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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. Guess they found out he was running a massage parlor out of there...hahaha...too many Happy Endings More like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/sabres/comments/3bw41d/jack_eichel_hula_hooping/
  2. That's a big stretch to say that after 2 years and a coach that was clueless and the players pretty much tuned out because they disliked him so much...
  3. The majority of long term "diseases" are rooted in diet/gut bacteria. From a common sense standpoint, if you unknowingly constantly eat things that cause your body to go haywire, it never can recover and just keeps getting slowly worse over time...
  4. Lmao! Did he walk through with a cup of coffee in his hand?
  5. Huh?? How could a GM not have any answers to what to do?? Unless the answers they wanted were ones he wasn't comfortable with giving.
  6. Two straight shutouts in the series and what I thought would be the most exciting series of the playoffs has turned into the most boring one...with a shoutout to the Rangers-Canadiens series notwithstanding
  7. Looks like they definitely got the better of the trade...Hodgson is out of the NHL. Kassian scored the game winning goal in game 2 against the Sharks and just put the Oilers up 1-0 in a tight, scoreless game in the 3rd period... looks like he is turning into one of those guys that doesn't do much during the regular season but becomes clutch in the playoffs... Sabres definitely lost that one...
  8. It's hard for me to put these in any order so I'll just list them: Elder Scroll Series(PC modded versions) Mass Effect Series Witcher Series Dragon Age series Pillars of Eternity Betrayal at Krondor(one of the original beautifully designed graphics role-playing game) Ultima Series(back in the day was amazingly complex for its time) Football Manager Out of the Park Baseball series Hit man Revolution
  9. Bullcrap. People are people. You want to see the difference between why some companies succeed and why other fail? Look no further than people skills
  10. GMTM basically trashed Bylsma without trashing him..."I think he should spend a little less time worrying about the other team and maybe a little more time with a coffee in his hand walking through the locker room getting to know the players more". That is about as damning a thing to say as you possibly could about a coach. No matter what you want to believe, coaching and management, in general, is about PEOPLE. If you cannot build some type of relationships with the people you manage, the chances of you being able to succeed with them are very slim. It's obvious the players didn't have much of a relationship with him, and when you don't have much of a relationship with them, it's a lot easier to simply put in the "minimum" amount of effort. To tune him out. To not go to the wall for him. To just shrug your shoulders and say "Well, today just isn't our day" than to stand and fight when things go bad. People want to think this type of thing doesn't matter but it does...a LOT more than most people realize. This is why great managers and leaders can take over a company and get phenomenal results with 95% of the SAME people the previous manager had who got crappy results. It's about knowing your people, holding them accountable, putting them in a position to succeed, believing in them when maybe they don't believe in themselves and letting them know you care about them not only as players but also as human beings...you showcase strengths and hide weaknesses, as you work on improving their weaknesses. The same exact thing happened in Pittsburgh with Bylsma as it is here and if he cannot build some type of relationships with his players it's pretty obvious why. You cannot be an effective leader when your employees think you don't care about them and they don't know or understand what you want from them. If this is true, there are a lot of frustrated players in that dressing room.
  11. GMTM basically trashed Bylsma without trashing him..."I think you should spend a little less time worrying about the other team and maybe a little more time with a coffee in your hand walking through the locker room getting to know your players more". That is about as damning a thing to say as you possibly could about a coach. No matter what you want to believe, coaching and management, in general, is about PEOPLE. If you cannot build some type of relationships with the people you manage, the chances of you being able to succeed with them are very slim. It's obvious the players didn't have much of a relationship with him, and when you don't have much of a relationship with them, it's a lot easier to simply put in the "minimum" amount of effort. To tune him out. To not go to the wall for him. People want to think this type of thing doesn't matter but it does...a LOT more than most people realize. This is why great managers and leaders can take over a company and get phenomenal results with 95% of the SAME people the previous manager had who got crappy results. It's about knowing your people, holding them accountable, putting them in a position to succeed, believing in them when maybe they don't believe in themselves and letting them know you care about them not only as players but also as human beings...you showcase strengths and hide weaknesses, as you work on improving their weaknesses. The same exact thing happened in Pittsburgh with Bylsma as it is here and if he cannot build some type of relationships with his players it's pretty obvious why. You cannot be an effective leader when your employees think you don't care about them and they don't know or understand what you want from them. If this is true, there are a lot of frustrated players in that dressing room.
