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Everything posted by SabresBaltimore

  1. Some additional details: In talks with the existing stakeholders for Toronto/Montreal. No restricted free agency this year, which should make it easier for players to move around. 24 games next season. https://www.theicegarden.com/2019/4/2/18292409/nwhl-add-two-canadian-teams-receives-significant-investment-from-nhl-montreal-toronto-bettman-rylan I feel like a large part of the Sabres problem is too much interfere from non hockey people at PSE. But I agree, we don't really know.
  2. Interesting about the NHL investing. A bit surprising given past statements from Bettman. I'll be curious to see the details. Will they be selling the teams? Will Toronto and Montreal stay in tact, or brand new teams? How do they handle the draft? NWHL had theirs already. I think it's good for both leagues and for Woman's hockey whatever else ends up happening.
  3. Maybe PSE is more hands off with the Beauts?
  4. Yeah. I don't think they afford to absorb too many teams, so you take Toronto, Montreal and which other team? Brampton seems the easiest in terms of travel, especially now that it would have to go international. Maybe do 2 divisions like: Minnesota Toronto Brampton Buffalo Montreal Boston Connecticut New York I'd hate to not be in with Boston and Montreal, but given where the teams are, I'm not sure how else you'd split it up.. And I agree about the 3 game playoff and more regular season games. I'm just sure if they can afford to expand both in size and games at the same time without some serious surge of investment from say the NHL and/or partnering with NHL teams/ownership.
  5. It sounds like that's what Bettman wants. I'd like to see the NWHL absorb the CWHL teams that it can, but ideally try to get ownership groups for each at the same time instead of being league owned. A lot of these partnerships seems to involve financial help, but it's probably be better if the associated NHL team was maybe the same ownership group, or maybe something closer to what the league does with the AHL? I guess whatever works best for the players, leagues, sponsors and any ownership they have beyond PSE. I'm not sure what the right answer will be, but hopefully they can figure something out before the fall.
  6. That seems likely as there were apparently already rumors about adding them prior to last season. I've also seen they were looking at both Pittsburgh and DC. I'm not sure DC could support a team. Ovechkin and the Capitals finally wining the cup have certainly seen a rise in popularity of Hockey around here since I moved here back in 2004, but I still don't think there would be enough support. Depending on where they play and the schedule, I'd consider getting season tickets. At a minimum I'd try to go to all the Beauts games. The NWHL played its all-star game in Nashville this year, and they partnered with the Predators, including having Shannon Szabados on during a Pred's intermission to help promote the weekend.
  7. Not exactly related, but I was talking about attendance numbers, apparently the NWHL announced theirs: Minnesota: 1,200 Buffalo: 1,101 Riveters: 721 Boston: 706 Connecticut: 423 (source :https://www.theicegarden.com/2019/3/28/18285556/nwhl-releases-details-2018-19-season-attendance-merchandise-sales-viewership-growth-dani-rylan) Connecticut was HORRIBLE this year. The Riveters (despite having some high profile players like Amanda Kessel and being the defending champions) weren't much better, at least record-wise. Connecticut may have had better attendance early in the season by the game I saw the Beauts play there at the end of the season the arena looked like a ghost town. Apparently between tickets and merchandise the Whitecaps turned a profit this year. I'd be curious to see what the CWHL's attendance numbers looked like by comparison. I'd think Toronto and Montreal would both have good attendance at least, but the CWHL haven't been very transparent I guess. On the topic of combining the leagues I didn't realize CWHL was nonprofit, while NWHL is not. Also travel between countries, even if they keep to a weekend only schedule for now may be too much for some of players since all of them need full time jobs to earn a living while trying to play hockey at professional level.
  8. Some interesting articles I found on this: https://www.theicegarden.com/2018/11/28/18116023/cwhl-loses-major-investor-as-roustan-capital-withdraws-financial-support https://www.theicegarden.com/2019/3/31/18289380/q-a-with-cwhlpa-co-head-liz-knox-cwhl-ceasing-operations https://www.theicegarden.com/2019/3/31/18289259/what-we-know-and-what-we-dont-about-the-cwhl-ceasing-operations-womens-hockey
  9. Hmm. I had only ever heard about the Devils and Sabres. It does look like the Whitecaps are partnered with the Wild last summer just ahead of joining the NWHL and apparently the Pride partnered with the Bruins back in January. The two Boston teams has always been one of the biggest issues between the two leagues. I guess the Pride won out over the Blades even before the CWHL called it quits. Looking at it closer the Blades moved to Worchester last season, probably because from what I can tell most of the fan support in Boston swapped to the Pride already anyways. I'm not sure who the Connecticut team would partner with since the Whalers are long gone and there aren't any other teams up that way now. I'm biased, but I feel like the NWHL has been doing a lot of the right things to grow the sport, although their success will definitely be built on the CWHL no matter what happens from here.
