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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. Sydney was said border collie's name, who bolted from the stage when confronted with our passion. The false-Messiah, in a moment of weakness, diverted from the scripted entranced, and pitifully plead with us: Where is my dog? For it was scary for them both, to be so exposed.
  2. Monty may have been critical of Ehrhoff, but he did not go to the training table to slap Ehrhoff in the face, for PTSD, as did Patton. Their good buddy Ike, had to lean more heavily on Monty because of Patton's indiscretions with Ehrhoff, including the Battle of the Bulge. In my opinion, Monty's view on sexuality had no impact on Patton's decision to slap Ehrhoff, Patton dug his own grave, when he wasn't attacking, just being Patton, but he was a superb wartime general, That's no slight on Ehrhoff, who was fighting his own battles.
  3. Ted Nolan: I learned last week, that I can't say what I feel. Last week, I felt that effort solves everything. Now, I feel that I've been trying hard. I've been trying hard, and it hasn't solved anything. What I feel, is like getting drunk on Chippewa, and I can't say that
  4. Say it, coach, is right. But if you were in his position, the consequences might look like a gangplank. What's he disembarking to?.. #onebuffalo
  5. The guy has got his own non-disclosure agreement factory. By now, nobody who is any good would consider working for him. #malevolentdictator
  6. Non-disclosure agreement #onebuffalo Ownership does things third or fourth person. Lower tiers are added to walk through mine-fields. Nolan looks shell-shocked.
  7. Next frontier in "professionalism," I figure.
  8. #onebuffalo No room for subjective thought, G. Feelings? #onescript
  9. No, I mean Sullivan will return to the logo, ha.
  10. Nolan sounds shaky this interview. C'mon coach. Play Zadorov. Call up Grigo. Make some moves! What can you do? Ain't even his job. Enjoy your night, coach!
  11. If I recall, Goose was the enforcer on Sullivan. Goose got traded. Sullivan remains, and like MacArthur, shall return once more. Boomdidyatta. boom boom.
  12. Lets look at the positives... ... .... :unsure:
  13. 16 seconds. Stafford with the draw.
  14. Just my opinion, but Monty was a good General, and more politically apt than Patton. Both were leaders, but Monty was the better teammate. Both aspects are part of Generalship. Patton had big political flaws, and couldn't be a peace-time general, and got canned by his old buddy Ike because of those flaws. So in a roundabout way, Patton was wrong about Ehrhoff.
  15. All right, boys! Net's right there on the ice. That's the goal, boys...
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxKy1_c6DeM Barge Song, Seeger. #onebuffalo
  17. Getting sent to the press box is all they need... motivation. Come on boy's, don't turn me sour!
  18. This song is actually quite intimidating. This song:
  19. Let's skin this Panther, boys!
  20. Oh snap! Niagara Falls is saying they're not Buffalo! #onebuffalo
  21. I propose that one should be allowed to post one Youtube video of either the Barge song, Springsteen, or the Buffalo Gals, Seeger, during gameday threads. This proposal is made in order to improve the gameday experience here at SS GDT, and shall be limited to one song per period. Non-accidental, or repeated drunken abuse of this privilege shall not be tolerated, and will be understood to be subject to REPORTATION to moderators.
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