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Everything posted by gohansrage

  1. That band is so incredibly high this clip. It's amazing.
  2. I'm with Chz's boyfriend. JCPenney's has very nice, modern cut suits for around $100. The quality (in terms of how well the suit will be holding up under constant use) isn't great. We used JCPenney for the suits for the guys in my wedding and they looked great. Getting the pants and jacket (if needed) tailored also is a great way to make a less expensive suit really shine.
  3. He scores with his left, he scores with his riiiiigghhhhhht That boy Clint Dempsey makes Rooney look shite
  4. Yesterday I started and finished The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. It's a children's adventure novel and I adored it. Filled with wonderful puns and considerable admiration of plays on words and thoughts. If you enjoyed Alice In Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass I highlt recommend Tollbooth. After Tollbooth, I started Children and Fire by Ursula Heigi. Too early to make a determination on quality, I will be sure to let you know if it's worth reading. In my queue after that: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlin Watchmen by Alan Moore A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire Part 3)
  5. My jaw is on the floor. I can't believe it. His punting hasn't been that bad.
  6. I find the league's entertainment value is at an all time high. At any moment ANYTHING can happen. That's great entertainment. Of course, I reserve the right to switch my stance on this if the Bills are screwed like the Packers were last night.
  7. They like the Sounders. Also, they loved the Supersonics. What happened to them was a travesty.
  8. Does anyone else think the league is more interesting with the replacement referees? Not better by any stretch of the imagination, but more interesting.
  9. Doesn't Seattle embrace their Junior Hockey team? I've read that they are big fans
  10. I wish this forum had a rep system so I could give this post many Internet points
  11. I side with the players, but I don't sympathize with them. I don't think it's fair the NHL is asking the players to bail out the low revenue teams, but I can't muster sympathy for a group of men getting paid seven figures to play a game.
  12. Couldn't get it to come up. Thank you for posting though.
  13. Apparently it's Syracusans
  14. Rochesterians. Although I like Rochestereños. On that note, is it Buffalonians? And doesn't anyone know what people from Syracuse are? To answer your question, it irritates me. C'est la vie I suppose
  15. I laughed so hard at this. Maybe Time Warner is doing a public service to make everyone stop being mad at each other and get mad at them instead. Their terrible service and awful price structures will unite us all!
  16. I agree I am better off now. We may be striking out now, but at least Terry and co are swinging. Four years ago they were striking otu looking
  17. If there is a lockout that cancels the season (I still say there is no chance of that), then I become an Amerks season ticket holder. I hope this gives me motivation to get down to Geneseo, my alma mater, and watch some Ice Knights hockey. I loved the games when I was a student there, don't know why I haven't made it back.
  18. Perfect comment. My favorite Amerks sweater is the flag. Always will be.
  19. I would argue the Kings were physical all year, and that it was adding offense (Jeff Carter) that pushed them to the Cup.
  20. 1. I don't see what Obama's stance on military spending has to do with anything else you listed. I'm guessing you're implying the cuts would leave the US defenseless/hurt our chances in an armed conflict. To that I have to ask: And do our 11 super aircraft carriers , fleets of fighter planes, state of the art tanks, and stock of nuclear aresnal suddenly disappear? Of course not. America is armed to the teeth and way ahead of the rest of the world in terms of military technology. 2. If Israel ignores the wishes of the rest of the world, and arbitrarily invades another soveirgn nation you think it would hurt the United States' relationship with the other nations of the world to let Israel fight its own battles? 3. Personally, I'm glad the Obama adminstration has pushed back on Israel. They have been a little questionable with their foreign policy choices in recent years. Example
  21. From the article you linked to: "The Supreme Court upheld Indiana's law despite no concrete evidence of fraud in Indiana's elections." I'm not saying we shouldn't take steps to reduce voter fraud. I'm saying it isn't this crisis you (and others) are making it out to be.
  22. Except at the end of the day voter fraud is not an issue. You are rallying it as if it is this prevailing, rampant problem. It's not. But like I said before, if you want to have photo ID make it part of registration. Every American needs to reregister by 2014. As part of that reregistration, you have to have your photo taken. When you sign at the polls, you sign by your picture instead of your name. It's that easy.
  23. There is actually something called "grey rape." That's a situation where consent isn't given nor is it refused, i.e. one person begins a sexual encounter and the other person freezes--unable to say no--so the first person thinks nothing has happened. It's why I am an advocate of "yes means yes" instead of "no means no"
  24. I agree. Statutory rape laws exist because we, as a society, decided indivuals cannot consent until they reach a given age. I am an advocate of always attempting to understand the other person's point of view, but it's extra important on some topics.
  25. So it's a pretty correctable issue?
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