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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. With golfing being a close second.
  2. Welcome to the board! Regarding the backup goalie, we may be stuck with Hutton for the year. Maybe his vision problem has been corrected. But at a cap hit of $2.75 mil, the present penny pinching Pagulas (alliterative homage to the late Irv Weinstein), and Hutton turning 35 in December, I see another team wanting him doubtful. And since the Amerks seem to be on a youth/development movement, all Hutton would do if demoted would be to take ice time from the youngsters (or pay him to do nothing).
  3. You got that right. They say hindsight is 2020. I can't wait for 2020 to be in our hindsight. This year feels like the longest year of my 58. The hits just keep coming.
  4. Terrible news. He was a class act.
  5. Another classic rock song that has stood the test of time. I bet the lead singer lost 10 pounds during the show. He's giving all he's got.
  6. My wife is not from Buffalo, and I asked her if she preferred drums or flats. She said, "What's a drum or a flat?" Divorce proceedings are now in effect. Heaven forbid I ask her Blue Cheese or Ranch.
  7. Just curious. What's your favorite: Drums or Flats? I used to be drums but have since moved to flats.
  8. Jim Gaffigan
  9. In a category of their own: George Carlin Richard Pryor Robin Williams Really close to the top 3: Steve Martin Eddie Murphy Let the debate begin!!!
  10. I've been researching Madeira for some time. Sounds like a stable government, great people, great weather, great beaches, great affordable healthcare, great golf, great food and wine.. If the next election doesn't go the way we prefer, my wife and I are seriously considering Madeira. Ethnocentrism can be a limiting curse.
  11. I've been to 5 of those places. They are great. Never been to Europe. But I did live in Las Vegas, so can I count the Paris and Monte Carlo casinos?? For that matter, can I count the Venetian casino as well?? My favorite place is on I-70 in from Green River to Salina in Utah. 58 miles of absolutely nothing. No gas stations or exits. Just great desert scenery and solitude. There are signs that warn you that, "This the last exit for the next 58 miles." Best have a good car, plenty of gas and a good bladder
  12. Effortless 3 octave range and warmth. Best female vocalist in my opinion. I get a little misty every time I hear her sing. May she rest in peace.
  13. There are 2 Long John Silver's in the Lincoln area, but I am spoiled from the fish frys in Buffalo, so I don't bother.
  14. I went to the one in NT close to the Mid-City Plaza in high school . The fish wasn't bad and the chips were really good. The best part is that my buddy worked there, so I got my fish just the way I liked it: FREE.
  15. I'd like to hear your review of the place. If it's decent, maybe I'll go. Nebraska is as far from an ocean that you can get.
  16. I remember H. Salt Fish and Chips and Arthur Treachers fast food fish places. That's how old I am. But, I have never set foot in a Long John Silver's.
  17. My biggest complaint, as an expat of WNY, is the size of out-of-state restaurant's wings. Paper clip size. But Frank's is Frank;s , so I just order more. And if they ask me if I want Blue Cheese or Ranch, I have to hold my temper. They may think there is a a choice.
  18. I was thinking not to get banned from this site.
  19. When you say Hooters does have great wings, what exactly are you referring to?
  20. Freakin eyesight when getting older. I know there are bifocals and bifocals but when are the pentafocals coming?
  21. Used to go there after Wednesday golf league . Really, really good. And they gave us the first pitcher for free.
  22. I break a sweat eating wings. But it's glorious!
  23. I'm still down for Duff's on Sheridan. Granted, I haven't tried Gabriel's or Bar Bill. But just about every place in WNY have great wings or they won't be in business long.
  24. I fished once in my life at age 7. So a question from a less-than-novice. Do you guys fish for the excitement of the catch or do you eat what you catch, or both?
  25. Waking up in the morning, with a loving wife, being retired, financially secure and pain free at 58. No matter what happens from here, in the game of life, I think I've won. To me, that is awesome.
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