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Everything posted by Trettioåtta

  1. Thanks for all the tips guys! I am aiming to be in Boston over 4th because it makes sense to be where it all kicked off (i'm also very tempted to buy a red coat to show who i support :P)! I'm also trying to drive as many scenic roads as possible (the list of national byway things). However this makes North Carolina a bitch as atm i am driving from Vriginia to Richmond to virginia beach/Outer Banks to Richmond to the start of the skyline drive (or whatever it is called) The only thing i know about Baltimore is what the wire taught me, which is why i originally avoided it :D - i'll add it back in. Im gonna try and hit the NJ/DE bars section as well. Keep the tips coming guys :)
  2. Because of the heat? Although this probably needs to be cut down because of timing - this is what I have made so far: Boston/Massachusetts Cape Cod Harvard Freedom Trail Duck Tour Fenway park - baseball game? Museum of African American Museum of Science New England Aquarium Rhode Island Newport New York Broadway show Ground Zero Ellis Island Statue of Liberty Central Park Un Building Empite State Building Sleepy Hollow American Museum of Natural History Philadelphia/Pennsylvania Liberty Bell Independence Hall Franklin Court American Philosophical Society Museum Declaration House Gettysburg Eastern Pennsylvania State Pen Cherry Springs State Park Washington DC The White House Capitol Building US Supreme Court Arlington National Cemetery Monuments/Memorials (African American Civil War Memorial/Museum, DC War Memorial, Eisenhower Memorial, FDR Memorial, Washington Monument, George Mason Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Lyndon Johnson Memorial Grove, MLK National Memorial, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, pentagon Memorial, Teddy Roosevelt Island, US Air Force Memorial, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, US Navy Memorial Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Women in Vietnam Memorial, WWII Memorial) Smithsonian Institute Georgetown Great Falls Park Old Town Alexandria Virginia Jamestown Monticello Virginia Beach Richmond North Carolina The Outer Banks - Wright Brothers Beaufort Asheville - Biltmore Estate Roanoke Colony Great Smoky Mountains National Park South Carolina Charleston - Boone Plantation Hall Beaufort Georgia Savannah Tybee Island Florida St Augustine Daytona Beach Jacksonville Kennedy Space Centre
  3. Sport and history are good topics. Kinda cultural stuff. We are going for a month. At the moment a bare plan is forming of going Boston to NYC to Philly to Washington to Virigina to North Carolina (out banks area?) to Savannah (my order might be wrong here, my geography breaks down around the south) maybe charleston eventually to Orlando then probably onto the I98 for a speedy return to the airport. Is anything in Buffalo? Obviously Niagara is near but as the Sabres won't be playing and it isn't football season either (right? - July) is it worth a visit? I have been the before, but that was basically just for a Sabres game
  4. A few friends and I are planning a road trip down the US east coast next summer. So if you guys have any tips/places to visit (especially smaller/more obscure and unique ones) please let me know :)
  5. If there is room i'd like to join - potentially prefer Blue, but happy to balance numbers
  6. Sorry, I was in hospital this weekend so wasn't very aware of what i was writing :P I am saying the idea that a top goalie may not/wouldn't/thought he wouldn't/thought he may not get a top contract is idiotic (it wasn't aimed at you, others had also expressed the view). There is a market for goalies out there, only nobody really wants to trade for one at the moment. Every year there is a goalie who is red hot and comes from no where - i think teams are trying to hope that this will be them this year and so avoid trading for one. There are lots of young promising ones as well, but Miller will get a contract on July 1st and Luongo would have comfortably got a deal if he voided his contract. Gillis just handled the situation appallingly and I think Luongo handled the situation with class. He never whined or complained to the media (please not the difference between that and answering a question honestly when asked). He has won an olympic gold medal, two president's trophies and taken his team to the stanley cup final but he gets very little 'love' from the fans
  7. A few seasons ago Jesse had the ricin in a cigarette in his pack (it was hidden there). Walt got Saul to (via Huell) lift it out of the pack. When the kid was poisoned with what appeared to be ricin, Jesse went off on one and thought Walt had stolen it and poisoned the kid. Walt told him that Gus had poisoned the kid and that he hadn't done it. He then 'found' it (although what he 'found' was actually a fake one had just made from salt) in Jesse's vacuum cleaner robot In last night's episode Jesse went to spoke weed because he was stressed on the side of the road and realised Huell had bumped into him and lifted it. He then took out his pack of cigarettes to take a smoke and penny dropped and he realised that the last time Huell touched him he had lost the ricin cigarette
