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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. Get out of this period with the lead!
  2. Sounds like the Swedish version of Cow Tipping.
  3. Now there's a glass half full guy!
  4. This board is OK tonight, but nothing compared to the excitement of last game. I can't quite put my hands on why but I'm sure it will come to me.
  5. All-Star coach canned before he gets to coach in the All-Star game.
  6. Well that's awkward.
  7. After you spend 45 minutes to figure out an EXCEL spreadsheet formula, you hit enter and get that f'n circular reference prohibition.
  8. Yep, we're going to have to keep abreast of the action with titillating discussion tonight without pics.
  9. As a kid, hearing my school on the radio being closed due to snow.
  10. Agree. And I think many teams are now thinking a little harder on making a coaching change knowing Gallant is on the market.
  11. It's like trying to determine who the sucker is in the room. If after 5 minutes, you can't figure it out, you're the sucker. In this case. I think THEM is US. I certainly don't want to tick off the mods. but this game day thread was the most fun of the season. Go Sabres!!
  12. Right back at ya brother. Win or lose, I always have a good time on this board. But I must say, you upped your boob game tonight. Which elevated my game. if you know what I mean.
  13. The more boobs on this board correlated directly to the better the Sabres played. Simple equation. More boobs>>More goals>>More wins. So get your gifs ready for next game.
  14. I like the smell of perverts in the morning. It smells like VICTORY!
  15. Sorry @#freejame But next game is : MUST BOOBS!! Go Sabres!!
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