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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. Easiest goal ROR has ever scored.
  2. Nope. Mostly hated them during the Michel Bergeron era. Smug, little SOB. (But, as you can see, I'm over it).
  3. That's my "Most Hated" order as well: 1. Boston 2. Philly 3. Quebec Nordiques (I got a looooong memory)
  4. If they play this way, yes. Not this year, but soon.
  5. This team,could fight for a playoff spot soon.
  6. Sabres haven't looked out of place with the Blues. They look pretty good actually.
  7. OK, I'm in. The poster formerly known as Tondas.
  8. Really bad when Nolan looks the best of the 3.
  9. Or in Swedish: Har har. Eller hor hor. Vad som helst.
  10. Hawks delayed that icing faceoff for 45 seconds. They have to do something about the delay tactics after icings.
  11. It is for me in NE. Cant get any games on NHL.tv.
  12. LOL. With all this other winning, I guess I can tolerate the Sabres losing.
  13. With that showing, I have a good feeling about tomorrow. :sick:
  14. We have just seen the bottom.
  15. If you want to get paid well for middling talent and little grit - Sign with the Sabres.
  16. If I were JBOT, I wouldn't trade anyone. I would let them lose and let the players get sick of each other and get pissed at each other. Then, they finally might start telling the truth to their teammates and begin holding themselves accountable. I think a trade just gives them another excuse and more time to suck.
  17. Niagara, they couldn't score with Viagra.
  18. Housley's post-game presser?
  19. Nolan has the least offensive skills on the team but always makes the smart play. It's not all about natural ability and hands. Most Sabres aren't thinking (or caring).
  20. Keep all our crappy players on the big club so as not to ruin the Amerks chances to win.
  21. Good point. Well said.
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