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I am Defecting

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Everything posted by I am Defecting

  1. That all said, all the rest of you normal interesting proper folks, try to stay away from Weave, because he's a paranoid schizophrenic brought on by his cannabis addiction. Quicksandmonster is such a that would do anything for a fresh Robotussin. Swamp is just a hateful person, no matter how much you wish to like him, he's a backstabber, real talker. He takes folks at their deface value but acts like some cool artsy type. Sizzles just a freak. Thinks he's Jesus, or something. Neo is f-in Warren Buffet or something when Warren gets absolutely loaded. True Blue, Physics, there isn't any tangible reason that I should confuse you two if it weren't for them both being pompous jerks. Oh, and Drunkard, aptly named, honestly, honorably, not. If you stay away from them, normal, interesting, proper folks, you'll do just fine in this life. As big an idiot as he is, fakegorby, is a good judge of charcter. Ask him if you've got any stupid newby questions. ;)
  3. Wow, special addendum, in the late edition of this burn-fest. On a recent safari, TheFunPolice encountered a bull and a tiger. He shot the tiger first. He figured, he could shoot the bull anytime. :huh: He's almost truthful. He wouldn't lie about anything but his job, his weight, or his salary. :P It's been so long that he's been upright, his shadow is crooked. :( He belongs in Hollywood as a character actor. When he shows any charcter, it's an act. ;)
  4. As long as we're gawking over Meszaros' prowess as tank-buster, why don't we give due credit to a real american warthog son of a bitch, Nfreeman. Cause if it weren't for Brooklyn we'd just be Buffalo. I sure can't blame you for your zip code, but I sure can blame your zip code for you. :blush: Whatever is eating you must be suffering from indigestion. :sick: There's nothin' the matter with you that a nice, first class funeral couldn't fix. :P I'll be you're the one who goes to libraries, just to tear the last chapter out of mystery novels. :huh:
  5. Shut up, bitch, wait, sorry, you're not even so bad compared to the caveman garbage that '67 wipes in excrement on this message board. He's got this strange growth on his neck, that must be a head. :cry: He's undoubtedly older than he looks. No one could have gotten so fat-headed so quickly. :o An intelligent thought dies quickly in his head - it can't stand solitary confinement. :P He's so dumb, mind-readers only charge him half price. :w00t: Wisdom often comes with age, but for him, just age. :(
  6. But for as dull as NS is, he's a vacation compared to Liger. Liger is a constant source of earitation. :cry: He's a great talker. One of the best that you can ever hope to escape from. :censored: It's not accurate to say that he always has the last word - he never gets to it. :wallbash: His idea of an ideal conversation is "one part you, nine parts me." :w00t: It's just too much to hope that one day he may come forth with a few brilliant flashes of SILENCE. :worthy:
  7. If you like jokes about women, heres a few about NS. He must be writing his posts on a tripewriter. :ph34r: Reading his posts are like eating an artichoke. You have to get through so much to get so little. :huh: It's people like him that make you long for the solitary life. :death: He holds people openmouthed with his contributions. You can't stop yawning. :o
  8. Not very lady-like of me, I know. Speaking of ladies, have you seen Bio-dork? She could hardly wait until she got married, in fact, she didn't :blush: She mightn't have such a wrong slant on things if she stopped looking down her nose. :thumbdown: That sweater doesn't do her much good. The way she looks in it, the wool looked better on the sheep. :w00t: She's only dull and uninteresting until you get to know her. After that, she's just plain boring. :doh:
  9. And while we're on the topic of pompous idiots, where is Eleven? He has such a long face, barbers charge him double for shaving it. :cry: He's a chip off the ol' iceberg, that guy. :ph34r: Eleven doesn't get ulcers, he gives them. :o The idea for whiskey sours must have come from a look at his face. :flirt:
  10. I'm not usually one to pick on a guy who can't defend himself, Ghost of Dwight Drane excepted. Once a rattlesnake bit him. It was a terrible sight watching it curl up and die. :unsure: He's so cold-blooded, if a mosquito bit him, it would die of pneumonia. :huh: In any organization, he'd be an outstanding candidate for the Ways to be Mean Committee. :doh: He never hits a man when he's down - he kicks him. :angel: Speaking of jerks, where is d4rksabrefan? Hmmm? If he should ever change his faith, it'll be because he no longer thinks he's God. :w00t: If he could ever get anyone to love him as much as he loves himself, it would be history's greatest romance. :wub: He knows when an idea is good - when it's one of his. :o He could take a great weight off his mind, by discarding that halo. :angel:
  11. Where is Spndnchz? She is really slacking off. Her boss said, if her work didn't improve, she'd find a pink slip in her envelope. She said, "How nice! Make it a size 10!" :( When she goes to a meeting, She never accepts tickets for a door prize. She says she has all the doors she needs. :w00t: She often serves her guests in the nude - whenever the cookbook says "Serve without dressing." :sick: She was asked if she cares for Shakespeare, Dickens, or Keats, and she whispered, "Please keep your voice down; my boyfriend has a terribly jealous disposition." :blink:
  12. Has anyone seen @fakegorbyportwinestain? Probably not. He's taking trombone lessons because it's the only instrument on which you can get anywhere by letting things slide. :huh: He's a real steady worker. If he gets any steadier, he'll be motionless. :blink: There's only one job he's interested in - as a tester in a mattress factory. :cry: His prayers are printed are printed and pasted on the wall. At bedtime, he points to them and says, Lord, please read them. :P
  13. Deception is the name of the game. Well done, comrade. They are probably patting themselves on the back, having seen your subtle counterfuge and taken the bait. Now, as soon as they refresh our website, they will be in for an awakening. Jokes on you, Coyote Fans!
  14. Nice one, sister! :P (THE ART OF WAR)
  15. Dry Funky Hard Cider. Real Cider Apples, from Kazakhstan. Not fat, insipid American apples.
  16. Master Lao Tzu says, "Therefore the Master acts without doing anything and teaches without saying anything. Things arise and she lets them come; things disappear and she lets them go. She has but doesn't possess, acts but doesn't expect. When her work is done, she forgets it. That's why it lasts forever." Master Sun Tzu says, "So long as victory can be attained, stupid haste is preferable to clever dilatoriness." That's why vodka.
  17. "What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease." I'm half-crocked!
  18. I tricked you, comrade. Though I appear quite drunk, I am actually very very sober. "He who is prudent, and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious." Such tricking among friends will make us keen to face the enemy in contest. Last man, or lady, in my case, standing. I wish you luck!
  19. "Treat your men, as you would your own sons, and they will follow you into the deepest valley." Vodka?
  20. "There is no instance in a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare." Make peace with thy drink, then strike like lightning!
  21. Do not start drinking in earnest, Comrades, for another 2 hours. - The Art of War
  22. There was a segment of fans that didn't Stafford, Myers, a segment that didn't like Kane, Bogosian in Winnepeg. It was good to shuffle the deck. If we must pick winners and losers, then I am winner and tank is loser, teehee! I AM JUST KIDDING. TANK IS MY BROTHER. I KID HIM SO THAT HE WILL BE NICE HUMBLE BOY, AND MARRY STRONG RUSSIAN MAN SOMEDAY. IT IS FOR BEST.
  23. And then there were three.
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