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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. That's right. DMX is DMX and Yuri is Yuri. Where is the confusion?
  2. Yes. I hear you drnkirishone. It must be that milk is the closest connection to what is actually almond tisane. If some executive way back had the balls to call soy beverage, soy tisane then we wouldn't be in the mess we are today. Somewhere along the line, folks just lost their nuts, and I doubt that Almond Milk, or any other kind of milks, for that matter, are going to bring them back. Tell you what: Think what you might about Willie Nelson and Neil Young. Ask me, and I'll tell you that their lifestyle is a little too smokey for my tastes. But they were on to something when they had the balls to write this song, fellas. You listen closely to the lyrics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad8PMCe7UME
  3. I get where you where coming from, horse tanker. Sorry, Hoss. I respect what you had to say about anonymity. I think I remember when you revealed your age, and you were kind of goaded into it. You may have volunteered the other stuff concerning journalism, but you are within your rights to keep a separate profile entirely, in my opinion. Maintaining a profile here could be great undercover work for a real journalist. Nothing bugs me more that seeing JW at the end of every post, the sanctimonious tosser. Tweet, tweet. JW. What I respect is that you can integrate here, take your licks, and in my mind, earn respect as a peer. ######in' JW takes his toys and goes home, as soon as anyone else doesn't treat him like the messiah. Gogol Bordello, man. :worthy: Grinner only shows up every so often, and he used to make me grimace. One time, he called me gay. Not "a person who is gay," mind you. Long story short, I got offended. Nobody remembers, don't you, nobody. I doubt anybody else remembers, do you, anybody else? I never thought GR was funny, just trying too hard. I think he's actually starting to connect with his target audience now. It's like we're growing up together. Close together. Maybe we're growing on each other. It's like we are hugging loosely. ###### you though, grinreaper, you ass kissing wannabe clever tweeting imbecile. :wub: Edit: spelled imbecile wrong. are these little confessions really necessary?
  4. Even though you are my long time arch nemesis, ever since the Big Showdown back in '13, the likes of which this board will never see (the mods deleted it), and will never see again (Fight of the Century), you are starting to come up with some great one-liners. Respect. Tee to the hee. :flirt:
  5. I want to fish too. I caught a mess of sunfish this spring, but I want to catch trout and eat them.
  6. You're a merry prankster, Judge Smell. What are your thoughts on forming a band. :worthy:
  7. Audsie, you know how I feel about these shadow account speculations.
  8. And, he's a multi generation man who worked in the anthracite mines. I think his father was some sort of mid level manager in the mines. Pegula's biographical details are sketchy. Forgive me for a moment while I don some shiny headwear. It helps me think. When I hear Carbondale, I think Scranton. Like when people hear Tonawanda, and think Buffalo. The associations that I make when I hear Carbondale are anthracite, and the mafia. Do you think there might be some connections there, with Pegula and coal and the mafia? Specifically, the Bufalino family. Mafia is too inclusive. #Billzmaffiosso
  9. It takes commitment to not be offensive, and some concentration. It develops and becomes ingrained, like a habit. I slipped up last night, though, with my drunk driver comment. Rightly got called out. They are drivers first who just happen to be drunk. Lost my Puma sponsership. I'll miss those free tracksuits.
  10. Thank you for the nice dish, Aud.
  11. Terry's a real straight shooter. If he gets confused because one guy is called Black even though his skin is lighter than another guy, and he thinks they ought to change names, he'll say so. He's not afraid of big decisions like these. My guess is that Ted Black wasn't willing to make the necessary changes to streamline operations under the new corporate structure. It's a lack of synergy that ulimately did him in. Two first names ultimately not such a bad thing for Russ Brandon? Tim Murray may have broken that glass ceiling. My guess is that having Rene Robert up in the rafters doesn't hurt.
  12. You know, something Terry said back in '14 has stuck with me, and might even offer some insight into the real reason behind Ted Black's departure. To quote Terry: "I'm a little confused. You know, I'm sitting on the stage between Mayor Brown and Ted Black, yet I look over there, and I'm wondering, is something backward here?" In the end, especially after his exposure to the culture at the Bills, perhaps Terry just found the confusion to be too much. Too confusing to have Whaley and Black in the same room on a regular basis. How would anyone get any work done, having to ponder that mystery day after day? Too confusing, indeed, but I smell more chaos just over the horizon. Russ Brandon - two first names. Here's hoping Kim will be able to talk him through it.
