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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. Apparently some white folks go to these Black Panthers meetings and get special treatment. Me, they always look at me funny and treat me like an outsider. Bunch of reverse racists, these Black Panthers, at least my Black Panther chapter.
  2. I do hope that nfeeman doesn't mind me recounting this little tale, but I got good and drunk recently, spouted off pretty wildly here on SabreSpace, and used some language that some could possibly have deemed offensive. Don't worry, I reported myself. Nfreeman let me off with a warning. The moral of the story is, when you get drunk and ###### up, come clean immediately. Don't try and pretend like you didn't just put the new proverbial drive-thru window into the old Tim Hortons. The powers that be will catch up to you eventually, and the interest will compound on your mistakes. We can self-regulate here on this board, so if you find yourself running afoul of the rules, just report yourself immediately. It makes things a whole lot easier on everyone, and nfreemans an understanding dude. I figure that if I had leaved the scene of the accident, and not reported myself immediately, mods would have come down on me HARD. And I wouldn't be able to post this little nugget of wisedumb.
  3. I'm sorry, Hoss. Last night, I jumped into the convo without meaning to combat what you had just previously said. If I had read through all of the posts, rather that just butt in, right in the middle, I feel a conflict might have been avoided. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "Why are We in Vietnam," is an example of "all lives matter." He compares the treatment of the Vietnamese as second class citizens to that of African Americans. The speech forwards a position that unites the disparate progressive movements of the time, civil rights and peace, into a common unifying message. I do not believe that "all lives matter," as it was intended by Clinton last year, or O'Malley this year meant to dismiss or mitigate the message that Black Lives Matter. It was meant to build political bridges and garner support, like MLK was so adept at doing. Take, on the other hand, the slogan that was adopted by Black Lives Matter, "No Justice, No Peace." Is that not a threat of violence? To me, that is polarizing. Yes, Black Lives Matter. Of course they do, but stores were looted, windows busted, and shots fired in Ferguson. That's part of the backstory of this movement. It seems to suggest the threat of real violence. Shouting down O'Malley, and Bernie, both invitees to the conference and strong potential allies to the movement, suggest to me, that "mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore," didn't die with Paladino's gubernatorial campaign. That's not the way that the great ones do it - not through violence and anger.
  4. The conspiracy around Battista was that he was the liason between the business side and the hockey side. With the Bills, neither side really dictates to the other. If the Sabres now emulate the Bills model, that would eliminate the need for a Battista. If you pay attention to the rising of Venus, you will see that this was bound to happen. August of 2015, just like was predicted in The Wicans Almanac. There aren't really any advanced stats that could have helped you in this situation. My friend, who is a Druid, actually predicted the day and hour of the event. It's really amazing stuff. Perspicacity, my dear doctor. Perspicacity. ;)
  5. Everyone act normal.
  6. Black Lives Matter jumped the shark. Arab lives matter too. Guantanamo so black #. You think whites can't be exploited? This is a unifying issue, and to make it a blacks only issue is devisive and strategically flawed. Unless you just want to be the white knight, brother. In that case, save me! I'm mentally ill, and I'm in distress! Help!
  7. Take it at face value, like a non-racist would. Poor people problems cross race lines. When you make it an exclusively black issue that is reverse racism. Fyi: Middle Easters aren't black.
  8. Black Lives Matter is not the front line. They are the rear guard picking fights with allied persons for not being black enough. #Bernie so black he Obama's daddy.
  9. It really is stupid to say that Black Lives Matter, because that statement gives up ground that is already won. Black folks are already integrated, in case you haven't noticed from your parents house in East Aurora. Racists are the ones that we will be descrminating against now. Excelsior, man.
  10. 10 is part of 100. If 10 is lacking, despite 90 being ok... All Lives Matter is the politically correct way of saying Black Lives Matter. Think about it from a human perspective. I'm past racism.
  11. Big Reinhart fan, here. He'd be my jersey, if I spent money on posing like being a Sabres fan. GOT TO FIT IN! GOT TO POSE. JESUS CHRIST (I MEAN JACK EICHEL), HOW WILL I EVER FIT IN?!! WELL, IF IT ISN'T PLASTIC SURGERY, IT SURE WILL BE AN EICHEL JERSEY.
  12. Here's concerts that I meant to attend. CAVEAT: I've been broke as a joke these past couple, so... Talib Kweli: July, '15 Todd Snider: '13 Billy Joe Shaver: '14 Them are the BIG ONES. I really like music too, so them ones hurt, BIG TIME.
  13. I've never tried it, because the sauce isn't better than Newman's. Holy Crap, though! You fire up the broiler on your oven, and you can definitely melt cheese over you nachos!
  14. What's you best advice on cleaning a charcoal grill, stainless grates. I guess it's more difficult to ash the crud on charcoal. I am asking for a friend.
  15. How stupid. Black Lives Matter fanatics have themselves a sports team. And they have created themselves a league. So out of nothing, All Lives Matter, isn't good enough for them, even though they are covered by the blanket statement. Well, if everyone is equal, we didn't really win, eh? I don't like their way of thinking. It's too emotional, and not rational enough (see above) for my tastes. They are biting off their nose to spite their face, in the old proverbial fashion.
