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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. Quick. Clean. And painless. http://vimeo.com/78944275
  2. That's how you break a story, Hoss. Quick and clean and painless. And the real Pros never have to write, sources say.
  3. The first stage of grief, buddy, is denial. But it could be that your phone is a better replacement. Voice recognition seems to be the big feature on Windows 10, and a lot of phones are ahead of Windows on that. It's a pain in the bought on pole, always make mistakes case in point. Hell... if I got a pen and paper letter from anybody, it would be extra special. Maybe you're an actual man of letters.
  4. Oh, he was still with the gf? That's incredible. Where dod you get your scoop?!
  5. You'd bettet eat it up now, little squirrel, before it goes stale! Here. This is where your mouth is. Cheers!
  6. I don't know the situation with the gf other than what he said last February. Could somebody clue me in? Anyone have the day-by-day on his relationship status?
  7. You're in computer hell ubkev. I had something similar happen one time, and it nearly drove me off the grid. You might need a new computer, unless you can get ahold of an amazing techie.
  8. Your nut's drunk little squirrel. Your whole last season is WASTED!
  9. You're back! Nice. You must have a job. THIS ONE'S GOT A JOB SPNDNCHZ! (he's a keeper)
  10. Are you asking or demanding, honey? It's the sort of credit that I would give a blind squirrel for finding the nut that we mercifully placed in its paws. You do deserve ctedit, little squirrel! Good for you! Good job last season! Sorry about the rumours about Eichels drinking, on Basil's boat, little buddy. Too bad he's underage. Glad he ducked under the bow when the cops came. Close call!
  11. I don't know what happened at Kane's house in Hamburg. I don't know what happened at the SkyBar. Can one of you guys with a strong opinion clue me in? Anybody watch the All 11?
  12. I just did the upgrade on my desktop. It"s more like Win7 than it is Win8. You could use it without a touch screen. Cortina relies on a mic, so if you don't have that, your lovely assistant will just sit in the background like an dumb nincompoop. Overall, I like it, the install was easy and there weren't any problems. I'm running it full non-privacy because I'd like the OS to double as my conscience. I hope that Big Brother is watching and is proud of his little brother.
  13. I like Ayinger's Dopplebock, and Celebrator. Who would win in a brewfight of Germany vs Belgium? Germany, imo, for mass and variety. How does the USA match up? Dunkel and Celebrator, I mean. The Celebrator is the dopplebock.
  14. For those of you who can't find OV or don't know what it is, just ask the bartender at your local Rite Aid. They'll show you where the good stuff is.
  15. Their new beer Compass might get you back on their map. It's brewed with rosehips. It's my new very special occassion beer. For a true session, you can't find a better beer than OV. Try it with a slice of lime. Ahhh. You'll think you were laying out on the beach at Sandbanks Provincial Park. And it won't irritate your bowels like those other industrial lagers. Have an Old Vienna. It's what beer was like before the Nazis. The real good old days. You poor Genny drinkers. Getting all nostalgic over your Cream Ales, literally stuck to your toilets the next day. Tssk tssk.
  16. Another cool thing about that Henry is that it accepts 3 different sizes of .22 ammo. However, .22 ammo is like crack to shooters. Folks wait outside Walmart for the truck to arrive, hands shaking, teeth chattering, that is, if they still have their teeth. They will do anything to get their fix. They start with a box, and are soon onto bricks. Before you know it, they are buying out a stores' entire inventory. My prescious.
  17. So that Henry holds 15 in the magazine. Is that legal? I do want it. I bought 5 round mags for my Ruger after the Safe Act, and at the start of all this .22 ammo madness. But a 15 round mag is legal if you only load 5 at a time? I ckecked the wiki. .22 caliber tubular magazines are exempt from the safe act. You da man, d4rksabre.
  18. I miss my Ruger. I was a good shot. I don't think online ammo is permitted in NYS.
  19. Hey, SabreSpace Rod and Gun Club? What is the scoop on .22 ammo? I had a Ruger and loved it, but it went with the better half when we broke up. Should I buy another .22? Will this ammo issue be an ongoing annoyance? I really just want something for plinking and rabbits. I like target practicing and am interested in long range shooting. My budget is about $420 on a gun scope combo. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  20. I've been thinking of retiring. You seem like the perfect replacement. Stick with it for two weeks, buddy, while I phase out. Then it's your show to run. Got it?
  21. Thanks Hoss. I hope they give Taylor a chance to develop, like they did with Doug Whaley and Russ Brandon.
  22. There's nothing wrong with Jesus, until he steals your woman.
  23. Equality is such a spiritually pure, noble, and philosophically erect principle. It makes such sweet sense logically. Visionary dudes and dudettes have been talking about Equality for millennia. It's a unifying principle down the ages, through the ages, and up to this moment in time, where Obama's the President, Brown is the Mayor, and Kane could be the best player on this team. That's great, and I'm positive/neutral on all three, skewing most positively towards Obama. If Mayor Brown all of a sudden said that we're going to pump ALL of the tax money into Filmore Ave., that would be reverse racism. If Black Lives Matter decides that this election is all about Black Lives Matter, that would be reverse racism I voted for Obama, fan of Kane on merit, and I'm white. Doesn't that make me not racist? So if, from my perspective, that tolerance gets abused - that's where this concept of reverse racism finds its origin. I believe that making up for my grandpas transgression with licks to my own hide is where this concept of reverse racism originates. Logically speaking, and philosophically, I do not equal my grandpa. I don't see color like that. Reverse racists do.
  24. Seems like you need a touch-screen nowadays, even on the PC, to make the most of these new operating systems. Mice are like, so Windows 7.
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