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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. The Sabres have scored the fewest goals(24) in the NHL and given up the most(66) this season. Their -42 goal differential is 28 goals worse than the next worst team at -16. That is just absolutely astounding 18 games into the season. Florida is the next closest team in goals for with 27. They have also played 4 fewer games than the Sabres, meaning if they merely achieve their average goal output, Buffalo will have scored somewhere between 13-15 fewer goals than the next closest team. They are losing by an average of 3.67 to 1.33 per game, which doesn't seem like a lot until you realize that they have actually WON 3 of those games... This team is on a crash course with the all time record book for futility I am afraid
  2. Wow, this is crazy...article just came out talking about the sudden rise in throat/neck cancer in men, and apparently its caused by HPV, the human papilloma virus, the same virus that causes cervical cancer in women...researchers think between 70-90% of throat/neck cancers are caused by this... http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2014/07/02/why-thousands-of-men-like-j-p-morgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-are-getting-throat-cancer/?partner=yahootix
  3. He just got a boatload from his buyout...seems like the buyout players are all signing 1 year deals? Erhoff did the same
  4. 6' 2" 218 lbs...that's some good size...
  5. 6' 2" 218 lbs...that's some size
  6. Seriously? Never watched any of those Buffalo-Ottawa playoff series a few years ago?
  7. Sabres going in today...
  8. I hear 30 years after being drafted, Sabres are close to signing Taro Tsujimoto a source with ties to the negotiations has informed me... Lol
  9. Hey...that's what my daughter's Furbie, Bee-dah says...got any other Furbisms? Lmao!
  10. Cue the "Half Baked" Sir Smoke-A-Lot song "I wanna talk to Samson! Fly me to the moon like that b**ch Alan Frampton" Lmao...
  11. Surprising Montreal would trade him to a division rival...
  12. It's irrelevant how good he is now. The team is going to suck for at least one more year with or without him, and likely will not be a playoff contender for 3 more years, at which time Erhoff will be 36, so its not like he would be in his prime...he'd be on a down swing and would really hurt us against the cap if he retired, just at the time we need the cap space to sign all the young talent we are stockpiling... Sucks the CBA punishes teams retroactively, but it punishes all the teams that did this, not just us...
  13. I think it would have been enough to just prevent this from happening anymore instead of punishing teams retroactively when it was legal to do so...
  14. Like how in the NBA teams take on expiring contracts in trades s other teams can have more wiggle room with their cap... Wonder what Murray is going to want for doing this from those teams...
  15. Yeah, and one was banging the other one's wife and they wouldn't even look at each other in the locker room, lol
  16. I don't necessarily think that's fair to Regier. He had operated one way for his whole career here and then was given the green light to do whatever he wanted, having no prior experience doing something like that. It would be like being given a ford focus and told to drive the speed limit for 12 years and follow all the rules, then being given a Ferrari and told ignore all the rules and go as fast as you want. Is it at all surprising that he ended up crashing the car?
  17. Hard to believe at his reasonable cap hit contract, Erhoff had no trade value...
  18. All depends on what the percentages end up being and the difference in the Sabres percentage with theirs and the Isles pick...could actually increase their chance depending on how it breaks down...
  19. And so it is
  20. In terms of numbers, but it still reflects poorly that a place with no vested interest still has a higher percentage of its viewers watching than a team whose playing
  21. If a rating point is equal to 1% and there are well over 1 million people just in Erie and Niagara county combined, not even including the southern tier counties, how exactly does a 7.3 equate to 45,000? I come up with closer to 100,000, not including CBC, which probably adds another 30-40,000 on top of that if not more... Still making a joke of the LA market who has 5 times our population and whose team was IN THE GAME!!
  22. Ok, add another 750,000 people in the suburbs and its likely even higher considering 80% of Buffalo is African American and while some are big hockey fans, most aren't. Plus that doesn't count CBC ratings. So now we are supposed to read every post of every thread to see if something is talked about there in a post? SMFH...
  23. Buffalo got a 7.3 rating, which doesn't even include all those like myself, watching on CBC...which probably pushes it to a 12-14 rating... Chicago had the highest at a 22.7, LA third at a 4.3... Shouldn't be any suprise, we almost always have the highest rating other than the 2 cities whose teams are playing, and sometimes including them, embarrassingly enough... We are the best hockey market in the US and we prove it every time the ratings come out...
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