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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. Considering they were a point away 2 years ago and coaching seemed like it was the biggest issue last year (along with Quinn being out far more than expected once he returned due to another fluke injury) I highly doubt it takes 3-4 more years. In fact I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen next year. She has gone viral because she is a hot woman with a dirty mind who is seemingly down for whatever behind closed doors and that will always be in high demand among men.
  2. And I hear he is about to join forces with the other Wahlberg's to open burger franchises.
  3. So if we take an average of that, it is safe to say his draft ranking was well above 14th.
  4. They also have an absolute boatload of talent in the pipelines which is still ranked best in the NHL and that is kind of absurd considering how heavily they have already tapped into their recent draft classes. At some point, just like the Bills, the talent they have will make it irrelevant and they will start making the playoffs regularly.
  5. She can come take showers with me anytime.
  6. At some point, the Sabres will have too much talent to not make the playoffs regardless. I mean, the fact they have promoted so heavily already from recent drafts and still have the best prospect pipeline by a wide margin according to most is absurd.
  7. Oh look...another highly skilled forward...not like we don't already have like 10 of them waiting in the wings with only 2 or 3 spots open.
  8. How many forwards do they need? They got a metric crap ton of them still waiting to come up and not many spots.
  9. What hurts the most... is we were so close... And having so much to say... And watching you walk away...
  10. Has to be a move like that and since I assume many teams see a bunch of prospects all grouped together in that 6-15 range, it likely wouldn't be a huge deal moving back a few spots to pick up a 2nd round pick.
  11. Always look for a new job when your value is the highest...smart man. He will have teams throwing cash at him.
  12. Considering you have been looking for solutions for decades and haven't found them, you might want to actually listen to someone who has dropped significant weight several times. Or don't. No sweat off my back. But there are very few dieticians that look like me and there are very few people in my kind of shape that have a better nutritional plan than I do. People can go study all they want, but if they don't actually put it into practice, how much can one really know? It would be like going to a surgeon who read about how to do surgery in books but never actually did it. There are a plethora of resources online to do research on your own. Effectively, the food being eaten on a daily basis is the problem. Always has been, always will be. Everything else is a side effect from that. There is no such thing as a universally healthy food, only a food that works with your body chemistry or doesn't. If it doesn't your body will react negatively to it, which is why so many people struggle...they think they are eating "healthy" foods but don't realize many of those foods are reactive in 70+% of people...salmon, oats, wheat, black beans, whey protein, greek yogurt, etc. Long term, this causes chronic low level inflammation, hormonal disruption and potentially a variety of auto-immune conditions. 30% of the weight people are carrying when they are overweight comes from water being held in by inflammation. That's the first thing to go once you stop triggering it. You do whatever you want, but if I was a person who could spend $10 and buy a book that could change their life, I'd probably take the chance. That's just me tho. Or just keep telling yourself there is nothing that can be done, but now you know that's a lie.
  13. This might be the best book you ever read. https://lyngenet.com/the-plan-the-book/ May also want to look into an ALCAT test, that was pretty valuable for me.
  14. Yeah, it's called take some pride in yourself and your appearance, eat real food that doesn't come in bags or boxes and contains one ingredient that you cook yourself, stop eating out at restaurants 3+ nights a week and pick up the water instead of the sugary drink or alcohol. Increase your step count. That's all the exercise you need to do...walking is an exceptional fat burner and the big muscles in your legs literally suck glucose out of the bloodstream even in the absence of insulin, so it can't get stored as fat. It's really that simple. Maybe you don't want to have the conversation because you are one of the excuse makers. When you make it a priority, it suddenly becomes easy. It's simple, most people just don't want to do it, they want doctors to take care of their health instead of taking care of it themselves. People choose to look the way they do --- period, point blank. Nothing nuanced about it.
  15. I mean doesn't Vancouver kind of dish on itself by referring to their hockey team as the American slang for Canadians by calling themselves the Canucks?
  16. Yeah, being obese is really something to be proud of. But I guess you are definitely with the other 70% of the American population...once again, happy to be on the other side of the majority.
  17. It has to do with mindset and what is being taught, so I disagree.
  18. Truth is the truth. If people want to be told they have to be fat, out of shape dudes with beer bellies who have to be hunched over for 2 minutes to catch their breath after walking up a flight of stairs and be on 10 prescription drugs at that age then that's on them...I am not one to let society dictate what I should be, nor what I am capable of. While they sit on the couch drinking beers watching TV with a big bag of chips next to them, I'm out with a 60lb weighted vest on pulling a 200 lb sled for 45 minutes.
