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Everything posted by Trettioåtta

  1. I hope that they keep the 10% year to year thing in, otherwise this has basically been for nothing and the league won't have changed at all
  2. That would be a good gesture, very useful for poor students like me :)
  3. TSN, loads of up to date news and articles explaining lockout terms etc.
  4. They have always worked well on the same line (e.g. Hecht-Briere-Pommers)
  5. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/then-perreault-said-to-rico-paul-bowman-wieland/1030012564
  6. "Several players have confirmed to TSN that the NHL Players' Association's membership voted 706-22 on Friday to give the union the power to file a disclaimer of interest by Jan. 2."
  7. If a disclaimer is the union walking away from the players, but the union asked the players if they wanted the union to walk away from it, is this not a conflict? Could this not be used as ammo for the bad faith argument?
  8. http://t.co/Uy8i4gdE http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/people-who-think-giving-teachers-guns-would-stop-s So awful. No excuses for it. Laws need to be changed.
  9. If the league keeps operating this way, some teams will not survive - Nashville was bullied into giving Weber $26 million in 366 days by another team, if we have teams which regularly make the playoffs but are still vulnerable to being financially bullied there is a problem. 13-17 teams lost money last year. I understand that they don't have to spend above the cap floor, so are people suggesting that this league would be better if half the teams in this league did not even try and put forward a competitive team? That seems ridiculous, would you pay $100-200 for a ticket to watch your team simply go through the motions and try and get talent in the draft? Chicago was really struggling for fans/income until they sucked enough to get good picks and become competitive, look at the champions since the lockout, i would argue 3/7 teams won by having high draft picks, which they then had to trade. If we expect teams to just spend to the floor and be competitive we need to change the system. If this system continues, teams will fold. An owner won't spend $50 million a year to have a team not competitive for the title, lose money and lose fans. If the players want to keep 800 people in the NHL, as opposed to 600, they need to change the system. It is that simple i think. All unions want to get the most for their players, obviously, but it is better to have nurses earning less money and hospitals able to stay afloat than it is to have nurses earning what they want and the hospital closing down a year later because of it. The league relies on rich people losing millions every year, whilst the talent makes money every year. Both sides are greedy, but i struggle to side with the team that is making money every year and still saying the system is in favour of the team losing money every year. My thoughts anyhow.
  10. And i watch films to watch actors act, doesn't mean i don't know and appreciate that funding and sponsorship is a requirement for this to happen
  11. Disappointing. If the player lose the season, surely they know the owners will just screw them 9 ways from Sunday? Can't the members of the PA demand that they vote on the NHL proposal? I think if talks break down now, that is it for the season - they already said anything more than a 50 game schedule would be complex. So if talks break down, what with time needed to sort logistics out and Xmas, that will mean it is a 41 game (probably) season... I hope/genuinely suspect that the NHL will have taken a huge blow over all this, I think players will return to mostly empty stadiums and the sponsors won't come back that quickly. If I was pouring money into the NHL as a sponsor i would want at least a decade long CBA, if not 15 years, before i even consider investing. In an odd way, i think it would b better for the NHL to cancel the season and restart next October, I think that a combination of a) How pissed and indifferent fans are at the moment and b) The fact most have already found a replacement for hockey and c) Christmas is expensive, will mean that they would fill more seats and repair damage over the long run if they went without this year
  12. That was amazingly helpful - thanks! Once an appeal has been submitted to a circuit, can the other party change the circuit? Like if the NHL preemptively files in the 2nd circuit to say that if the PA decertify then it is a sham move, does the PA have to register to decertify in the 2nd or could it submit its case to 9?
  13. Could someone quickly explain what these circuit things are? I read about the NHL wanting 2 or 8 and the players wanting 9, but what does it mean?
  14. Hard to tell - mediators won't talk to the press/will keep a low profile and they will tell the sides to do the same. Will become quiet for a while porbably
  15. My girlfriend and I started watching it a couple of weeks ago. We are 4 episodes into season 2, so still got a way to go; but we are loving it. Can't believe i only just found it
  16. How does that ###### the owners? Most owners lose money, so the longer the league is out, the more the owners save
  17. This relies on the courts ruling in favour of the players - what happens if the courts rule in favour of the owners? Can the owners basically make a new CBA and tell the players that they can individually agree to it and play or they can F off? If so, this is a risky move. Although if it does take 1-2 years to sort out decertification, then it also means the NHL is very very screwed, and by proxy, the players. EDIT: http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/page/decertification-111104/nba-decertification-threat-strong-message This article nicely explains it all
  18. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=410073#YourCallTop Hopefully this is a snowball starting to roll
  19. I guess how they did it for Sid, with the bottom 5 teams getting 3 balls, then then next 5 getting 2 balls - or whatever the system was. In a way it is fitting that there was a lockout before both "The next ones" (Sid in 05 and Nathan in 13)
  20. Sh!t a player actually publicly turned against Fehr! Maybe this and the news about the players pushing for a new proposal means Fehr is losing his henchmen
  21. This is a big improvement - finally a proper offer. My only issue is that their proposal only offers cap hit penalties for contracts - no limit or stop to back loading. I don't like this as I think that back loaded contracts and long contracts were the only things ruining the game. But I'm not sure how much further they can be pushed. EDIT: I also don't like the length of this CBA, I think for the game's sake it needs to be at least 10 years. 5 years will mean people won't bother coming back to the game as they think there will be another lockout soon. Either way, I think that there will be a serious drop in HRR for the next couple of years
  22. Maybe...although the owners like Bettman, and unlike the players, the owners actually understand business negotiations and so are probably more understanding of the process - not to mention some already think that Bettman has offered too much, so the only reason to get rid of him would be for someone who was more willing to do a deal with Fehr
  23. Guy clearly has anger management issues, maybe this was why Darcy was very happy with the Coho for Kass trade
  24. Ah man, Lori was fit, why did it have to be her? I hope that Darrel and Merle go at it. They have changed too much over the last 9 months, D is now good and M is still bad. The other storyline isnt too bad either. I forgot all about the black dude, I presumed he would reappear by now if he was anything more than a one episode character, but maybe
  25. It might help if the NHLPA made even the remotest change from their initial proposal. The NHL is doing all the leg-work and the PA just refuse anything which wasn't basically the offer they made in August. They have already lost more money than they would have with a roll back, so really the PA have lost this battle already, it is just a question of how much the game is effected. The players have a duty to play at a level their contract expects of them. They do not do this, so i can imagine why the owners are less than enthusiastic about paying them the full amount. But as TrueBlue said, no good guys here - but at least it seems like the NHL actually wants a season.
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