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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. I'm predicting a goal for Drew Stafford. Tonight is the Drew and Stew show.
  2. Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuewart! What a barn burner this is proving to be! 3-2.
  3. Sabres "not sharp," says Rayzor. Down 3-1.
  4. We're losing now. Stinking Leafs.
  5. What an animal! Lucic better take notice.
  6. SCORE! Cris Stewart! Sabres 1-0
  7. Please do. As always, I enjoy reading the conversations here. This is a unique place. :wub:
  8. Internalism vs Externalism. It's two different ways of constructing knowledge (epistemology). The internalist would argue that a capable mind can best determine what is true. The externalist would argue that the advanced stats would best tell us what is true. The internalist would argue that advanced stats are not capable of the nuanced and subtle decisions that the human brain is capable of. The externalist would argue that the human brain is imperfect and subject to delusions, which would be overcome by giving priority to advanced stats. The best chess playing computer can analyze the possible decisions better than the best chess playing human. The millions of variations that one might encounter in a chess game are best solved by a computer, basically using advanced stats to determine the best possible move in every possible situation. Still, pawn to e4 is always pawn to e4. Ovechkin on a regular shift is sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes motivated, sometimes not. There is no telling through advanced stats exactly what you'll get out of a hockey player in a given situation. Hockey is much more complex. If you punch all of the raw data available into the computer that you can possibly think of, and do what the stats tell you every time, I believe that a smart unconventional coach will beat you every time. What coaching decisions will be made using advanced stats, that couldn't also be made through keen observation? Sorry, I'm rambling, but we're a long ways away from the primacy of advanced stats, because there is always, currently, a human interpreting the stats, which is no better and no different than a coach with some knowledge interpreting what he sees with his own eyes, at training camp, for example.
  9. Oh my, the intrigue! The above poem, Big JW, I am declaring free to distribute. My secret hope is that Jerry Sullivan will champion its publication in the News. I should probably quietly step away from the keyboard now... so that PA can do some posting...
  10. Big John Wawrow, with his mighty Blue Pen Wrote in Jessie’s hamper until 10pm. He recorded all the details of her underwear, But the name of his source, he would not share. Big John had to call on the Freedom of the Press, To get out of Jessie’s window, and down the garden trellis. To back up his story, he took some of her clothes, But the nature of this source, he would never disclose… “Your story’s safe with me,” he assured a blouse, Once he was safe and sound, drink in hand, at his house. “Still plenty of time to get my news story done -” Sources: Terry”s Rich, Bon Jovi’s a BUM! “Now I’ll pump-up my breaking exclusive on Twitter! (After donning a tennis skirt and splashing on glitter) “Most intimate sources!” Big John proudly tweeted. “Now multiple sources!” Tim Graham then repeated. From 11 till 1, Big John drank more beer, And his thinking and writing became somewhat less clear. “Looks like I’m a definite shaker and mover, Like the A.P.’s version of J. Edgar Hoover… “And now for revenge on that message board poster, That ellipses user, and sure… sures boaster!” … While riding the coat-tails of sources, quite literally, John Wawrow’s conceit revealed itself bitterly. “Now tell me I’m witty, and pretty as Jessie…” From then on there, things got seriously messy. Much of it was deleted.
