll keep a good thought for them all.
  7. I get it. In my 20's, I exercised and I didn't need to, now in my 50's, now that I need to, I don't exercise. Ain't life funny.
  8. A new GM, arena renovations and game day experience, scouting staff. It seems like the only thing the Sabres can do well lately is put on the combine.
  9. Just to keep the board jumpin'. Here is my list of the top 5 bassists in classic rock that were also lead singers (in alphabetical order). Have at it! Peter Cetera (Chicago) Geddy Lee (Rush) Sir James Paul McCartney (Duh???) Benjamin Orr (The Cars) Sting (The Police)
  10. Is there a mini, mini, mini, mini, Murph for us older folks? What I mean is, is there a Murph that lets me sit on my ass all day, drinking, and call it exercise? If there is, then I'm shredded. Seriously, keep at it, 0311.
  11. Retired, sitting on the balcony, watching a steady rain, drinking a beer with my wife. Cool AF as the kids would say.
  12. LOL. That one got me, Weave! I know I'm a pedant. The other one, who knows. If you don't try it, you'll never know. To put in pedant terms, in one way it sucks, in the other way it blows.
  13. I assume you meant the pedantry, not the dick.
  14. Kev, I'm not into drugs. But if you call bourbon a drug, then I'm a liar (and I try to drink just enough bourbon to ward off the pedantry). I just find it tougher and tougher to let nonsensical things go without saying something. But, I don't want to become a dick either.
  15. I'm falling deeper and deeper into pedantry. Being a pedant, I can't help it. It's to the point where I can't watch commercials on TV without correcting them or making comments. 75% of the time my wife laughs at my comments and the other 25% she says STFU. Is there a cure for pedantry?
  16. This ain't no porn site, this ain't no disco This ain't no fooling around No time for dancing, or lovey dovey I ain't got time for that now Sorry spndnchz
  17. In the words of Steve Miller, "Tage keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future." This year is his time to fly like an eagle.
  18. BudF^cked
  19. Ogre, as the saying goes, "You got cut down to the white meat". Seriously, I hope it heals soon!
  20. Hitting a golf ball flush and where you aimed it.
  21. We're all a little bit raw due to the pandemic. But, you're a great poster, don't let the times and one post make you quit. I, and I assure you, many others would miss you if you left.
  22. Don't even say that Eleven. You've been keeping this board rolling through all this madness.. I look forward to your threads and posts.
  23. I'm with you Ink. This is the 21st century. Racism is taught, not an innate belief. When can we finally get past this?
  24. I'm not wanting to take this to a political thread, but we all know racism exists in the U.S. How we deal with it now and how we eradicate in the future is the question. Sadly to say, my parents had subtle racist tendencies but I was able to overcome these views and see a far better world.
  25. Not the point I was trying to make, Sabel. I totally agree with you about 58 year old white guys driving around loaded and packing. It may be the same for every age group. However, minorities get pulled over at a greater percentage than non-minorities. That's not age, it's race.
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