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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. We sure as hell do stand on guard, for thee, Canada.
  2. It's not great, from what I recall, but the last time I ate there was 30 years ago.
  3. Ok, I hear you. One time, Spndnchz, replied to me "you mad bro?" and it made me very very upset. she just needed to get laid, I figger
  4. Oh the Gatling test is the goal horn winner! #onebuffalo
  5. Spurned lover? it's the eat my taint that tipped me off
  6. Sabres 4-1. As if a weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
  7. He was NOT! You ###### in the asser! His ###### for ###### comments were a vindictive barb at ME personally!
  8. R-E-S-P-E-C-T Jim Kelly pass to Andre Reed. Buffalo Gals won't you come out tonight? And dance by the light of the moon?
  9. Well, I don't tweet, but if you were to #onebuffalo, they'd get your message, that it would be great to have the Erie Canal song played, and Buffalo Gals during the games. It would still be a grass-roots movement, and they could still take credit for listening.
  10. It means no more environmentalist rantings. It means no more bannings or warning points. It means no more threat from Pegula. It means I can be a Sabres fan!!! Chz?
  11. Oh man, you're set! Warren Buffet just sold 245 million Tesco shares. Wonder if that money's headed your way?..
  12. Pssst. Hot tip: Buy LMT. You da man, Neuvirths Glove!
  13. Thanks, Just Jack. Skunkworks does it again! No need to frack, boys and girls. You can turn this Barge around. We're heading home! http://aviationweek.com/technology/skunk-works-reveals-compact-fusion-reactor-details USA! USA! USA!
  14. I like Montreal, both the higher pitched horn and the anthem. How much do you suppose it pays to write the goal song, and have your goal song played each time? Is it like $100 per goal?
  15. It's all coming together nicely. I'd just love to see a pedestrian bridge built across the river to the Outer Harbor parks and beaches. Apparently there's money set aside for this project, but Robert Gioia of Erie Canal Harbor Development Project, eriecanalharbor@esd.ny.gov, has been fighting for the money to be set aside for parking facilities near Canalside. It would such bliss to be able to walk straight over on a bridge.
  16. They don't offer the sesame kale at my Hockey-Heaven-11 either. I'm getting the sensation that this thread may have been designed to bring our attention to the quality of the food at the arena. :unsure:
  17. I really prefer Burritos. It's not even a Mighty Taco thing. I just like Burritos. Russians like bulking up on tortellini looking things called pelmeni with sour cream, and pancakes cooked in oil, with sausage, called blini with sourcream, and a variation of the middle eastern shuarma, which they pronounce shavarma - a pita sandwich with pork, lamb, or chicken, onion, cucumber, tomato, and sour cream. But the key to really put on the bulk, is to chase it down with a dark beer of three, and given all that, he's probably still fit as a ballerina in the Bolshoi...
  18. I did one and no joke your user picture was first page, but not mine. This thread is making us international celebrities! :o
  19. My little one went to the prospect scrimmage and enjoyed it for a period. I didn't want to push it, but it was pretty good. It was very toddler friendly. Do they get in free to real games?
  20. He's quite fast too, yes. I'm a little reluctant to even say his name for fear of spoiling the little genius.
  21. They should have a better plan for Zadorov. He's not getting slimmer and quicker or better by sitting in the press box. What's the stratagy? You can't expect me to believe that he's getting better by not gaining experience every gameday. It's hardly motivating for any young prospect to be embarassed like this. The pressbox is for journeymen guys you need for an emergency, not for top young prospects. What's the strategy, ffs?
  22. I dunno. If he's working hard, he'll get better, I figure. I just hope that the evidence for working hard isn't how many blows to the head he can absorb or dish out.
  23. From your article, I summed it down. "All (the buried weapons) had been manufactured before 1991, participants said. Filthy, rusty or corroded, a large fraction of them could not be readily identified as chemical weapons at all." You were told right, though I think Bush was misled, because if it weren't for the falsehoods, American Soldiers in Bush's second term, wouldn't have been ordered to pry the lid off that fiasco. If you're looking for problems, you'd find worse weapons of mass destruction buried at the West Valley Demonstration Project, near Buffalo, to put things in perspective. Nobody's threatening to invade there.
  24. I agree. The New York Times were Ahmed Chalabi's microphone before the Shock and Awe invasion. The Times were the ones reporting definite WMD's before the war. The failure of the "left-leaning" Times in that instance is a large part of why the public were deceived. Read this anybody if you're interested in how it happened. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/07/01/how-the-iraq-war-still-haunts-new-york-times/199946
  25. I was looking for the highlight from last night on Youtube and one of the videos got all bossy about me having to click on a pop-up, so I had to end task. Bummer. It was the Latvian Channel. If too many embedded videos is a problem, please let me know PM, and I'll moderate the hell out of this thread. Here's the game winner.
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