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Everything posted by Trettioåtta

  1. 4 points in 26 games... Eichel and the 8th pick might just about get him. Montour would be my pick for using our assets on
  2. Ehlers is a left winger, right? That is basically one position we don't need support. We need 2C support! No point trading our log jam of D for a log jam of LW. Balance this team
  3. Datsyuk - magic Lidstrom - perfection Forsberg - scrappy Ovechkin - bull Toews - willpower
  4. I guess if the scouts had their feet up for half the season, you can get the same output with half the scouts working the full year
  5. Worth pointing out that nothing is stopping us from hiring more (capable) scouts
  6. I do wonder what teams don't have meddling owners. I suspect some are less obvious about it than the Pegulas. However, every team is owned by a person who is a titan of their industry and has run very large and successful business. As a result all of them will feel they know how to run a successful company. Secondly, they are all sports fans and like the sport the team plays, therefore will want to be involved - anyone here would love to sit on draft interviews and give their thoughts on players. But whats more you get to do that and people have to listen to you! I don't think this is a return to the old ways, more it is recognition that the current way is not worth the money it is costing (can anyone disagree?) and therefore let's change how the Sabres conduct hockey operations. I don't think the Pegulas believe a small unsupported operation is a good way to save money - the southern teams prove it is not. I think they just want to limit the damage until a model for success is identified and then they will provide the cash to support it. Personally I have no issue with this, I have long thought the deep pockets are a slight curse - e.g. allowing us to throw horrible contracts at players who will not live up to it (Leino, Erhoff etc.). Sometimes budget constraints do help - they force prioritisation and focusing on what matters
  7. What makes Taylor a good AHL coach? I don't doubt he is a good coach, but the reality is that the AHL exists to feed the NHL. Bar Olaffsson, who has graduated from Rochester in recent years
  8. How has Devine survived? He was the scouting guru when we scouted poorly, and he is now the player development guy when we have developed guys poorly. I'm intrigued what the wino has on the Pegulas
  9. Why? If nothing changes, nothing changes. I am not saying these moves will be good, but i'd rather do something than nothing. Plenty of teams have leaner operations and have had far more success in the last 10 years than us. Sometimes throwing money at a problem, or having 20 different opinions on who to draft etc. can be the issue. A tighter and potentially more creative organisation with the finances to support a successful model when found seems fine to me
  10. Probably just less middlemen
  11. Adams is a WNY guy. I wonder if that factored into his involvement / choice
  12. Have many other GMS been players, coaches, business analysts and then GM? Whether or not it is relevant experience, I would imagine Adams is somewhat unusual in his breadth of involvement in the hockey world
  13. How is Devine still with the team? That's the real mystery
  14. I wonder if Adams and Ralph will almost be co-GM. Adam will be the business / finance / cap guy and Ralph will be the more hockey focused one. He was the manager of a football team prior to this, not just the coach, after all
  15. Sadly not - wife has some friends we are meeting with this afternoon. But if I come back here again I’ll definitely go - the food there was great
  16. @MODO Hockey no issues getting back, was even stopped by a few native Swedes to chat about the Sabres! cheers for checking on me
  17. Different section to you boys so had to peel off. A18. Can meet between periods so let me know where you are
  18. Nearly there - 10 minutes I think. Time for a quick pint before we leave?
  19. Just landed. Plane delays ? should be there for 6
  20. @MODO Hockey - what time and where are we meeting again?
  21. What are the plans for dinner on Friday?
  22. Post and crossbar as well as a few odd man breaks. A big save or two from Ulmark and some luck and the score is 2-2
  23. Also I still have a spare ticket for Saturday if anyone wants it (selling it at face value)
  24. I'm in MODO! In other news - does anyone know if they will be selling the 50th anniversary jersey at the games?
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