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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. Hehe. Reinhardt. Good one Qwksnd. Gypsy Jazz.
  2. That's beautiful. It's why I read this board. It's what I should copy and print here, when you write, so beautifully, F@#$ the TanK! You are thinking clearly good friend. Don't let the bottom feeders corrupt your will towards success. It's our motto here: Excelsior!
  3. Well, we should pool our resources and get the darn Sabres to give us a bean side, with the Hot Icecream Sandwich. Thoreau and maybe even Hawthorne would be more comfortable at that sort of table. I don't think that they would appreciate the pizza logs so much. Maybe a fish option, like when Jesus Christ was resurrected? Hey! Little reverse psychology... Maybe this fracking dork should pollute the p!ss out of the NOT great lakes, so that we can eat corn starch and drink distilled water that costs one paycheck per weeks worth. Sure beats clean lake water, walleye, and fresh peaches, right? Pass me the fracking fluid, Kim, you Modern Wonderbabe! Sign me up! So glad you're wealthy!!!
  4. You should try beans, Matrix. They are delicious with bacon and brown sugar. I'll send my buddy Stafford a text and see if he can clue in the Sabres about this regional specialty. Seems obvious, but it's some of the best protein available.
  5. I'd like a Ranchero that made good mileage, and looked cool. The long hood might be part of that, but some of it could be storage space. The car/truck has always fascinated me.
  6. I partly disagree. The canal song should be one break, but Buffalo Gals should be another break. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S92bWBB0ymo
  7. Well, the old neighborhood is doing well by my estimation, even if it's not making anybody extremely rich, but it would be a good place to come back to and retire, if you ever feel like doing the whole Norman Rockwell thing.
  8. Funny, I damn well can't afford to even get down there. I figure it's financial reasoning then?
  9. The Hurricanes will obviously finish last. This year is a standard reverse repeat of the 2006 playoffs. Carolina Hurricanes last; Edmonton Oilers second last; Buffalo Sabres third last; Anaheim Ducks fourth. Don't you guys pay attention to astrology? We'll pick third after the lottery.
  10. I recognize that avatar. Do you know Arden Farms, out your former way, in Billington Heights? They are of Elbert Hubbard stock apparently. Shame about the Lusitania sinking. RIP. Echo your transmission comments, BTW.
  11. You're not missing anything. Pizza rolls, or logs, or hot pockets are a step down from fast food.
  12. Traffic jams, as stated above, are the bane of clutch pushers. My leg seriously gets tired, which makes the traffic jam that much more unbearable.
  13. Mios Dios! Pizza taquitos? I must get down the ice hockey arena pronto! This should keep the arena vendors busy from 7 am - 11 pm! These are not expensive? No, they are fried in truffle oil, mi amigo!
  14. I recommend your old ways. All the non-drivers I know are tough b@stards. It's all the driving that makes 'mericans soft. That said, I've got a Civic Si, with a rally style shifter (manual with the shifter beneath the radio), and I think that all these floor shifters are quite simply barbarians. I say, if you ain't shifting rally style, you may as well be walking (with a limp).
  15. You jinxed em good, Blue. Cool new bar you got going. http://buffalorising.com/2014/09/buffalo-just-got-a-whole-lot-bluer/#comment-295443
  16. Got in late. Who did we injure?
  17. Armia for the tie... yes!
  18. Makarov save on Knee Lander, and Bow Sack. Grigorenko for Captain!
  19. Isn't 5 enough? I'd try a different goaltender for the 3rd.
  20. Still hoping Nolan can work his magic with Foligno.
  21. Weber gave Tallinder a rough ride.
  22. F him up Stewart! Bam, bam, bam!
  23. McCabe with the moves to make it 4-3. Good crowd from the sounds of it.
  24. 4-2 now, Leafs, for all those of you who are feverishly refreshing this page for updates.
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