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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. Greenway-Mittelstadt-"The Butler" has been the best line by a country mile so far. That needs to change.
  2. One, two... Freddy's coming for you... Three, four... Better lock your door... Five, six... Grab a crucifix... Seven, eight... Gonna stay up late... Nine, ten... Never sleep again...
  3. Tage wrote in his letter that they can't wait to earn the fans back in the building...well, they definitely aren't earning anyone back in the building playing the way they did last night.
  4. Come on Eileen...
  5. well that wasn't how things were planned...just a bad game from start to finish pretty much.
  6. like when the woman thinks she has a hot guy all to herself and is so excited until he pulls down his pants and he comes up...small...
  7. do you realize how much offense the Sabres created last year due to Power's breakout/transition from his own end? There is NO WAY it's an overpayment simply based off that. He was off the charts good as a rookie at that. Defense takes a few years...that's usually the last part of the game to come.
  8. Sounds like things got a little wild in London between the two... Guess they must have been listening to The Humpty Dance and they heard the line "I'm a freak...I like the girls with the boom...I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom", but they couldn't find a Burger King so they had to settle for "a Nando's bathroom" and got caught. Those thin walls in the UK I tell ya...
  9. If you looked at the metrics of the way he started breakouts and odd-man rushes from brilliant plays and stretch passes from his own zone, you wouldn't be. The numbers were elite. Like top of the league for D-man elite. That's his first year...it's only going to get better and better. Power had a LOT more to do with this team being so high scoring than most people realize.
  10. What's with Bills/Sabres employees not being able to keep it in their pants at work?
  11. I've been to Labbatt's several times...the food is good if you want basic stuff/bar food but it's not that great otherwise and expensive for what they offer.
  12. Get Delaware North the hell out of there. It sucks. Go to Pearl Street before the game and walk there.
  13. I meant there are more treatment options...ALS there is nothing you can do. I have a cousin who has Parkinson's, I know it's not great either.
  14. Damn...that is a tough road to travel...better than ALS tho.
  15. so crazy how I have never even heard of most of these people and they are loaded beyond imagination.
  16. Power for sure... If Mitts continues to improve into a 65-75 point player, then he will get one too most likely.
  17. Wow...get 'er done! A little higher than the $10 million being bandied about but whatever....dude is going to win 2-3 Norris Trophies before it's all said and done.
  18. Lots of goals and many times looking other teams look ridiculous on the penalty kill?
  19. Hmm...Benson will be theist? That's an interesting take...do you have any evidence to back up this claim? Do you know what church he goes to or what denomination he is? Is he up for sainthood? Please tell us more...
  20. I feel a little better...I graduated in 93 😂
  21. Our Favorite Fighting Frenchman is out for the game...
  22. Benson is obviously making this team. Don't think he would be practicing with the 1st and 2nd PP units the last two days if the plan wasn't for him to be there opening night, wouldn't make any sense.
  23. Uh, no it isn't...if I were to foolishly go and bet the Jags to beat the Bills it's +200, meaning if I bet $100 I win $200... It seems that spread bets or over/under bets are equal on both sides tho? Is that what you mean?
  24. Mine was an Apple IIe with the monochrome monitor and the giant floppy disk with no hard drive...I thought it was the coolest thing of all time when my parents bought me a little converter box that I hooked up from the computer to the TV that displayed it in color instead of on the monochrome monitor... Then I was so bummed out when I went to my friends house and he had a Commodore 64 with a color monitor and all the cool games the Apple IIe never had.
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