  12. By far my most popular thread I've ever started on any message board...this just seems to have a life of its own, lol I dunno..Lombardi kept allowing the Kings to get older by bringing in veterans even when it was clear to everyone else that team needed to get younger... He basically allowed them to "fade to black" by not bringing in younger talent...the older vets just kept aging until they could no longer maintain...
  13. I'm wondeesing if he might even be calling out Reinhart...I was mostly unimpressed by his progress this year...5 on 5 he did next to nothing Right...so they can put their employees on board. What the hell other industry would sacrifice customers for their employees after the customer has paid that wants to stay in business? They might be "right" but "right" doesn't always mean correct. Just because you can legally do something didn't mean you aren't committing "business suicide" by doing it.
  14. I think the roster needs some work but I don't think it "sucks" by any stretch of the imagination. Honestly I don't think it's much worse if at all worse than Toronto, Boston or Ottawa. It's the coach pulling the strings who isn't getting the most of the players on it or the players don't want to play for him. Either way, regardless of whose fault it is, he is a dead man walking, no matter how long he is here. This team is simply uninspired by him, and that is a death knell for any coach
  15. There is a lot wrong. Young teams on the rise should not take a step backwards in development and results in the second year...there should be improvement
  16. I want to know all this supposed "Veteran Leadership" from Gionta, Gorges and O'Reilly how this team continues to put forth efforts like last night?? It's happened far, far too often this year. Whether it's a period, two periods or the whole game, almost every game has featured a long stretch of play from this team where the appear completely disinterested in playing hockey and seems to be going through the motions or mailing it in. Something doesn't add up to me. If we had such good leadership this would have happened once or twice in the beginning of the season and they would have been all over the guys Chris Drury style. Now THAT was a leader. It's unacceptable and it starts at the top...this dude HAS to go. They've said it all season long. At some point you've got to stop talking about it and start doing. Put up or shut up. No this team worked hard in spurts. One period they play well, the next period they suck. Then they turn it on for 5 minutes and score 3 goals. It's been going on all year. And it's not good enough, not by a long shot. No reason this team couldn't be challenging for the last playoff spot...do we really think Boston has that good of a team? That Ottawa has that good of a team?? We smoked Ottawa this year...the only divisional team we seemed to play well against.
  17. How does his team with all its supposed "Veteran Leadership" mail it in so often?? Gionta, Gorges, O'Reilly are all supposed to be top notch leaders, but yet this keeps happening?? That's not acceptable...something doesn't add up to me. There is no way possible this can be true and the effort we saw last night continues to happen in half their games for at least a period or two...
  18. If anyone thought this team didn't mail in the rest of the season after the last game, be assured now that they have...just a disgusting performance...if there were more Sabres fans there, maybe they'd hear the boos instead of cheers...
  19. Nice to see the guys are so ready to play tonight... Getting outshot 19-3? Are you kidding me? Are they literally trying to have Bylsma get fired at the end of this game?
  20. There has really been no improvement this year...it's been stagnant. When you have a young, talented team and you are stagnant already after only a year, there is a serious, serious problem somewhere.
  21. Why don't more right handed players shoot "left handed"? The first time I picked up a hockey stick, that's what felt natural to me, and so I have always shot "lefty". People used to ask if I was left handed because of it all the time. I told them no I'm right handed and they'd ask me why I was shooting the wrong way. I tried doing it the other way but it just feels weird. Ended up being known for a wicked wrist shot that was both hard and accurate back in the day. Was it because I was shooting lefty? I dunno, but I've always wondered why more right handed players don't do it.... Also...how do more players not end up with serious injuries from blocking pucks?? Frozen rubber is pretty damn hard and I'm sure it hurts like hell if it hits you in an unprotected area...
  22. Uh no it hasn't. Stop making things up to fit your narrative.
  23. And Bellichick...don't forget he basically created the blueprint for how to stop those teams, or at least slow them down.
  24. Had no idea when I started this thread a few months ago, it would grow to become one of the larger threads and larger than some threads that have been going for 3 or 4 years now... Guess Bylsma really is a polarizing figure here, lol.
  25. He makes it look effortless...guys look like they are stuck in the mud skating skating next to him and are quickly behind him.
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