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Everything posted by cgang

  1. You could call one of the awards the "Lululemon" award and then have the yoga store announce the award recipient on its "Wide Right No Goal" mosaic at the Galleria.
  2. I love this thread. I just have to keep reminding myself: a win is loss and a loss is a win. Are we going to have a Hart award equivalent for the Carrion League?
  3. I would love to know what Patty got for his 3 months of service, and his X years of silence. That's gotta be one hell of a payday for him.
  4. Agreed. We need to twitter the hell out of him to get him to come back. I guess I'll root for the Blues in the playoffs this year. Tank is on! We are going to be horrible down the stretch. Someone needs to periodically check on Nolan over the next few months because he is going to be one un-happy camper.
  5. Great game- Kessel was amazing. Miller was great too. Don't need a shutout to have a great game and there is not much else you can ask of him. He bailed the boys out when they were sleep walking through large parts of this game. Best play was when Wheeler basically put on a clinic, fired to McDonagh, who then finished for the 4th USA goal. Fun to watch. Looking forward to our bye.
  6. Oshie looked like a young college professor out there specializing in shootouts. He might have been tired, but he sure looked like he was enjoying himself. Kovalchuk looked awesome in those shootouts too. I'd give player of the game to Datsyuk. Kane's pass setting up our second goal was a beauty (too bad he botched the break away). Gutsy performance by US-- blocking shots, etc. I hope they aren't too banged up. Overall, I really enjoyed this one. Good game for both sides.
  7. I like Nolan on an interim basis only and then give the GM room to hire someone else if desired. If anything, Nolan will counterbalance the posh lockerroom and fireplace/entertainment studio dinning area at FNC. Will be nice to see Nolan lighting a fire under these guys a$$es. Rolston never should have been an NHL coach, or at least not right now. Terrible decision. Likewise, Darcy should have never been granted this 9 month or so free pass after they canned Lindy. They should have gone down together. Be that as it may, I'm glad Nolan and Patty are here now and that Pegula made the change. I have zero expectations, other than that Nolan will help instill better energy and work ethic in our young guys in a way that some of our softer Vets have not.
  8. I have a related question. Whenever I skate (or ski for that matter), my feet always cramp up. It's been like that since I was in high school (eons ago), and it happens even if I wear ultra thin socks. I've never had the money to buy custom made boots or skates, but actually I am willing to do that now because my growing days are long over and because thankfully I have some money to spend. Any suggestions here? Other than buying custom, are there other things to do to make skating (or skiing) more enjoyable without cramping up the feet?
  9. I agree with Darcy's premise. It would have been nice if Darcy could have admitted to us 2 years ago, though, that he was just building a team to get to the playoffs, not to go deep and win the cup. To me, this is all a marketing ploy (poor at that). But, hey, they needed to say something yesterday at the presser. A good deflection and a question that was never raised yesterday in all the humdrum of s__t the media was asking was -- just what were you doing over the past couple of years Darcy? If the goal was not to go deep and win the Cup, what was it? I disagree that Darcy has a plan. His plan is to wait to see how the market bears out. And then let that govern his strategy. His plan is no plan. Hell, he doesn't even know who the coach will be. I believe that we will be suffering a lot over the next couple of years, and then more so when TP realizes his mistake and hires someone for yet another rebuild.
  10. I agree with everyone saying the fans, especially those shelling out the dough for season tickets. Second on my list would be Rip, Not TP, not Ruff, Darcy, not Ott (although he would come a distant third in my book), or anyone else playing the game. These guys suck and, as said above, they make more than enough money to suck and any one individual is only as strong as the team. Pommers and Vanek and Miller and the whole lot of them.
  11. When Pegula was hired, I thought it was "Love Lindy" first, "give Darcy a little bit of time" second. Now it is the other way around. I wouldn't trust Darcy with big changes starting now, so what's the point in keeping him? To do the legwork on the next draft?? I just don't get it-- if you get rid of Ruff, you must get rid of Darcy and this whole extension thing is really, really perplexing. This team sucks and the biggest thing is no heart. No heart, no talent, no accountability, or a little of all three. Players that get paid way too much to be this fragile. And no evident plan by management/ownership to fix it. We're a country club now and maybe that's part of the problem. What a mess.
  12. I think the virus is airborne but it doesn't turn you into a zombie until you die (unless you get bitten, that is another way). Imagine the episode next week- if members of the group begin dying at the Farm's "last stand" ringing out Season 2, they could immediately come back as zombies during the fight. I think it is going to be mass chaos. If it is inevitable that the people who are still alive really, should we consider them to be the real ones who are "The "Walking Dead?" :unsure: I thought the title referred to the zombie "walkers" but maybe not. Daryl is now my favorite remaining character-- I hope he lasts. I understand why Shane had to die but damn they lost a strong actor in the show.
  13. I sort of agree with you. But the jury is still out on Randall.............. so Shane's view might turn out to be correct. We'll just have to wait and see LOL (that's why I love this series- so much better than the one in the fall)!
  14. +1. Seemed slow at times but maybe I was just expecting the same kind of drama as the opening last year. Interesting... I saw shades of Stephen King's "Cell" in there. Either King got inspiration from the Walking Dead print series for his book "Cell" (about the Phone Crazies flocking behavior) or the Walking Dead writers got inspiration from King in giving the Zombis some "flocking" characteristics displayed in the highway scene last night. Not sure if this will be a kind of re-occuring or growing theme in the series (I did not read the Walking Dead books b/c I want to be surprised about how everything turns out).
  15. Vanek rips one just under the crossbar. What a shot!!!!! :blink:
  16. I hope overtime is better than the last montreal/sabs game. Damn, end to end. I need another beer...
  17. I thought Carolina would take game 1 but the Sabres won. So why break with tradition? (I am as superstitious as they come). Canes win 4-2 against a tired Buffalo defense and team that will take risks to steal the second game of the series before it swings to Buffalo.
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