  8. I don't think Luongo is a baby at all. The way Gillis handled the team is appalling. He basically told Luongo he was going for a year and a half and then traded the other guy. If this was Darcy you guys would not be calling the player out but calling for Darcy's head (more so). And to those who think that he would not find another job are idiotic. Why would he not get another job? He is still a really decent player. I'm slightly concerned about this boards understanding of goaltenders
  9. It reminds me of the quote by some professor: "It is a well known fact that the average intelligence of freshman undergraduates has been decreasing for the last 200 years"
  10. I agree - that whole play was fantastic. May Day would probably be second for me though - even though i've only ever watched it as the clip on youtube
  11. I think the NHL's expansion plans have gotten a little out of hand! :P
  12. Also, what more is there for the guy in the Q? He tore it up this year. There is no challenge for him there. Guarantee him a roster spot, let him then fight to get ice time
  13. The last game of the season (i think - near the end anyway), he was a beast - best guy on the ice. Proving you can play against professionals is meaningless, there are professional players in the UK, doesn't mean they would hold a candle to the AHL, likewise the AHL doesn't hold a candle to the Finnish league, and SM-liiga o the NHL The rookie camp is concerning, but i'll reserve judgement till i see this season
  14. Grigo was a non-factor playing for 4 minutes a game on a line with Scott (but i do appreciate he didn't domiante to earn more ice time. Girgenson has never played in the NHL and had a pretty mediocre AHL season (especially the first 48 games) by all accounts - yet people think he will be a stud? Grigo has proven more than Girgs
  15. Hoping youre not just going to quote his play last year, despite the fact he was the youngest guy in the entire NHL. Why do you say that?
  16. Man I love Lidstrom. His play on the ice was so understated as well. Never that flashy, just pure effectiveness. I can't wait for him to make the HOF
  17. They took their Finnish scout up on stage - that is an understandable thought. I would imagine he would know how hard the other teams work on draft day, so could make an informed decision? I also don't think he was suggesting they work harder, but never stop having meetings and discussing the players. It is not unlikely that some teams, when the season has ended, create their list and stick by it as these guys won't play any more hockey or have any more tests to change their rankings
  18. Not to mention, as he is footing the bill, i have no problems with him have an input in vague ideas such as "harder to play against"
  19. Yeah i thought that as well - that is the most interesting thing i found in that episode. I'm loving these series, just wish they did it more
  20. I think this next season will have a lot of 'surprises'. I think the shortened season gave a really false impression of both teams and individual players. Even little things like a fraction of players coming in out of condition etc. will have had big effects
  21. [insert Gerbe joke] My problem with Deluca's arguments are that they are rarely consistent, he always compares what makes that individual team/player good to what is bad about the Sabres. For example, he thinks Lucic is better than Bergeron because he is tougher, despite the fact that Lucic is MIA during the last few years playoffs. However, he then complains when a certain player disappears in the playoffs for the sabres, but never applies that criticism to Lucic or Kassian
  22. Phaneuf Lupul Kessel JVR Bozak McClement Liles Kadri Colborne Gardinier Franson That is the list of guys on their team Burke drafted or traded for (off the top of my head). Kulimen, Gunnarson and Reimer are the only pre-Burke guys on the team
  23. He is the new Foligno. By the end of preseason people will be demanding he is made captain to lead the new core. He has that exciting all round good but not excellent at anything style that folks here love. I would rather we slowed his development and had him top line centre, playing all situations for 20 minutes in the A than on the 3rd/4th line playing 12 (a.k.a. The Foligno) here. I think Grigo was rushed because fans really want stars on this team. They want that name to rally around and they want that guy who can be your best player, play all situations and be the captain (Toews). I think we have the guys to do it, but we need to let them learn to play those roles in the AHL before the NHL. Not to mention, we have all said Grigo's biggest development hindrance is that he is not ready for the NHL but too good for the CHL. Well i imagine it will be the same with Girgs
  24. Inherited Burke's team?
  25. Got a keg and played beer pong for the first time on Saturday. I felt very American (only thing missing were those red and white cups) :P
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