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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. Well, yeah. But it took us long enough for pete's sake!
  2. Jeez, get it out of the zone FIRST, then F with it.
  3. Just. Get. Out. Of. This. Period.
  4. Need some more under 5 minute magic.
  5. Thompson from Dahlin. Nice ring to it for the next 10 years.
  6. Risto has begun to use his defense partner better. May be why his +/- has improved.
  7. Then the atmosphere should be electric!
  8. 2 more of those and we're good!
  9. How many 4 on 2 are we going to give up?
  10. Last year I drank before games to lessen the pain. Now I'm drinking before games because I don't want the streak to end. Damn Sabres have me drinking either way.
  11. Damn. With a head that huge, how did Rob Ray not lose more fights?
  12. Yep. What a voice Freddie had. My favorite was Brad Delp of Boston. Again, hard to believe it's been 11 years since his passing.
  13. I'm OK with Nelson and Ullmark, not so much for Elie.
  14. Dahlin thus far as an 18 year old: 1. Quiet shift. 2. Does a nifty play to get puck to another player to get the rush going. 3. Turns puck over while trying to do something "Dahlinesque". 4. Flawlessly rides attacker into the boards, Sabres take possession. 5. Tape to tap pass to lead breakout. 6. Holy crap shift that few others can make. 7. Goto Step 1.
  15. My first memory of the Aud was to see the Harlem Globetrotters (not sure of the year) as a kid. And they also had a WNY based basketball Tournament with Canisius, Niagara, St. Bona that my dad took me to. My first hockey experience was the Red Army game in 1976. What I remember most was that Jerry Korab was just crushing people and the crowd was roaring. I got season tickets in the 80's to see the Housley, Andreychuk and Cyr era. Section 32 in the oranges. I remember after the Sabres scored, organist Norm Wullen would play the Lone Ranger theme, yelling "Harris is a bum" to ref Wally Harris, yelling Housley to "hit him with your purse" ?. Good times! Have to add: There was a guy in the first row of the Golds just above the glass height, I think his name was Rich Ryan, who would yell things to Seymour Knox during the game: Priceless.
  16. Agree. JBOT is a chess player. The best chess players think 10+ moves ahead. I believe that JBOT is at least 5 years ahead in his thinking about personnel and cap management. And moves he's made or will make might seem strange to us at first because we may be looking at today while JBOT is looking 3 years out. I trust him. He's probably already building the Sabres 2021-2022.
  17. Good for Fedun and good for the Sabres and JBOT. JBOT did Fedun a favor. He's playing in the NHL where he would not be if he wasn't traded. Word gets around the league when players are treated well by management. This move furthers Buffalo's attempt to make Buffalo a destination for other players in the future. Hockey Heaven anyone.
  18. Give him something that the Leafs cannot match and be done with it.
  19. A couple days at NHL salary is always nice for the kids.
  20. To me, nothing says hockey like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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