  11. This is about the nicest compliment that I ever could have dreamed of. A good vendetta! This pleases Yuri. I apologize in advance for what I am about to say. I take the 290 to the 33 into work. Leaving Cheektowaga, and entering Buffalo, there is a sign that says, Welcome to Buffalo. This name, Buffalo, I always thought was a great name. Apparently it isn't something the city is extremely proud of. Today 97 Rock though it would be good to supplant our once proud name with a giant green sign, claiming it to be Pegulaville. I'm a voice in the wilderness, and here is what is blasting from the airwaves: He put a logo on the floor. Don't step on the logo! Don't step on it. It is a sacred logo! Don't talk bad about Kim and Terry! They are God's gift to Buffalo! They are proof that God loves Buffalo! If I took down that sign, you know damn well I'd have been video taped and arrested. I'm not joking. He is your new roman emperor. I suspect it's what you've always wanted, because you are hopeless little peasants and really excellent fans. In fact, the great thing about football, is that you can watch it without having to think about important things. Actually, football is the important thing, Go and name your children "Terry," now. Thank God you won't have to choose Maria, or Martin, or Abraham, or Joan, and now have a proper hero. There might be some merit to the tanking argument, and how can I argue against the welcome addition of the Harbor Center? It's a good thing that the Sabres and Bills will be staying in Buffalo, and it would really would be nice to have a new stadium in the city. But here's what's going to happen. All of a sudden, you're going to hear that Terry doesn't have any more money. And gradually you will find out that all of this land that he has rights to in New York is worthless until the moratorium is lifted. You will hear that buying the Bills really set him back, and we can't afford top free agents, much less a new stadium, and you will begin to feel sorry for this man who "saved Buffalo." You will write to your congressman, form fan coalitions, put up signs, and flood social media, because if fracking isn't allowed in New York State the Bills and Sabres might even have to be sold. You will be angry with those who are against it. You'll be the most persistent and loyal ###### fans in the nation, because that's exactly what Pegula needs from you so he can pocket another 4 billion dollars. You will be an unstoppable, unreasonable force, a proletarian uprising. Then, you'll all cheer, hooray for Terry! Our savior! Finally, they've allowed fracking! Go Bills! Typical peasant-think. Hopelessly naive and thinking only about football. In Pegula we Trust?! Can we be this dumb? Yes, we can.
  12. I've always seen Pegula as more of a Stalin, but you are entitled to your opinion. ;) I knew it would happen the moment Ralph passed. Still, Rage Against the Machine. Solar panels need to go up at the Ralph asap!
  13. OK PA, since nobody else is helping, I've taken the time to compile a list of things to write, before you have this procedure, on your buttocks. 10. No fracking! 9. No windmills! 8. Impeach Cuomo! 7. Make yourself welcome. My hole is your hole. 6. Please wait your turn. 5. Mastercard accepted. 4. Roysie was here! 3. Service entry only. 2. Hippies use back door. 1. Welcome to Pegulaville!
  14. I think it's more elemental than oil or minerals -- its probably for food. Ukraine is the historical breadbasket of Europe, known famously for its fertile black soils. Much of the better land is in the areas being threatened by the separatists. Going all the way back to his first appointment as Prime Minister, food security has been a central tenet of Putin's domestic policy, and food security for Russia was being threatened by Kiev's trading bias against Russia. Russia has a lot of land, but not much of it is well suited for agriculture. Just my theory. I also think that our actions in Iraq had a role in paving the way for this sort of aggression.
  15. I've never had one of these scans PA, so my only piece of advice, since you'll be sedated, is that you should write something clever on your butt cheeks in advance for the doctor and nurses to read.
  16. This business in the Ukraine is pushing the buying power of an American in Russia higher. Some things are about as expensive as in Buffalo, but there are some bargains too. The beer is pretty good, and you can get a half liter bottle, 17 ounces!, for about $1.18. I believe it's still legal to drink beer on the streets and subways, so there's that to enjoy. Cigarettes, of course, are cheaper. You can get a pack a Marlboros for about $1.90. A ticket to the movies is a little over $8, and you may be able to smoke and drink there too. Now that's freedom! A loaf of bread is only 86 cents. Boneless skinless chicken breast can be had for only $2.36 per lb. McDonald's meals cost about the same, as does Coke and Pepsi, but bottled water is cheaper at 90 cents for a liter and a half, which is great as you can't drink the tap water without boiling it. It's about 88 cents for a litre of gasoline, which is $3.31 per gallon. A Volkswagen Golf is about the same, $19,000, but a one way ticket anywhere on the Subway is 75 cents, quite a bargain. Rent for a one room apartment in the center of St. Petersburg is about $800, so about the same as Buffalo there. Nike's are a little less than $100 on average, and a pair of leather shoes are about $100. Jeans, for some reason are always more expensive, and you won't find real Levi's for less than $100, so you might want to pack a few extra pairs, if you know what I mean, cha-ching. But, seriously, they'll arrest you if you pack more than four, and you'll probably want to take the tags off. But all in all, the sanctions are working out great for potential travellers like myself, thanks Obama! But once you get there, I'm sure it helps a little to say that you are Canadian, or at least say, "practically Canadian," which is practically true, if you are from Buffalo. They'll welcome you with open arms, and you'll live quite well. Just give 'em a wink, get good and drunk, and tell them Yuri sent you. PS. Bring me back a liter of vodka. It's only $5.
