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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. The ol' Deslauriers Derriere goal.
  2. Men haven't scored yet.
  3. Nice save by Robin.
  4. They teach the icing rule to 8 year olds, Des.
  5. Can't see Ennis on the team next year.
  6. At least we can't sit back in the third.
  7. Eichel gets a lot of room out there. Shows respect for his abilities.
  8. After 15 years of heart and soul, like him or not, it's LINDY.
  9. Doohickie, please let me revel in my delusion. I may fall asleep before this thing ends. Need Robin to keep playing like he is.
  10. Rob Ray's Oxymoron keys to victory: 1. Be Patient 2. Attack
  11. Actually, I think Jack's first fight will come this year when he beats the crap out of Franson for failing to convert one of his slick goalmouth passes that Leino couldn't miss. Another urban legend crashes to the ground. :cry:
  12. Urban legend I believed for 40 years is that is was against Dan Maloney and he broke his nose, and Gilbert was never really messed with again.
  13. This is why I continue to watch every game for 60 minutes.
  14. Hmmmmm. She's growing on me. :flirt:
  15. Even she's a 2 at 10, and a 10 at 2 theory doesn't work here.
  16. This could get ugly (if it already isn't).
  17. Is this what "playing out the string" looks like?
  18. What good is it to be a 6' 5" goalie again?
  19. That pretty much sums it up for me.
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