  13. Come on, now, K8prisoner. Most of this talk is futile, but a lot of 1%s add up in the court of public opinion. Think of the youth that read this message board - young, impressionable little revolutionaries... Did Golisano just donate 50 million to the Special Olympics? I'd say he deserves some public credit, seeing as how cheap everyone thought he was. I guess he just didn't want to pad the pockets of drunk drivers. Guess what? Drury was finished, and Briere couldn't have carried the team any more than Vanek. Most of this talk is futile, K8Prisoner.
  14. You'd say, that European looks Italian to me. You wouldn't say, That Deigo surely ain't British. There's a difference.
  15. You are awesome K8. If you're relying on a grill for fast cash, that's a skill in and of itself. Cheers. I wanted to mention just burning some lilac or apple down to coals, but that would be like making an angle cut freehand with a ragged bit of flint. I've got a feeling that this thread has long legs. Check in starts in the first few pages. You have made your reservation, Monsieur Prisoner.
  16. Thx. The iron grate is flatter too, which I thought would be better with loose burger meat, That was the idea, but I've never actually had a problem with meat falling through the grate. The straight up dependability of a grill like you're talking about, like an e330, is kind of iconic. Stainless steel, as least in bicycle parts is a huge virtue. Good advice.
  17. It looks like Terry Pegula came into the situation needing an Alternate Gov. He was originally thinking that Ted Black was da Alternate Gov. Dis guy good, he says. Then he met this guy at da Bills, and he was like, wowee zowee, dis guy is da buziness! He agrees wit everyting I say! Everyting!!! So he say to Black, why you not be more like Brandon? And he pester, Brandon do this, why you do that? And before the moment when Black explodes into the inevidible, "THEY ARE DIFFERENT SPORTS!," They reach a mutual agreement to part ways amicably. "That's a great idea, Terry!" Move aside Ted Black. Russ Brandon can handle this.
  18. He's the dude I talked to! He said this, which makes sense, that the porcellained iron has a shorter life than the stainless grate. Probably, the first time you replace the grate 4-5 years down the road with regular use, you'd be paying the difference on the stainless model. Sometimes, I think, well, I'll probably be able to afford alot of things in 5 years that I can't afford now, so the cast iron doesn't bother me much. Plus, I like its cooking properties, specifically, heat retention, just from my own kitchen experience.
  19. Anyone have a natural gas hookup to their grill?
  20. I am a Sabres Fan, who is critical of Pegula. That's a whole different can of worms than being described simply as a critic of Pegula. Conversely, one could describe Pegula as the fracker who owns the Sabres. The PC way, though, would be to describe him as the owner of the Sabres, who made his fortune through fracking. The ultra PC way would be to describe him is the American man who is a Sabres Fan, and owns the Sabres, having made his fortune through oil and gas exploration. I don't believe he's a Sabres fan, though. Not in the way that I am. He's from Scranton, FFS.
  21. The structure is flat, as in, Pegulas are in everybody's business. And if you isn't agreeing with Pegula, you isn't right for this corporate culture. Ted Black just got tired of kissing ass, that's all.
  22. A good tip that I picked up: Call him a man who is black, rather than a black man. Similarly, a woman who is lesbian, rather than a lesbian. Also, an American who hails from Puerto Rico. Obviously these three examples do not describe the same individual. Tee hee. Because if you lead with the inclusive man, woman, American, that doesn't immediately marginalize the individual based upon race, gender, sexuality, or ethnicity, then they are humans first, and simply calling these individuals by a lesser category, rather than also including them in the greater category, which might include you or I, does these individuals an injustice, and immediately objectifies them. If you start with them in the same category as yourself, it will feel a lot more tolerable to all parties involved. That's how you do PC.
  23. Ed Youngs Hardware in Williamsville has the best selection of Weber. They do a lot of internet business through Amazon. Just about any part you need. I'm looking at a Q, myself. It seems like a better investment because every part that might break or wear out could be replaced cheaper than a new grill.
  24. Of course Drane is Ted Black. I've been telling all who cared to listen since 2012. You all said I wore tinfoil on my head. Now, who's wearing the tinfoil, funnyman? That is to say, I agree with you.
  25. So, he says I am guessing. That means its conjecture, projection, or even, a shot in the dark. He says this up front. Here is what follows. So, Inkman and buno, that is redundant. Instead of placing your own bet, you feign outrage at a bet being placed at all. Sabres Punch, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You might be stating that with humorous irony, because he said he was guessing twice, yet folks are jumping on him for guessing. Ducky, Hawerchuk kicks ass. Long live the Duck! Teehee. Nah. Hockey players are like the boys next door. In Canada, there aren't any problems.
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