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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. 1-2-3... WE WANT FOUR!
  2. Attack! ###### It!
  3. Attack! Attack! Attack!
  4. How 'bout one of the canal boat songs?
  5. Bury them! Run them over with the mower and mulch those ######!
  6. We're shutting you out, Leafs!
  7. All right. I've never been one to fight back against farts, but if we're going to use this to our advantage, they had better be real doozies! I'd rather a major offensive fart, the minor defensive farts here and there.
  8. Enough talk about feelings and farts. Let's bury them on the Power Play.
  9. Whoah, nilly!
  10. I didn't like the fact that the Canadians burned Buffalo in 1813, and I will take it out on the Leafs, as a matter of convenience.
  11. We're about to bust over the border. Low Bridge, everybody down. Sabres drawn. Look out Toronto.
  12. We got your back, Canadian PM. ###### Putin.
  13. "You are correct, Yuri. Well said, Long live Team Storm Cloud!"
  14. He didn't miss it, I'm assuming. You as well as anyone ought to know that old Tolstoy quote, "God sees the Truth but waits." Anyhow, it's our responsibility to keep GoDD upright, am I correct, nfreeman?
  15. I think we may as well beat their ###### and send them back to Canada, sorry that they ever stepped on the ice here tonight.
  16. Maybe some more evidence will present itself to Ghost of Dwight Drane. Investigations are ongoing. Maybe some channels will open up, with Corbett voted out. But I agree, it should be rock solid, before further accusation.
  17. The Scrum Goal. My favorite of Rick's recent calls. Instant classic. I would have loved to have heard Jim Lorentz behind him on this one.
  18. I appreciate any opportunity to post this video. Game 6. 7th 20 minute period. Hasek on the way towards a 70 save shutout vs Brodeur.
  19. It is from the Are the sabres still worth watching? thread, from two seasons ago. Archived, I think, but still relevant. Physics finest work.
  20. This always pumps me up... Posted 06 February 2013 - 09:55 PM by IKnowPhysics Put. That beer. Down. Beer's for fans only. You think I'm ###### with you? I am not ###### with you. I'm here from downtown. I'm here from Kim and Terry. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's BuffaloBorn? You call yourself a Buffalo Sabres fan you son of a bitch? The good news is - you're fired. The bad news is - you've got, all of you've got just one week to regain your fandom starting with tonight. Starting with tonight's game. Oh? Have I got your attention now? Good. Cause we're adding a little something to this month's fan contest. As you all know first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. Get the picture? You laughing now? You got players. Kim and Terry paid good money, get the players to cheer them. You can't cheer the players you're given you can't cheer ######. You ARE ######. Hit the bricks pal, and beat it 'cause you are going OUT. ###### you. That's my name. You know why, mister? You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an eighty-thousand dollar Blue and Gold pickup truck. THAT'S my name. And your name is you're wanting. You can't play in the man's game, you can't cheer them - go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life: Get them to cheer on the game which is dotted. You hear me you ###### faggots? A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Cheering. Always be cheering. ALWAYS BE CHEERING. A-I-D-A. Attention, Interest, Decision, Action. Attention - Do I have you attention? Interest - Are you interested? I know you are, because it's ###### or walk. You cheer or you hit the bricks. Decision - Have you made your decision, for Christ? And Action. A-I-D-A. Get out there - you got the prospects coming in. You think they came in to get out of the rain? A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to cheer. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their fandom. Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it? What's the problem, pal? You see this watch? You see this watch? That watch costs more than your car. I drank 970,000 beers last year. How much'd you drink? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a ######. Good father? ###### you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna be a fan here - cheer! You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you ######? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get at a game? You don't like it, leave. _I_ can go out there tonight with the materials you've got and drink myself 15,000 beers. Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can YOU? Go and do likewise. A-I-D-A. Get mad you son of a ######. get mad. You want to know what it takes to be a fan of the Sabres? It takes BRASS BALLS to be fan of the Sabres. Go and do likewise gents. Fandom's out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I got no sympathy for you. You wanna go out to those games tonight and cheer, CHEER. It's yours. If not you're gonna be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying - a bunch of losers sittin' around in a bar. 'Oh yeah. I used to be a fan of the Buffalo Sabres. It's a tough racket.' These are the new players. These are the Darcy Regier players. And to you they're gold, and you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. They're for fans. I'd wish you good luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. And to answer you question, pal, why am I here? I came here because Kim and Terry asked me to. They asked me for a favor. I said the real favor, follow my advice and fire your ###### ass because a loser is a loser.
  21. 5am is that grey area, where one might ask oneself, am I making Pegula/Jordan comparisons very early in the morning, or am I making Jordan/Pegula comparisons very very late at night? Consider the fact then, in the clear light of day, that Wayne Gretzky's final record as owner/coach of the Coyotes was 141-161-24. That's .432. You guessed it, way better than Pegula's record as owner of the Sabres. It's like, Gretzky needs a modern day highlight, full HD. So, he picks up the puck behind his own net and is taking it end to end. He triple dekes Pegula, still looking for his dog. Oh no! He's supposed to be minding the game! Gretzky's all alone! He fakes a shot, fakes again, loops around the behind the goal and taps the wrap-around into the empty net! Arms raised! The Great One! He wins! What an owner! The crowd goes wild! Even the Sabres fans who are in attendance are in awe, just knodding approval and slow clapping. If only we had a owner like Wayne Gretzky.
  22. Terry "your heart out" Pegula. Enough talk about feelings. His current record as owner of the Sabres is 100-121-33. His Sabres winning percentage is .393. For comparison, Michael Jordan's Hornets/Bobcats winning percentage is .362. The Sabres are on pace for 14-59-9 this season, which would bring his Sabres winning percentage down to .349. The Hornets will probably go .500 this season, which would bring Jordan's percentage up to .387. The Hornets only need 21 more wins this season, or a season record of 25-57 to assure Jordan of exceeding a .349 winning percentage as Charlotte owner. Unfortunately, Pegula is unlikely to improve much on his 2-3 record as Bills owner. It's looking like he'll finish the year 4-7, with a .363 winning percentage, slightly better than His Airness, for now. Welcome to Pegulaville leino. When Jordan surpasses Pegula this year, will you take it as further evidence of Jordan's greatness? Will you take it as further evidence of Pegula's greatness? To me, it seems like Terry is getting dunked on, and may even be posterized. It's as if Mike is driving down the lane, tongue hanging out, and the only thing in his path is Terry looking around like he lost his dog. Ka-boom!
  23. With more subtle snark, Ghost, to avoid getting banned. Neither have Nolan's true feelings changed, I suspect.
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