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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. This has been a great thread to follow. There have been great reads on both sides. I don't want to enter the fray, but I just want to speak of the concept of "looking presidential." I think the term has no set definition, so it's one best avoided in logical arguments. On the other hand, for propoganda, it's a great term, much like "enemy of the people," in its convenient vagueness. I especially like the term "looking," because, when you say it, there is the double entendre, both saying how you see it, and how other people must see it to thine own eyes. By saying it, one is, in effect, telling other people how they think a president should look, but it can come off as, "I have it on good authority that the candidate has that definitively presidential look, and I have the research to prove it, ###### it!" There are some racial and otherwise telling, or misinterpreted undertones, in the term, "looking presidential," that are good to examine, just to be conscious of. Guess they should say, "looking like he could competently act presidentially." Or LLHCCAP, sounds like "hiccup," for short. Of course, that will never happen, now that "looking presidential" is the accepted nomenclature.
  2. I judge a presidential candidate mainly on how he will manage the nation's natural resources. I think of it as land, water, and inhabitants. Of course, no candidate sees it in these same terms, but those are the essential ones to me and my judge of the man's character. Good soil and water are a more primary needs for humans than oil or even money. Good soil and water, at some level, are a platform for prosperity in the longview. Little different perspective, so I thought I'd put it out there.
  3. I'll be right over.
  4. Look out for pedestrians, and bicyclists, either way.
  5. Good discussion. There were many specifics discussed, many minutia even. I get confused, and my thoughts get conflagrated, and I become dizzy just thinking about it. Needs must be that I pan out for a second to see things in a broader, more stable context. I need to take a deep breath so that things become less herky-jerky. There, that's better.
  6. Arsenal's best player, Robin Van Persie is signing for Manchester United pending a medical. The whole shebang has probably already taken place. As a former Arsenal supporter, I can tell you that he is not quite Bergkamp, but he'll do a lot to fill the void that Ronnie left at Man Utd. United's midfield is unsettled atm. Scholes will be 38? Giggs will be 39? Cleverly and Anderson may be in need of seasoning till they are considered proven. Kagawa may prove the ying to Carrick's yang. But there are many questions and few answers after last years big-time defeats. Arsenal are in total rebuild, but Manchester City and Chelsea are posers no longer. Liverpool are stuck in perma-lurk, with Tottenham, and maybe Newcastle once more. Interesting times ahead.
  7. All About the Miller Lucic Incident Ooh, it was ghastly when it happened, how Lucic just hit him like a linebacker. Miller was scrappy to throw a big two handed slash at Lucic, while falling down. It was unfortunate that all of the Buffalo skaters that tried to get at Lucic were swatted aside like flies. The results, for both team and fans, had more to do with a pre-established inferiority complex than it did with the actual events. I would forget about it, if I were the Sabres, and focus on the present. Naturally, don't mind talking about it here.
  8. I say we trade Vanek, Miller, Sekera, and a first to his agent for the priveledge of being mentioned publicly as one of his suitors. :wub:
  9. The artist's rendering could have been taken from the west shoulder of the Skyway, for those who know? From recent memory, the rendering is accurate, driving into the city from the south.
  10. Go-kart in a rink full of Bumper Cars: Ennis. He's big into puck control. Feels the game... Feels it east and west, North and South, G'Dam! Lookout! Entertainer!
  11. hodgson, vanek, ott ennis, foligno, stafford grigorenko, leino, pominville mccormick, gerbe, scott/parise
  12. Cody hid under the guys armpit and did the best of all of the others that I've seen fight John Scott. Can't jersey jab a guy when his face is in your armpit, can you? Great strategy by Dr. Hook, if you ask me. Punch yourself in your own armpit, and tell the That doesn't hurt.
  13. :ph34r: This is a stickup, see! Just hand over the tickets, real nice and slow like, see! You just PM em right over to me, see, and you'll get out of this thread real lively-like, see! Cause I'm the rootinest, tootinest, hornriest, ######-fightenest rooster in this old virtual barnyard, and there ain't been an internet gunslinger like me since Billy the Cyberkid! Nice gesture, btw, offering tickets but a man's got to feed his family's desire to see the Sabres, see! ;) Stick em up!
  14. He used to chirp alot, and get under other players skins. He was annoying to play against, would dive, cheat, and whine to the refs. He actually had enough of a reputation, that legitimate penalties against him wouldn't get called. He was best in those days, but he's been criticized heavily for who he is, essentially, and he went a bit stale here. Hopefully he rediscovers his inner Spanish Soccer Player, and works out for you guys.
  15. Old Time Hockey! I like it.
  16. Does Bath, Ontario really have the best Canada Day festival, or is that only what they say in Bath, Ontario?
  17. I was number one on your Buffalo Sabres at playing defense.
  18. You should be out watching Sparkle Pony play at the local music fest.
  19. Excellent selections, good sir. May I suggest the Bumblebee tuna as an appetizer?
  20. Do Roy, Sekera, Gerbe, and Adam count? Nar, I rather like Sekera and Gerbe. Shucks. But I was ready to trade Vanek and Miller so what do I know.
  21. I saw that big thread for PA and was jealous. I guess I miss him too. It's quite a community here and surprisingly thoughtful for a message board. :ph34r: ;)
  22. Good thing I'm not the GM. Nash is the only deal that I can get excited about, though, and we need to hang some pretty juicy bait in order to land him. Do we have anything fair to offer? I think we can get rid of a couple D-men, not Meyers or McNabb, I prefer, but we need something flashy besides.
  23. Keepin' it real with some Pork Shoulder Butt Steaks, and Old Vienna. Beats the pants off of all that tofu crap that I usually eat.
  24. Hello there. It's been awhile. Are we getting anyone decent in free agency? It's not looking too promising for Parise. My hopes rest precariously on him being friends with Drew Stafford. Yours? I don't think he's worth 90m+. Shane Doan? As Buddy Nix would say, you always want the needle pointing up. Doan will be 36 in October. Tough for me to get excited about That prospect. Semin, on the otherhand, doesn't have a confidence inspiring bio, ditching the Caps for the KHL early on in his career. Google seems to think he's a 'loser' per a TSN panel. He's from Krasnoyarsk, Siberia? I will tell you one thing, having been in Russia, nowhere near Siberia, it's that I was better off not hanging out with Americans, forming an obnoxious clique. Conversely, Grigorenko would be better off in Buffalo, not hanging out with a bunch of Russians. There aren't any convincing others that I wish my team would sign. Would Miller, Vanek, Leopold, and Weber get me Nash? I know your thinking, Miller, OMG, can we trust Enroth, after the whole Enron debacle? But could we also get Brodeur? Food for thought, hopefully.
  25. I guess I skipped the 50 or so extra point attempts that they showed, when I realized they were going to show 50 or so extra point attempts. Enough with the soft-core stuff, I said.
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