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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. No they aren't...they simply have 0 confidence right now and these players dont compliment each other very well.
  2. And here we go...going to be a flurry of moves coming up this week I bet
  3. Yeah I felt bad for Redden...he was still an NHL quality player, just not at that cap number. He got screwed...got all that money but had to play in the minor leagues...
  4. Hey...we gotta start somewhere...Rodriguez has been productive when he has played...not at that level but definitely a good 3rd line player.
  5. There was an article that said EVERYONE except Eichel is available via trade.
  6. Word is that EVERYONE other than Eichel is available on a trade.
  7. This is a definite glimmer of hope in a black sea of despair...Rochester is actually playing well for the first time in a long time...that's how the Sabres coming out of the lockout became good...a bunch of players who were doing well at Rochester all came up together and kept right on doing well with the Sabres...
  8. Never...
  9. might be the worst power play I've ever seen
  10. This team is so bad they are comical...
  11. They only allowed one goal...its a really low bar these days
  12. Hey there is something familiar...Sabres down 1-0
  13. Me glued to the TV seeing if the Sabres can score a goal...
  14. Apparently this one...first time Sabres have ever gone 3 games without scoring...embarrassing
  15. For the amount of talent they have on the team I'd say this one. They have NO VALID EXCUSE for being anywhere close to as bad as they are. They've traded hard working guys with no talent for guys with talent who dont care about using it or not. And they have gotten progressively worse as they have done it...
  16. Since we've gone 3+ games since scoring I guess its time to figure out how close to a record of futility we are... Whats the franchise record for time played with no goals scored? How pathetic is this...the tank teams were better than we are now... Meanwhile in Vegas an expansion team of have beens and never weres are leading their division having not been in existence 6 months ago and never having even played with each other...this team is pathetic on every level possible.
  17. Meanwhile an expansion team that didnt exist 6 months ago made up of mostly have beens and never weres who never played together in their lives is leading their division. This team has ZERO excuses for being this bad. None whatsoever. I dont want to hear it.
  18. Sorry when an expansion team that didnt even exist 6 months ago made of mostly have beens and never weres who have never even played together in their lives are leading their division there is no valid excuse for them to be as bad as they are. None.
  19. Its significant problems with something other than their physical ability...thats where ive got the issue. This team is as mentally tough as a cream filled donut.
  20. Bylsma was the problem too..and the coach be For him and the coach before him... At some pointit has nothing to do with system or scheme its the players.
  21. What about modern NHL..post 1970? Sabres franchise record?
  22. All I can say is... We tanked for this?? Those teams played better than this...at least they tried.
  23. Is it time to be looking into longest goal droughts in team history?
  24. Hamilton has been saying this stuff from season one and the team has progressively gotten worse from season one even as they got rid of "work hard" guys who wwrent afraid to win pick battles and take whatever hit it took to do it For "good players". Now these guys act like they are afraid they will break a nail along the boards... And now we find ourselves right back where we were before the tank with 10 times better players. Hamilton is in the locker room...he travels with the team...he sees and hears so much more than just the on ice crapfest we have now...
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