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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. You are so sparing with your character. I forgive you.
  2. Well that must not quite make up for all the times we have been laughing at you, brother. Are you celebrating imaginary victories? Why don't you tell us about it? We don't get enough stories around here. It is mostly predictions nowadays.
  3. Rick, yes, should have retired in '07. I am sorry. He is not good anymore for this. I am big fan of Rick's but it is - would be obvious - to outsider. Rick is worse than Ted Nolan in this respect, but without as good a resume. Oh no! We are down in shootout! Shucks!
  4. I submit a prayer for Chevy Chase... na, na, na, na,na,na,Na, Na ,Na,Na,Na Na, NA, NA, NA,NA,NA,NA... (goal!)
  5. Have you got your goal dance celebration ready yet?
  6. No, it seems we are all United in Praying for Victory!!!
  7. I know, I know. I've ridden a damn bike along your stretch of Paradise, and drunk liquor out of a crafty cane as well. I did the ice sluice shot in my own homeland, so you may consider that an export. As I said, there is some respect, but it is grudging, n'est pas?
  8. Favers, Sabres, Favers, Sabres, Favers, Sabres... Come on Moulson! It's Molson, or Saranac Time!
  9. Oh, deary me, a man down, tee hee. Man Down! Man Down! Gee, golly, I must be biting my nails more that Leaf Fans, Stressing myself out, you see, tee hee. Goal Leafs! Shucks, I say.
  10. Radio boys, today you were complacent, saying that you are the coolest dudes and were never apoplectic. You see me, Radio boys? :flirt:
  11. How could that be?
  12. I am from the Hills of Western New York, that is, Maple Syrup Country. So, I suppose, I might respect you a bit, and might skip across the Thousand Islands towards your eccentric Quebecois Citadel now and then, if only to laugh and scorn at its complete non-modernity,
  13. I will these boys to Victory, victory, Victory. I will these boys to Victory, sitting on my Sofa.
  14. Does any one have a ridiculously Boss Cutlass that I can borrow, to bring into the arena to intimidate this son of Ferris?
  15. Don't drink and drive. Coffee. Because hindsight is 20/20. But enough philosophization. Low bridge, sisters! Low bridge, brothers! Thou art doomed to death, Leafs!
  16. Well here you are, hoping... nay, cheering, I suppose that we prevail upon your countrymen, eh? Well, we shall! Just you wait and see, you Molson drinking, french speaking sympathizer of ours! All hands on deck! Art there any Mexicans on hand to cheer against these Leafs so that we might blow them away, for once and for all?
  17. Goest Thou!, Sabres! Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy, is thy commentators. I shalt leadest thy charge! Who is with me? How many shalt stake thy life on this (k)nights glory?
  18. Are you sincere? I shall be sincere in my cheering for victory, as I am, always. Do not ignore, north tovarish who speaks french. As they say - Land of the Silver Birch, Home of the Beaver - Are we all not housemates in that glorious home that our ancestors have provided us? How can we not fail to win?
  19. They are neither Mighty Moscow, nor powerful dynamo, my tovarish... but I like them, nonetheless.
  20. I'm not judging. Why does Rick keep calling Nikita by the ultra-feminine pronunciation, Zhadora? I'm not judging, mind you.
  21. Dwight Drane's body lies a-molderin' in the grave / Dwight Drane's body lies a-molderin' in the grave / Dwight Drane's body lies a-molderin' in the grave, but his Soul goes Marching On!.. The avatars in Heaven are watching just the same / The avatars in Heaven are watching just the same / The avatars in Heaven are watching just the same o'er the Grave of old Dwight Drane!.. He captured First Niagara with his 7 knights so true / He frightened Kim Pegula till she trembled through and through / They banned him as a nuisance- they, themselves the nuisance grew! His Soul goes Marching On!.. Well, he's gone to be a poster in the Aud Club of the Lord / He's gone to be a poster in the Aud Club of the Lord / He's gone to be a poster in the Aud Club of the Lord, but his Truth goes Marching On! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord / He is trampling out the vintage where the Grapes of Wrath are stored / He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword. His Truth goes Marching On! Glory, glory, hallelujah! / Glory, glory hallelujah! / Glory, glory, hellelujah! His Soul goes Marching On!!
  22. Unforeseen consequence of tank: I have become un-attracted to men from Buffalo. I will now hang outside visiting teams dressing room. In daily life, outsiders will be welcomed.
  23. A baboon owner could do it. I think baboon GM could tank too. Baboon coach, like Ron Wilson, would want to win making it much harder to lose. Baboon player would be total winner (failure in your language, tee hee). Baboon is 3 times stronger than man, according to pre-eminent Soviet scientists. They are tough to beat. Baboons, however, do not make good front office decisions. Baboons need brains - really smart folks with real integrity - like radio talk show hosts. You can trust them. They won't just say anything. ;)
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