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Everything posted by sabres4life19

  1. Bahahaha
  2. yep just looked up those stats too haha
  3. correct, due to that 10-12 game winning streak they put together. wonder how mike ryan is doing with them :P
  4. you are correct. and rochester is dying for some offensive talent. they're gonna be hard pressed to make it to the post season the way they're going post-porter/pardy/rolston
  5. would take him without hesitation. would be big upgrade over hecht next year. i heard yesterday from kris baker that after the QMJHL season/playoffs? are over grigorenko could report to rochester? interesting i thought.
  6. Ron seems to stick with his 4 lines alot more than lindy. Hecht's role has been greatly reduced(only played 5mins and change last night) i believe no pk time for him either. With that however i think he played porter too much last night, he did well but i'd still like to see Grigo in some of those situations. Porter played 15mins while Grigo only 5mins. I like the line combos except it'd be nice to see porter flipped with grigo. we had ott with ennis and gerbe which was kind of productive but seemed to reduce ennis's effectiveness. we had foligno in a very reduced role as well playing with porter and stafford i believe? i know playing time was off last night because it was a close game and there were lots of PK's for us. i'd still like to see grigo with skill guys, we seem to have spread our top 6 across our top 3 lines so itd be nice to see him with stafford/ennis/foligno/gerbe (assuming the top line stays together). Move porter with kaleta and hecht for our 4th line.
  7. looking through our prospects...Next year Rochester is looking to have some good talented kids coming in with.. C- Dan Catenacci RW- Joel Armia G - Andrei Makarov as well as possibly Colin Jacobs at Center and Alex Lepkowski a rugged Defenseman both need to get pro contracts. Interesting to see how the Goaltending situation shakes out.. Enroth RFA Leggio UFA Leiuwen backing up in AHL currently Knapp Starting in ECHL Makarov coming in already under contract and Ulmark another season in Sweden
  8. Brennan and Scott are the healthy scratches. Leino, Leopold, Sulzer all out. so same guys as last game minus pardy in for sulzer
  9. I think if nabakov hadnt stood on his head it would have been a much different game. if we can bring some intensity and offensive pressure we could be ok, Tampa has struggled as of late too
  10. Garon the starter for the bolts. I'm DYING to see our offense explode in some way.
  11. Too many Vets, had to choose between tarnasky,ellis,mccormick,pardy,rissmiller,mancari(5 out of the 6). dont see why they chose rissmiller b/c he was really producing well for them since signing his PTO but roch fans flipped b/c mccormick and ellis brought nothing to the table offensively.
  12. i want to see grigo get more than 6-8mins and definitely paired in the top 6. I know RR is talking about earning your ice time etc but we dont have any other potential offensive weapons that arent already in the top 6 besides grigo. so try him out and see if we can get some offense going! love the avatar btw
  13. yeah i mean check out letsgoamerks.com they HATE Adam **not sarcasm
  14. Should be interesting now with myers regehr, sekera ehrhoff, pardy weber. whatever combos there are. I like it because i'm not a huge sulzer fan and leopold goes without saying(he can be 7th D the rest of the season as far as i'm concerned) and i love brennan in Roch but he has not looked like he can play in the NHL for the most part. so im really hoping our D steps up and plays a solid game. i think if that happens we can start to minimalize our time in the D zone, get quicker, BETTER outlet passes and it was ultimately lead to goals and wins. (optimism) i would like to get another look at Adam but not by waiving hecht. Adam cant PK and is no good in the D zone. i know the season is "lost" but id bring adam up when there is an injury at center, then see what happens
  15. Well i agree, we need 6 defenseman playing solid that aren't going to miss assignments or outlet passes causing the whole line to be pinned down for several mins.
  16. someones got to goto IR or get sent down to Roch/waivers. wonder if we try and sneak brennan down at some point since he's stunk up the joint for the most part
  17. i love the passion and i agree. He is young and inexperienced and he is producing, but i hate that our top line is a defensive liability most the time. Yes our defenceman have been bad but sometimes it takes a 5 man unit to be good defensively not just the two D-men. when i see vanek or hodgson lose their guy in front who gets fed for a one timer goal on the door step i'm blaming them and not leopold or regehr etc. We've all watched games this year that have single handedly been lost by forward giveaways and/or missed coverage. i would love to post a montage of videos if i had easier access to them.
  18. Maybe Ennis should slide back to Wing to move foligno down to 3rd line and have Ennis on 2nd with a Vet center on that line. Move Stafford and have Armia on 2nd line if he's ready. And move gerbe maybe with staff. minimal overhaul possibly a better result ? vanek coho pommer ennis Vet#2 Armia Foligno Grigo Leino Ott Porter Kaleta just bored at work this is what happens. **and i misread your original comment about trading those guys etc. my mistake. you call us old and experienced??
  19. So you trade two of our top 6 for a high draft pick? i wouldnt wanna give up 2 top 6 guys to have one good rookie. who slides in those spots? maybe Armia or Grigo but then we are even more young and inexperienced, unless we sign some good vets somewhere somehow
  20. hes been recalled again? nvm, its all over twitter sulzer hurt
  21. i dont think we see MAJOR changes in the offseason, i mean we never do, even if we suck. After this disgrace of a year the only UFA's are Hecht, Scott, Leopold, Regehr, Sulzer. so not too much unless big trade(s) happen RFA's are Weber Brennan Hodgson Enroth +several ahlers -- we could trade players rights and picks i guess but that doesnt do much for the team now.
  22. IMO people need to stop worrying about Hecht and worry about the Top 6 forwards who are SUPPOSED to be scoring. Hodgson and Ennis are horrible defensively and Stafford and Foligno each have one goal and are Top 6 forwards?? thats how you know were in rough shape
  23. "Darcy ordering Rissmiller to sit I'm sure. Honestly, regier must give the best blowjobs ever because there is no other team in the world who would take him as a GM." love those rochester fans
  24. just saying with the roster as it currently stands adding in prospects and rochester guys that should be ready. For everyones sake i pray it doesnt look the same
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