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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. JBOT, get on the phone.
  2. Helds him up, really Rob?
  3. Have you tried Sabre-Tube? The official catheter of the Buffalo Sabres.
  4. She sings like the phonograph is set to 45. Old timers joke.
  5. If we don't make a deal soon, I may have to go to an AA meeting.
  6. I remember when the nets had a "blade" in the center of the net. I think that's the blade that severely injured Mark Howe when he slid into it with the "blade" being slightly elevated. I think they got rid of that net design the next year. I also remember the steel post moorings that had no give to the net. I remember Gil Perreault sliding into the net and cracking a few ribs during a Washington Capitals game when Mike Palmateer gave little help to Gil as he was careening toward the net.
  7. Nut Swim! (for anagram lovers)
  8. I'm happy when they win (obviously). I know they will lose their share. What I can't stand is a team that plays with no heart.
  9. When the Sabres get back, these should be the new mugs for RFK's espresso machine:
  10. The 2 times the Sabres made it to the Finals, they had these players on the roster: Rick Dudley Danny Gare Jerry Korab Jim Schoenfeld (C) Randy Cunneyworth Michael Peca – C Rob Ray Rhett Warrener Any team take liberties on the Sabres in those two seasons? Who do we have now? Would you exchange Ray for Okposo? Schoenfeld for McCabe? Cunneyworth for Larsson? Is it really a different league now?
  11. I hear ya Wyld, but I'm not in the mood for moral victories or progress right now. Still too pissed. 50 years and counting and I'm fearing 51 after this weekend. I'm going to get another bourbon.
  12. I think we need to at least show a deterrent to other teams that there are consequences to their taking liberties on us (whether a cheap Kutcherov shot) or a goal crease scrum. Do we have a fighting major this year? BOGO is out and that's all we got? You can see the disregard that teams show us. We're being bullied. Risto is tough. Great. But the most another player is going to get from Risto is a glove in the face and an "I must break you" look. They know he's not going to drop the gloves. Granted, I'm old school. But everyone should be able to defend themselves and at least get a reputation that you will fight. Until you do, bullies will own you. And we are being owned.
  13. I'm still high on 26, but I agree with your assessment.
  14. My exact quote from last Saturday: Great. Now we have to count on the Bills to salvage our weekend. How things change.
  15. The Sabres need something but I just can't think of it.
  16. It'll never happen because they have guys to step in to makes sure it doesn't, unlike another team that I will not mention.
  17. At this point, I'll take the penalty to check for a pulse.
  18. Pull the team. Leave the goalie.
  19. Are there any press box doors in the Globe that JBOT can slam? FFS, this is humiliating and I don't even play for the Sabres.
  20. Wow. That reply showed that Rasmus had NO play along the boards, but he tried it anyway and it lead to a goal. TIE IT UP AND WAIT FOR HELP!
  21. If it ain't one thing, it's another.
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