  19. Never said movie star looks, just said I have a great physique that I worked my ass off for. yeah...so does the people in their mid 30s and early 40s with beer guts that make them look 11 months pregnant...
  20. Yeah, probably because I am different from the other 95%. Case in point, how many 49 year olds do you know that look like an NFL linebacker and have a full six pack? Of abs...not a 6 pack of beer sitting in their fridge so they can drink it. Probably not many. If I had to guess, it would probably be well under 5% actually. Probably not many 49 year olds that have 25 year old women checking them out at the beach while their husband who looks like a beached whale laying next to them is oblivious, either. Sometimes I almost think I am going to have to call 911 from someone having a broken neck the way their head snaps around. Probably not the right guy to be talking about being part of the 95%. I'm not.
  21. I didn't raise them...my kids work their ass off and if they want something they have to earn it. They damn sure didn't get any participation trophies and I never let them win at games when I played when they were a kid either...mainly to instill the lesson that you don't always win in life and you have to learn how to lose. There were a lot of tears and lessons taught during those years about that. These hands off parents who want to be their kids best friends instead of their parents and are afraid to actually parent them because they don't want their kids to be "mad at them" are the ones that need to be talked to about that, not me. There have been plenty of times my kids have hated me and probably more so my wife I am sure over the years, but we were more worried about teaching them life lessons during those years and making sure they would be ready for adulthood than being their best friend. I can confidently say we did our job as parents and taught them what they need to succeed in life. Now they have to choose to use those lessons when they start their journey, we can't force them to. But that is a far cry from never being taught those lessons in the first place like is the case with so many and having to learn it all on the fly and making it up as they go.
  22. The difference is by and in large we were taught that if you want something in life you work hard and don't expect it handed to you and didn't get participation trophies when we lost, learning that losing is part of life and that you accept it, are gracious about it and work hard to come back better next time. Case in point, I was a paperboy starting at age 12. How many kids these days actually work while in high school? Not very many. This generation expects to be treated the same on Day 1 as the employee who has spent 10 years at a company and put in blood, sweat and tears to see it succeed. They are simply delusional and it's precisely because they have been handed everything in life and for the most part never had to work for it. When you expect things without having earned it, it's a problem. Not sure who you work with, but I have worked with at least 100 younger employees during my tenure at various places and 95% of this is true for them. The other 5% actually had a work ethic and understood how the real world works. Last time I checked nobody our age was posting tik-tok videos literally in tears because they are 3 months into their first real job and can't handle the "stress" of having to work 40 hour weeks and having "no free time to do what they want" and having Mommy and Daddy calling in because they are "too stressed" to work today and have to take a mental health day. Give me a fvcking break. This generation is the softest, most mentally fragile generation in the history of the human race. The Pillsbury Doughboy and the Michelin Man have less softness than they do.
  23. And here I thought the world famous French Canadian arrogance only pertained to Canada...I see it knows no borders now. Funny how Poutine and Maple Syrup are universally celebrated there tho... I am not sure why you are still part of Canada honestly, because both sides desperately want to rid themselves of the other.
  24. He also just bought the old Buffalo News complex and owns the Atrium building that HSBC used to be in...he is basically creating an entire district down there, and talks about his plans for it in the article I linked above...
  25. He also refurbished Seneca One Tower which sat vacant for many years until M&T decided to turn that into their Buffalo Tech hub and it has drawn numerous other companies to put their tech hubs there as well. Did an outstanding job, that place is super cool...also now features some apartments there as well. Developers, including Jemal, have said recently that their projects have been slowed down significantly because they’ve gotten more expensive to complete and more difficult to finance. But Jemal said that’s not a reason to stop, either. His Elmwood-Bidwell redevelopment project is ongoing. His Burns Building project will be starting, and he’s now seeking city approval for a new project to convert a former school in Black Rock into apartments. “It’s not a time for the fetal position. It’s a time to keep going,” he said. “I came here, and fell in love with this city and this community, with a job to do, and I’m going to do my job. Yes, we have a lot of projects going on, but I will get them done.” https://buffalonews.com/news/local/business/development/douglas-jemal-buffalo-news-complex-purchase/article_9d592f32-e6df-11ee-bf1d-9bfd474acc6c.html https://www.wgrz.com/article/money/business/business-first/buffalo-business-first-douglas-jemal-main-street-money-wny/71-f9cc1c79-a49e-4df5-a6d3-67afdec64df0
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