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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. Well, that was a fun period.
  2. That reminds me, I need to pick up a powerball ticket.
  3. I like Antipin, but I won't be upset if anyone (other than 15) is cut, moved, or bought out. This team needs a total reboot.
  4. Goal the tradee.
  5. Nelson making the most of his opportunity. He's making some additional bucks on his next contract.
  6. Kane being out is noticeable. With Jack and Kane out, their firepower is more like smokepower. Who's going to score?
  7. Got to retain 50%, that's a given. I think a 6 or 7th. They say you can never have too many D-Men in the playoffs.
  8. Pommer noticeably bad tonight.
  9. It can't be that easy, can it?
  10. We look like pylons in the defensive zone.
  11. I think he's playing in Sweden next year. That's the only place where he'll be a starter.
  12. Did you expect any less from Hockey Town vs. Hockey Heaven?
  13. All good points.
  14. With Bogo, Pommers and Moulson counting 15 mil against the cap and Jack adding 10 more, that's 25 mil. They may need the money.
  15. Sad to see Pommer as he is now. We know Moulson will be bought out, what about Pommer?
  16. The Sabres hockey IQ equals their point total.
  17. Lehner playing like he desperately wants to be traded.
  18. Rob Ray in his prime?
  19. And Rob Ray with his 3 syllable De-Troy-It.
  20. Not really a win column, more of a win stump.
  21. Me too. Maybe there will come a day soon when Wilson is the worst guy on the team.
  22. Sabres playing the Caps pretty well (for this group). I figured today's game would the the Washington Capitals vs. the Washington Generals.
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