  17. Road pops. Perreault's cigarettes, pffft. OK, I think I'm getting the hang of this. Personally, I had very high expectations for Connolly, and those expectations turned to hopes, and those hopes lingered on, even as the more perceptive among us had given up. He disappointed me. I didn't have any expectations for Ville, and barely had hope. Lately, Sabres feelings are so complicated. If we're hoping they lose, are we disappointed when they win? Also, I resent the fracking owner, so I should want him to lose, right. But he makes it like he's getting a prize for it, so should I want him to win now? We're the envy of the league? I've heard so many repeat it, and OMG Jeremy Freaking White, I have to shut you off before I go insane. I had pretty high expectations for Miroslav Satan too but those faded more quickly. Zhitnik was sort of disappointing too. Meyers, still hoping.
  18. I like this topic, and respect the way you go about categorizing the players. For some reason, to me, 'generational player,' made me think only of Gretsky and Crosby, or singular best of the generation. I guess now that I think about it, according to my preconception two generational players couldn't possibly play professionally at the same time. This is a new term though, generational player? The first I've heard it was this year in reference to McDavid. Someone needs generational player as their member title. Spndchz would be funny.
  19. Team most failing to fulfill someone's hopes or expectations (most disappointing) : EQUALS Team least fulfilling someone's hopes or expectation. HOPES or EXPECTATIONS? Oxford: Hope - A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Expectation - A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future My Oxford conclusion: hope is the feeling of a strong belief. A feeling of a strong belief is rationally weaker than a strong belief. Living Webster: Hope - the belief that one's desires may be attained Expectation - the act or state of awaiting or looking forward to; the act or state of regarding something as likely to occur. My Living Webster conclusion: hopes can be silly and baseless, whereas expectations should be grounded in certainty or probability It seems to me, that hopes are more closely tied to personal feelings, and expectations are more closely tied to the general consensus. These questions of most disappointing can be further categorized I think, as: Sabres team least fulfilling my personal hopes: OR Sabres team least fulfilling the general expectations:
  20. Here's what I found out: Disappoint: (verb) to fall short of fulfilling the hopes or expectations of; to hinder the fulfillment of, as of hopes or expectations. Disappointing is the present participle of the verb. The present participle refers to things that are still happening, such as Pegula is disappointing me as an owner. In the case of 'Most disappointing,' it is an adjective, meaning "failing to fulfill someone's hopes or expectations." Historically, it derives from the act of removing someone from an appointment or office...
  21. Oh, I see. They have to be appointed first, in order to be disappointed with them.
  22. I don't know how it was received at the time, but Tim Horton killed himself driving drunk and on drugs. More disappointing that Perrault, no? Am I misreading the thread title? Sorry. You know what? Maybe Tim Horton is too disappointing, even to be mentioned in a most disappointing Sabre of all time thread, so forget what I said. I change my vote to Clint Malarchuk. If that's too disappointing for you, then I'll go with Hasek, cause he if he wasn't flopping, he could have saved Brett Hull's shot. Yeah, Hasek, is my vote. Big time flopper.
  23. Little before my time, but was Tim Horton's death somewhat disappointing?
  24. I was thinking that if Stafford has a good year, he could easily be the best player on this team. So that's my prediction, but it will be as much a case of circumstance - we don't have any good players and he'll be getting top minutes - as it will be a case of improvement, but I expect him to have his best season.
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