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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. I am very, very embarrassed to say that the last video game I played was Pacman. Please don't hold that against me.
  2. No Sh1t?
  3. I laughed at the first part. I stopped at the second part.
  4. Terry, dig another frickin' well and pay your folks. You bought the team (thank you, but with that purchase comes responsibility). Look at the team. Look at the fan base. Do some good PR for a change. How tone deaf can you get??
  5. Now you sound like my wife.
  6. And Burton Cummings as a keyboard and lead vocal was way up there. And Jeff Lynn as a producer is in the conversation.
  7. Man, that's a great line up. Prince was so under rated as a guitarist. And Billy Sheehan was, well he's F'n Billy Sheehan. These are all tough choices.
  8. Since we have no hockey to talk about, I thought I'd start an all star classic rock band thread. Most of this is from the 60's and 70's so I apologize to our younger members. Here is my all star list. Keyboards, Vocals - Steve Walsh - Kansas Lead Guitar, Vocals - Terry Kath - Chicago Rhythm Guitar - Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin Bass Guitar, Vocals - Paul McCartney - The Beatles Drums - Keith Moon - The Who Producer - Tom Scholz - Boston Picking this list was harder than trying to fix the Sabres. Hack away!
  9. Good one. How's this. "Through my life, I've spent 90% of my money on whiskey and women. The other 10% I just wasted."
  10. No hockey has really reduced my drinking and I am NOT happy about that.
  11. It's been such a long time since I listened to this. I get more than a feeling when I play it and it gives me peace of mind. There's just something about it. They were a great rock n' roll band. All their songs were smokin'.
  12. My god. This board has every talent imaginable. It's very apparent that that is a passion of yours. You must see some amazing sh1t that posters of our age can really appreciate. Rock on!.
  13. Got you beat my friend. 8 track stereo.
  14. Surprisingly, I am really bummed out there is no hockey tonight. Win or lose, I want to watch the boys play.
  15. I followed this book and retired at 56. I recommend it highly.
  16. Great. Now I have no excuse to drink. However I am resourceful and I will think of another excuse.
  17. Obviously you're not married.
  18. Since the season is suspended, can we bring the boobies back (Just kidding mods).
  19. So a typical Sabres home game;.
  20. Then what is the fun of this board?
  21. I'm hoping Briere but so far I'm seeing Ennis.
  22. Nothing to add here, I just love that phrase.
  23. EROD is a artificial sweetener.
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