  16. My son... He's 2-3/4. When he saw the little fishing pole, designed for youngsters, he knew it was for him. FLASHBACK: I had planned on going fishing with him anyway, and we enjoyed looking for worms together, because turning over rocks is fun. Like a new planet, every turn. He had a little hand digger that he'd scrape beneath each rock. Every worm we found, we were excited. Tell you what, I even got excited about slugs and grubs, but the slugs aren't worth the pickin'. When he saw that pole, he was into fishing. Grandparents, you should stock the old short pole in your fishing arsenal, because it hooks 2-3 year olds, big time. You see, to him, there's a baby rod, a mommy rod, and a daddy rod. He spent a lot of time just practicing casting with a bare bobber. :wub: He'd cast the thing over the porch rail and pretend to catch everything under the sun. I caught a beautiful butterfly! (We'll put it in the bucket and throw it on the grill) I caught a spider! (We'll put it in the bucket and throw it on the grill​) The ironic thing is, that the Sunfish are absolutely the best eating. Their only good for two upper back filets (see Youtube, of course), but they are about the best tasting fish you can eat. Bass are more fun to reel in, and bigger, but they aren't worth the cleaning and cooking.
  17. Ha! You probably didn't reckon on the turkeys hauling my drywall for me! Also, maybe you haven't heard these stories on the radio about Subaru Foresters being able to haul a lot of soil, but I am willing to bet that with enough baling twine, in dry weather, they'd be able to carry drywall on the roof also, driving carefully on the back roads that Suburus are known best for driving on! It's guys like you that gave the El Camino a bad name. Never mind that, though. Even though you drove the El Camino to extinction with your insistence on a "Man-sized" truck (to compensate for...) you will never get away with taking my turkeys off the road. When you mess with my Turkeys, you mess with Me, Swamp Pee. I can't wait to not give you the right of way when my turkey are loaded down with a big stack of drywall, and you have to wait, like forever. Then you'll wish you were driving something electric, because your gas bill, buddy, waiting for those birds to pass is going to put the mother of gosh hurting on your bank account. I don't care how rich you are. You'll wish you did have an El Camino, bro.
  18. It's Yuri's policy not to answer hypotheticals. Otherwise, it would be like, how would you like it if you was a bitch, Yuri? Nobody would be asking, like, what would you do Yuri when I give you this million dollars. Sometimes, Yuri has to take care of business, like doing the dishes, and taking the laundry off the line. Yuri can't be frontin' like he was this or that, answering, like what if you was the Queen of England, Yuri? I ain't the queen of England, mister, is how I usually answer, and I ain't keen on your pridding and prodding, mister. I've got laundry to do, is how I usually answer those questions. I'm not DMX, though, for the record.
  19. Well That doesn't keep me from throwing punches at shadows.
  20. A lot of us are better than Pominville, drinking-wise. We shall find out though, if the population of O'Riellyville ever matches the mighty population of Pominville, NEVER MIND THE CAPTAINCY! There are lots of guys in line for the captaincy who can handle their liquor. I question Ryan's decision making capability. There are lots of players ahead of him who would decide to put it in 1 to go forward and R to go backwards, and not the opposite. He also needs a lesson in what pedal is the brake, what pedal is the clutch, and what pedal is the accelerator. I think that the folks who are still looking at him as captain material (Pominville status) are in serious denial.
  21. I do like to think that I'm on the set of Trailer Park Boys, but come on... You think that O'Reilly is better than Pominville?!
  22. I grill turkey burgers. I think that this whole steak and burger fascination is an old guy thing. It's like pickup trucks. Inefficient, unnecessary, and unhealthy. BUT STEAK IS THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD! Get with the times, homeys. Fall out of love with your cows, FFS.
  23. I'm not outraged. I'm not spewing hyperbole. If Ovechkin did this, I'd totally forgive him, maybe even chuckle, seeing nobody was hurt. O'Reilly is nothing more than a drunk driving Pominville. The population of O'Reillyville just lacks that clean spit image.
  24. And, for all those of you going through a tough breakup, pissed off about automatic merges, and pining for more individual Yuri posts, I present something you may appreciate: Warning: this video contains a swear word that most 9 month old toddlers may have never have heard before. Advisory: if you are 9 months old or younger and can read, PM me. I'm into exploiting young individuals for money, but not in the way that Ghost has indicated. :flirt:
  25. I'll admit that I'm human. I'm american. I'm born in Buffalo. I have that in common with a lot of different people. In that sense, I'm one of them. Those are the terms I can relate to with "them." Actually, it's not "them," if I approach it with the right mindset and vocabulary. We're not opposed in any way, when I focus on the things that we have in common. If I'm not fixating on blaming "them" for everything that is wrong with "us" I can actually talk to folks who are black and integrate with them. I'm like, yo, ain't this weather hot? Man, da billz got a sweet defense! Dang, that intersection at Main and Kensington is a bitch! That's just the way that I talk normally, but it doesn't have to be affected like that. Just focus on all the things you have in common. Hell, Buffalo Public Schools should be a uniting issue. I do blame Paladino for the sisterhood meme. It's very decisive and its truly a Paladino joint. Someone needs to recall that bitch as unsafe. I try to focus on the things we have in common. I speak from a position of particular expertise, because I've worked on the East Side as a white minority. Just trying to fit in. Encore: you'll like this, Hoss.
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