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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. Real nail biter so far. With so much at stake. Does anyone know of any good deals on bowling in the Greater Buffalo Area in the Saturday to Tuesday range?
  2. I would like to see the best out of Gionta tonight. I am rooting for you, Brian!
  3. This guy is no Doug Allen.
  4. The Sabres will try their very best, under tough circumstances. Were I to marry again, that is just what I'd want my husbands to do. They are good guys. Who do you think plays the roles of the Storm Troopers?
  5. I apologize for not making it to this most important Game Day Thread. As always, I will stand in your corner, I may even fight a round or two with thee fellow winners against the so-called losers. It's just that Thursday is all you can bowl night at the Family Lanes in Lockport. It only costs $6. Apparently, by "all you can bowl," they mean "all you can bowl in the span of three days, no more, Anna, no more."
  6. I wanted to publicly thank you. It just arrived at my doorstep. How did you know?! The Betty Crocker for my butt hurt! You somehow know just what a woman wants, and how to get her what she needs. A true gentleman. This guy, folks, is a True Gentleman. :worthy:
  7. I like their sense of humor. I would like try them out when in Amherst. One thing about Yuri, is that he was more funny than Anna Akhmatova. I miss him sometimes. He says, after this season, maybe he will come back (on his word to return, haha).
  8. How cool would it be if T-Bank suited the team up in actual gold? Every uniform made of actual gold thread. Only the very best fans could afford to buy them. I think he should.
  9. Hard working is appreciated no matter the color of your collar. So is scoring, assisting, and winning. I don't mean to belittle anyone, or make light of this discussion, but there isn't a single player in the NHL who, socio-economically could be labeled as blue-collar. If GMTM is thinking that he wants to work these guys balls off, and pay them with peanuts, then I find that somewhat interesting.
  10. Sounds pretty clever as a result.. This is our donation to all of the non-readers / WGR listeners out there. It's tax deductible.
  11. Hooray! Nolan wins! Beats the handicap! Sabres win!
  12. That sounded like a goal over the hip hop music. Well, I say that if you don't have anything nice to say, that you should just keep your earphones on, and root for a tying goal!!
  13. Nolan is better than Ruff. Once and for all. This is the showdown. No holds barred. The battle for supremacy. Are you not entertained? Sabres drawn! En face! En Garde! Charge!!!
  14. No, we're tied. I'm enjoying it, but I'll be absolutely ecstatic when they win.
  15. Oh, baby. It's on! Go, go, Sabres!
  16. Take that Lindy! Stick that big ol' belt buckle where it makes you look more humble, publicly, in front of everyone.
  17. Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. True Magic: To the rhythm if the deep blue sea. Real third coast. Give it back to Mexico. #word.
  19. One, Two, WE WANT THREE! One, Two, WE WANT THREE! One, Two, WE WANT THREE!
  20. Let us be like full grain leather tonight: close grained, making good boots. Regardless of the score, let us keep kicking with good boots to the very, very end, right in Lindy Ruff's smug face.
  21. Thank you Comrade! Finally, a post that isn't porn. I just mean that with all of the McEichel talk, the windows are steamed up enough. I just keep to my own corner, where Mitch and I can get good and cozy. Tee hee!
  22. I think it is best if thought of as a song of invasion. I teach my son it too. All young kids should hear their parents sing it, because it is a good way for children to learn appropriate language from their parents. Therefore, children learn vocabulary, social skills, and history, all in one winning package.
  23. Poor Lindy (not). What an overachiever (handed a contender). He sure got the most of them (precipitously got worse). Nolan Forever!
  24. I did some research and found a traditional song to rally Buffalo. I hope you enjoy.
  25. With a note saying, "Sabres were here, '15. Lindy Sucks. Nolan Rules!"
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