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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. This team should be ashamed of itself after this period...especially the last 5 minutes...WTF is that??
  2. "Long term"? Like over the course of 3 or 4 years? It won't make ANY difference he is out 7 or 8 weeks. Kind of ridiculous when you think about what you are asking.
  3. Damn...have to say every time they show a crowd shot there is a hot ass woman there...Calgary has some good looking chicks...
  4. That's the whole point...HEM is designed to get the swelling down far quicker than the body will do by itself. You use hot and cold water to act like an internal pump and then massage away(in this case up the leg) from the area. Castor oil in fact has many usages and is known to boost circulation and also improves immune function by increasing lymphoctyes. The circulation boost is the more important aspect as ligaments and tendons heal so slowly in comparison to other parts of the body because the circulation there is relatively poor...it doesn't get much bloodflow naturally. The first two steps both act to help increase the circulation to that area and get what needs to come out, out. https://draxe.com/castor-oil/ And I agree, I didn't have a high ankle sprain, but I had a pretty bad ankle sprain, similar to ones I have gotten from playing basketball and football before, which took a minimum of 2-2.5 weeks to heal by itself, and there was no way the swelling would have been gone by day 2 or 3 without doing HEM. The overriding issue is that once something is established as "The Way" to do things, it is virtually impossible to get that to change. I mean there have been hundreds of studies done that show saturated fats are not bad for you and are actually slightly beneficial for you, and that Tri-Glyceride levels are a far better indicator of future cardiovascular issues than cholesterol is(which has been shown to be one of the most overtreated conditions there is based on the evidence), but yet very few doctors will look at this information since these are "established" norms. The worst part about it is saturated fats got a bad rap based on one of the earliest studies done on them which was designed and carried out so poorly it would have been laughed off today. The researcher basically fit what he thought should be the result to the data instead of letting the data speak for itself----it was a complete and utter joke of a study, but it took nearly 40 years for anyone to seriously look at the study and start questioning it. So that is a huge issue with the way things work in the medical industry---they are extremely resistant to change. 40 years before a person sat and actually read the study and realized there was no possible way he could have came to that conclusion based on the data he got, and decided to redo the study---to a far different result---results that have continued to be far different in the hundreds of follow up studies to that one. All I'm saying is I've tried it both ways before and this way worked a hell of a lot faster and better than the RICE method. And anyone who has tried this before will agree. I'll even go so far as to say the next time anyone here gets a sprain, try this method instead of RICE, even if you do it to prove that it won't work so you can come back here and tell us about it and tell me I'm a lying sack of horse dung, because it's going to work regardless. That is the best type of evidence...A person who is determined something won't work that does it to prove it won't work and then ends up proving themselves wrong. And in regards to getting something to heal properly I'd take the advice of a PT 1000 times before I'd take the advice of a doctor...that's what they do all day long every day---work on healing injuries to various parts of the body.
  5. Dunno he is in a brace so I'm figuring that is likely to immobilize it
  6. Rest Ice Compression Elevation... I wish he had the same PT as me but I doubt it, my buddy is out in the Midwest now
  7. I HATE the fact that RICE is still used even though myself and numerous other people who have tried something known as HEM(Hydrotherapy, Exercise and Massage) can attest that you heal much faster and actually help strengthen the ligament to help prevent further injury rather than mmaking it more susceptible to injury. Long story short, I had gout about 5 years ago and was away and didn't have my indomethicin(I get these very rarely), so I tried to deal with it...over the course of the next few days due to how I was walking on my foot I severely sprained my ankle. It blew up to grapefruit size. Went to doctor and he wanted RICE and crutches, no walking on it for a week. Had a buddy who works in PT and he is always on the cutting edge of things. He told me about HEM and recommended I get an ebook on it. He told me he used it with people all the time and it worked exceptionally well. Get home, got the ebook...Had to get some castor oil for the massage(it penetrates deeply). Did it twice that night, ankle went down by half the next morning. Did it two more times that day, woke up the next morning and it was almost back to normal. Started trying to walk on it, but it still hurt and it started swelling again slightly. Kept doing it twice a day and kept trying to walk on it...by 4th day I was walking normally for the most part, and by the 6th day there was no more swelling when I walked on it. Went back to doctor on day 7 and he did a double take when I walked in and asked how the hell I did that because I should still be on crutches. Told him about my PT buddy and the method he used, seemed really interested and asked me to send him the link to the book. I did the treatment one more day and then just the exercises for another week and I was good to go. I shudder at the archaic thinking that RICE is the best method to treat these sprains because I know first hand it isn't. Eichel will be missing at least 2-3 more weeks than he needs to using RICE and it's a shame these trainers are so prone to group think.
