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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. When you have the right vaccine, any syringe will do.
  2. My wife gave me my stimulus today. There was no money involved but it was certainly MUCH appreciated.
  3. Funny,. My wife and I don't panic about toilet paper, food. But when we're down to our last bottle of Vodka or Bourbon, it's like our hair is on fire. We goto to go to the store. We goto got to the store
  4. You're right, Swamp. Hippocratic Oath. First, do no harm. Any MD that condones that at this stage should lose her/his license. But I'm not sure injecting bleach into my liugs is the answer. I guess as a last resort.
  5. I'm not a big beer drinker, so a a six pack and Mike's Hard gave me a very different visual.
  6. Not me. The Sabres are my priority through thick and thin That's why I don't let my wife read my posts.
  7. I agree Weave. Voting with your feet and wallet will prompt change. But the Pegula's have not proven that they know what to do next. I would hire two VP's. A VP of Hockey Operations (an obvious choice, I still want Rick Dudley) and a VP of Entertainment/Game Day Experience (think the Las Vegas Golden Knights game day experience). After all, professional sports is in the entertainment business. Then let the VP's get their teams hired (no family members or nepotism). Then have my VP's submit short and long range plans as to how they will build a winning organization and how they will get a$$es into the seats again with enthusiasm. Support them with resources and personal backing. Hold the VP's accountable to enacting their plans but get the f^uck out of the way and enjoy life in Boca Raton. A meeting once a quarter for an update is fine. But as a Retired CEO, WTF do I know about running a business.
  8. Thanks @Indabuff. Like they say, when one skill goes away (hockey), another one takes it's place (humor). I try to add value/entertainment to this board anyway I can.
  9. Agree 100%. Wasn't it Herb Brooks that said, "We're not talented enough to win on talent alone."
  10. Great post. Man, that's some impressive vocabulary you got there. I'm an old guy too (58). Game day typing is a problem. I'm with you on all 4 of your points except number 3. I have played since childhood but no longer do. And you're right about civility on this board. We're like hockey players, we may drop the gloves during the game, but we'll be out for a few beers after it. This is a great board.
  11. My concern is that TP and/or KP wouldn't know a good plan if it bit them in the ass.
  12. One too many for my liking.
  13. I hear ya SDS but it's turning me into a person I don't like. There needs to be a universal understanding and language. I thought it was science and facts. but now it's about lies, TV ratings and Facebook posts. The tail is wagging the dog. P.T. Barnum was wrong when he said a sucker is born every minute. Now, a sucker is born every second. I really want to be a good, caring, generous, and understanding person, but it's getting increasing easy to just say, "F^ck it, you wanted it, you got it, enjoy it and don't bitch." I'll just care about me and my family.. We'll be fine regardless of what happens, but my patience level is shot. Anything else I have to say belongs in the political thread. I want to be a good man, and I still am aside from the occasional vent like this one, but it's getting increasingly difficult.
  14. You guys are putting me to shame, Here's how I'm passing the time.
  15. I remember back when I lurked and did not join. It was a little intimidating seeing posters with 20k posts. Then, you just jump in and are warmly welcomed by those same posters, it makes a world of difference. Now, almost 6k posts later, I wish I would have joined in sooner. As Nike says, "Just do it! Everybody has an equal voice.
  16. It is puzzling. I hear he was a players coach. Maybe impatient ownership wanted a more strict coach? Not sure?
  17. I just call it what I've been calling it since I was 13 years old: Mother F^cker!
  18. Being spent doesn't even make a dent in how I feel.
  19. I spent Lent in a tent, got bent, forgot to pay the rent, not sure what it all meant, I just had to vent. Obviously, this COVID sequestration has really gotten to me!
  20. I think their reunion is going to be sad, and I'm so looking forward to their collective failure.
  21. Yep. Nothing kills a culture faster than nepotism.
  22. I wouldn't fire Terry, but I would gladly consult with him on how to run a professional, employee-centric organization that achieves results and makes money. First of all, don't hire family or friends, EVER!
  23. 30 years as a Manager, Director, VP, COO and CEO taught me this: Having a lot of money DOES NOT make you a good executive, but a good executive can make you a lot of money. And create a winning organization. Terry and Kim, please learn this quickly!!
  24. My feelings exactly. Everything now is political. Buying votes, scare tactics, etc. Is there any Truth anymore?? At least 10% of the US does not need stimulus and would deny it if were possible. Throwing money at a problem rarely fixes it. The hypocrisy. Many of the same folks that say "We won't stand for a socialist society" are the same ones cashing the stimulus checks, social security checks, disability checks, unemployment checks as soon as they get them. And the farm bailouts. And the small business bailouts. That is socialism . Pick a side! Do you want government support or not?? If you want government support, fine. I'm OK with that. I think the government should help in times of trouble. But, don't cry about government overreach. And I ain't no saint, I'll cash my stimulus check. I will be donating the whole check to a presidential candidate's campaign. It may not help, but my conscience will be clean.
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