  10. Yeah. Bettman is on record saying he won't put the NHL's support behind either of the leagues until they figured it out, so I guess this is one way of doing that. There have already been signs of cross promotion with the NHL beyond what the Pegula's have been doing here in Buffalo, in particular with some NWHL players being at the NHL all-star game this year. The Metropolitan Riveters have partnered with the NJ Devils, although I'm not sure what the exact details of that are, since I believe the Riveters are still owned by the NWHL.
  11. The leagues needed to be combined, but not like this.. The NWHL was the first to pay it's players and I think it kind of forced the CWHL to follow suit. I'm not sure if that's what led to it's downfall or what. I watched most of the Beauts games this year, and while Harbor Center was pretty full for most games, some of the away games were not. I have no idea what attendance for the CWHL looks like. I'd happily attend some games if there were any down my way, and I'm still hoping to make a Beauts game next season when I come in for a Sabres game or the holidays depending on what the schedule looks like. I had been worried about Clarkson's top player (Loren Gabel) going to a Canadian team instead of the Beauts next year, so on the plus side maybe she'll want to come here now. Apart from 2 teams in Boston, there is little overlap in markets. Maybe too much in and around Toronto, but it can handle it if anywhere can. Although I don't see the NWHL taking on that Chinese team. Calgary seems a bit out there compared to most of the teams, but it's not too far for Minnesota perhaps. They could at least go from 5 teams to maybe 8, although I don't know how you'd split them. I'd take on Toronto, Montreal and either Calgary or Markham maybe and skuttle the rest. I don't know if they could do 10, which would involve keeping 5/6 of the CWHL. You'd have to move a franchise somewhere.
  12. Booo..
  13. And...overtime...
  14. I feel like the play-by-play alternates between fine and tongue tied. When she makes a mistake, she doesn't recover well and compounds it a few times. They didn't have sound for the first few minutes of the game too. I'm bummed Szabados was hurt and won't be playing. Thankfully we have a really great backup in Nicole Hensley. Buffalo scored first, but gave up a bad goal. And they have been in the box too much. The Whitecaps were the better team in the 2nd. Thankfully the Whitecaps have finally been taking some penalties. Our first full power play wasn't great. Hopefully this new one gets us the lead...
  15. 4-0! The Beauts are heading to the 4th consecutive Isobel Cup Final. If the Rivetors can pull off the upset tomorrow at Minnesota, the final would be at Harbor Center. Otherwise we'll be on the road. I started following the Beauts more closely this season with the addition of the former captain of my Alma Mater, and it's been a lot of fun to watch. It helps all the games have been free to stream, but I'd probably pay for a streaming package if it was reasonably priced. Maybe next year I can make a game up in Buffalo, especially since they drafted another Clarkson player this year.
  16. Live on twitter now. Go Beauts! https://twitter.com/NWHL/status/1104539450699337729
  17. I'm good with trading Beaulieu. He wants to be playing and we're not playing him. What do we think we could get for him though? A prospect? More picks? Probably nothing that would help us this season, right?
  18. I could buy that. Especially if the the Leafs wanted him too and JBots didn't want to lose him to them.
  19. I hated that Rob Ray was talking up our great effort in our shootout loss to Tampa on Thursday, but we came out looking really good against the Caps. Tampa is the best team in the league, but at this point we need wins, not just garbage points. Tonight's game will be that much more important. Plus I hate the Leafs and would love to beat them in their own barn. Hopefully Montour makes it in..
  20. I do, because I'd guess (without looking, so I could easily be wrong) that Boston or Islanders scoring is lot more balanced than ours. If Skinner had gone down with a season ending injury on Saturday we'd be screwed. Reinhardt is finally showing he can produce without Eichel again, but apart from him, who else is going to score if Skinner is gone? Mitts is too young/inexperienced and should have spent the year in Rochester. Svobtka is a waste of a roster spot. Berglund was supposed to fill that role for now, but we saw how that worked out. I don't want to spark the holy war that's become O'Reilly but I wonder how this team would have played if he was our #2 this year. Also, I'm not saying I think we should trade Risto, but we don't have anything else that would get us a good enough offensive player, ideally a #2 center. Personally I'd rather keep him, but JBots is going to need to make some kind of move this offseason if not later today. I don't know. I don't pretend to be a GM, so I have no idea how JBots is going to improve both our Offense and Defense for next season unless he pulls off another Skinner-type robbery. Although to me the Skinner deal only really comes off looking great if we resign him. Otherwise we just helped Skinner earn a big payday somewhere else on our way to another mediocre season. It made it a lot more fun to watch than it would have been without him, but 1 season isn't enough.
  21. I also think people overvalue late first round picks. To me all that should mean is someone who plays a high number of NHL games. It doesn't mean someone who instantly plays in the NHL or who is slated to play in the top 6 on offense or top 4 of defense. Teams needs depth and role players. Of course everyone wants that next 1st round draft pick to be a star player, but that's just not realistic IMHO.
  22. Yeah, our defense needs help too, but not as much as our offense IMHO. I think this is a good move for us longer term, but I don't see it doing much this season. We're not anywhere close to a cup contender, so it's going to take more moves and some time for younger guys to mature. I still think the timing of trading for him now feels like the first step towards another trade to me. Maybe I'm wrong though.
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