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  1. I made a starter pack as well that I'll try to keep updating as I find more folks. It's just people who cover the team or the NHL. The insiders don't seem to be there, but there are bots that mirror their content I added to the list. https://go.bsky.app/Qy33Jop
  2. For the lazy: https://bsky.app/profile/joeyerdon.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/llysowski.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/matthewfairburn.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/cmdedominicis.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/sabremetrix.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/puckpedia.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/travisyost.bsky.social https://bsky.app/profile/notpierrevlebrun.bsky.social
  3. guess I need to go looking for more accounts after work. There has been a big spike on the Bills side of things in the last few days. Until recently I mostly just saw posts from Yerdon there
  4. the main one I follow is Joe Yerdon: https://bsky.app/profile/joeyerdon.bsky.social Fairburn is there too, but he only recently started posting. I don't have a direct link for him. (it might just be: matthewfairburn.bsky.social) None of the national guys (like Freedman) are there yet that I've seen.
  5. If people want something official:
  6. Going to be interested in seeing how the 2nd line looks tonight. Based on yesterday's practice NAK is replacing Kulich in the lineup tonight on the 2nd line: Seems like an odd choice. Likely Ruff wants to keep the other 3 lines in tact because they've been playing well. I looked though and NAKs career high is 11 goals several seasons ago. Likely just a stop-gap until Benson returns, but I'll be curious to see if he tries Krebs or Zucker there again at some point during the game. He started Zucker there last game, but didn't keep him there too long before swapping Kulich back. With how bad the PP has been, I don't love losing Kulich from our 2nd PP unit, but I think he wasn't very good in that last game. Cozens looked better and Quinn finally got a goal (and kind of assisted on Byram's goal by pushing the Detroit defender into the puck, which was redirected into the net). I'm hoping that finally lights a spark for Quinn. Prior to that game, I was ready to bench him to fit NAK in
  7. Levi's only win was against the Panthers a few weeks back. I was kind of expecting Ruff to play him again here, although we have back to back games on Fri/Sat (traveling to Detroit for the second game) so maybe not.
  8. Joe and Lance have both hinted that Joe may continue on, but no real details on that yet. I liked maintenance day, but I don't like Lance enough to listen to Harrington. Sad to hear this news.
  9. This is amazing: https://www.nhl.com/sabres/multimedia/galleries/photos-sabres-at-red-bull-munich#gallery_a3711e0d-0088-40d5-bb69-c3c4159bcb11-1
  10. If you live in the broadcast area, it's streaming on sabres.com If you don't, I don't believe so. The last game was on NHL Network, but I don't think this one will be
  11. That's good to know. Unfortunately since I'm out of state, I'm not sure I can watch it. The fine print says the stream on Sabres.com is for in market only. I'll have to check NHLN when I get home. They had the Pens game.
  12. I don't think they are. I want to say their lineup was posted yesterday, but since I'm in the office I can't go looking for it. I also don't know their roster that well, so maybe it was more NHLers than I realized
  13. Zucker, McLeod Greenway in. Tuch, Rousek, Kulich out. Are they going to put Krebs on the top line? I'd assume the 3rd and 4th lines will be in tact. Maybe Krebs on the 2nd and Benson on the top line? I won't be able to see any of this one, especially with the Bills game basically at the same time. I'll be curious to see what the line combos end up being and how well Krebs does wherever they put him
  14. Because it doesn't appear to have a unique url I can bookmark. The best I can do is bookmark the team page, but the year by year view doesn't have a sub url. It's a terrible design. Hopefully that's something they change. But if you compare the 2 links in my posts you can see that sportstrac has a sub page for the "yearly" view I use. Cap friendly did as well It looks like puckpedia is using a single page application (I'm a software developer by trade, so this is a bit of tech jargon), so likely if they want to have different tabs/subpages to be available as a bookmarks they'll have to add new logic to their application to allow for that kind of thing. It's typically not that hard depending on what framework they are using and how they manage the routing, but it requires each item get some custom handling. Of course without seeing their code I'm just guessing.
  15. I'm not sure how true this is, but someone in a Bills group I'm in said they don't use sportstrac because while it has a nicer interface, it's often wrong for NFL stuff and a lot of its data is actually just copied from Over the cap. I'm not sure how they get their NHL data, but if they were copying from CapFriendly that could be impacted. Maybe it's just their NFL data. There has to be a decent number of people (agents mostly?) who shared contract details with Cap Friendly. Does puckpedia have those connections? Or sportstrac? I guess we'll see. Personally I rarely used cap friendly, but I liked year by year view of the roster to see what the impact of each offseason might be. If sportstrac has accurate data moving forward, they have a nice version of that (https://www.spotrac.com/nhl/buffalo-sabres/yearly). The puckpedia one (https://puckpedia.com/team/buffalo-sabres the click on "Full Roster Breakdown") is not as nice and every time I go to look for it, it takes me a bit of clicking around to find because I don't find it obvious.
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