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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. BOGO is just like this team. One shift he teases with being very good, the next he forgets all fundamentals.
  2. Nilsson smart play.
  3. Go back to the airport!
  4. I'm OK with the team paid guys e.g. Dunleavy. I'm getting the NHL network guys being an out of towner. Only one he calls by NOT their last name (even Crosby).
  5. Penquigeddon?
  6. Why is the announcer calling Malkin GENO? He needs to call Eichel JACK, and Ennis ENZO, etc. Why the deference?
  7. We're still ahead with 25 minutes to play. I'd have taken this score 2 hours ago.
  8. Here we go....
  9. Yeah. What the heck was that?
  10. My god, who has the balls to try the move that Kutcherof did on the last shootout goal. That was amazing, and intentional.
  11. If Kutcherof meant to do that, that was phenominal.
  12. He is. Trying to show the world he is worth more than a bag of pucks.
  13. Your elbow must be great since dogs can lick other things.
  14. Bogo's skill leading passes to his teamates is second only to Tyrod Taylor.
  15. If only Sean Avery were in the lineup.
  16. Kane rarely takes a shift off. I know he's a devisive player, but you can't complain about his effort day-in and day-out.
  17. My state of mind with this mess: I have become comfortably numb.
  18. Right there with you there, Jacque, since 1970. However, i've been through Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and speeding my way to Acceptance. Very close to Acceptance.
  19. OK. How's this. I like Rodrigues. Reminds me of Derek Plante.
  20. I like Rodrigues. Reminds me of Derek Plante.
  21. I'm trying to get ito this game. 2 - 0 lead. But knowing we're out of the hunt is bumming me out.
  22. Yep. Made the decision easy for GMTM.
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