  8. This team is hot fvcking garbage tonight from top to bottom. They better get their heads out of their .
  9. And another one bites the dust...Kane down now
  10. Sabres look like they are allergic to scoring goals early in the season again...
  11. These guys seem like they all went out and got drunk last night after Eichel's injury...Montreal is all over them
  12. So we give an over the hill player $5 million a year for 5 years and won't give a stud 21 year old defenseman who doubled his point total from the previous season and is inching closer and closer to elite status slightly more money which will likely be a bargain in 3 years? Something doesn't add up here.
  13. There is no woman that has natural testosterone levels anywhere close to even the average male, so the benefits would be near nothing unless they are taking steroids
  14. No. this is preseason against teams playing half AHL players and many times backup goalies. Once the regular season starts then we will be able to judge if they can do it against full time NHL'ers if they make the roster. Up until that point the jury is still out.
  15. That's the whole point I'm making...that it isn't the transgendered people doing it...its the pedophiles who pretend to be transgendered and are now empowered to use "any bathroom they see fit" in major retail outlets like Target, etc... Who has the greater chance for their rights to be violated in this situation? Little kids don't have millions of dollars and dozens of lobbyists living in Washington DC and talking with Congressmen on their behalf so I guess they just don't matter. It's despicable how politics work.
  16. Hey I agree. I don't participate in it. I think people should be able to do what they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Want to be a crossdresser? Go for it. Change from a man to a woman back to a man or vice versa? Knock yourself out. Be gay, lesbian, bi, etc? Hey do what you do. I'm a non judgemental person in that regard, but at the same time I don't really care about it, and I certainly don't need to keep reading about it over and over again. The other poster is right...its not 1964. And as such, this should be considered no big deal, but it still is. And no offense to anyone but in some cases it's just gone overboard. Transgenders can choose whatever bathrooms they want to use, which gives pedophiles a perfect excuse to walk into a woman's bathroom to sexually assault 5 and 6 year old kids which has already happened. Why do my little girls not have the right to not face sexual assaults in public restrooms from predators posing as transgenders as much as they have the right to use any bathroom? What is the more serious risk here? Politicians in the drive to be politically correct simply don't even consider the real world effects from their decisions too many times. Because the real world effect of one of my daughter's being abused in a public restroom will result in that guy being stomped by me until he will never get the chance to do it again, and then I'd be the one going to jail for it. When it never should have had the opportunity to occur in the first place.
  17. The problem is people thinking someday 100% of the world will all hold hands and sing Kumbaya together. I got news for you...war, fighting, killing, slavery and not liking other groups of people go back to our earliest ancestors when Neandrathals and H0mo-Sapiens used to fight amongst each other because they were different groups of people. I'm not here to tell you its right, I'm simply telling you that's just the way it is and always has been back to our earliest times on earth. Thinking that is going to change is just being exceptionally naive. Unfortunately its ingrained in our collective beings. No amount of "sensitivity training" or "teaching" or anything else is going to change that in many people. If you think we are bad you should go see what happens in places like India or China to people who look different from them. Every person on earth has inherent biases and prejudices based on how they were raised. Some are worse than others. Some go to the extreme. But everyone has them. Including you. People talk about the common human condition? Well, that is war and destruction of other races and peoples. Go back and read thousands of years of history and you'll see that very clearly.
  18. They need to stop BS'ing around with our best D-man who is poised to become an elite defender...just give him his damn money...I don't get it...they had no issue dumping $5 million per year on Moulson but now they want to nickel and dime Ristolainen??
  19. Does anyone really care about this crap anymore? Be whoever you want to be, just stop thinking it makes you someone everyone needs to know about
  20. More likely an unwillingness to change the way he played the game...Paul Hamilton repeatedly said that Hodgson had his idea of the way the game should be played and anything that didn't fit that way, he didn't listen to... Too bad for him he was never the coach.
  21. This game is over, get ready for 22 minutes of dumping the puck down the ice by the Sabres and clogging the neutral zone.
  22. Unfortunately it usually doesn't change much during the season either
  23. Another snoozefest 1-0....God someone needs to get a hold of these NHL rule makers, kidnap them at gunpoint and force them to make some offensive rule changes to increase scoring
  24. Lol, 8-1? Whoever they had playing in this game needs to be sent down immediately.
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