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I am Defecting

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    Buffalo, '93
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    Kentucky Fried Chicken, Grunge Music, and the "As Is" Store

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  1. I didn't mean to offend you at all with the editing. I'm an admirer. One of the pitfalls that I've encountered posting here, is that this place is not a literary review. It's actually a hockey message board. Also, to my great displeasure, and inconvenience, the general postership does not value style over substance, if you know what I mean - I mean that your stylistic choices may not mean what you intend, or will be lost in translation. I've earned a bunch of warning points and proudly served multiple bannings trying to convert the herded masses. I'm telling you that we've got a place now. A home. We've got a thread of our own. It's not just me that carved out this niche. It's posters like Physics, X Benedict, GoDD. PA, and there are lots of others who it's politically inconvenient to mention, but Andrew Amerk. Even Hopeful Future played a part in the society that you now proudly (I hope) join. We've got a Schizophrenic Thread now, brother, and you'll NEVER be banned there, if I have anything to say about it. :pirate:
  2. I'm going to follow Shraders' prompting and create something called The Schizophrenic Thread. I'm not doing this because I think we're schizo, but rather because it will allow us to discuss our interests in the style of our choosing, without the constraints of having to make sense to the general readership, or stay within the confines of a certain sports topic. I feel that this move will allow us more intellectual freedom, and give us a safe space to pwn the jocks who dare bust their way into our space.
  3. Let me explain why I believe the above statement is offensive. Using "Christian" as an adjective for "hypocrisy and ignorance" is meant to imply what? - the origin of the hypocrisy and ignorance? You cannot say that it is the religion of the hypocrisy and ignorance because hypocrisy and ignorance do not have a religion. Hypocrisy and ignorance do not worship at church like people, or read religious texts. That would be absurd. All this to convince you that your use of the adjective "Christian," implies in your statement the origin of the hypocrisy and ignorance as being "Christian." I will not argue with you about "Christian hypocrisy and ignorance" defining all Christians. It isn't the place of an adjective to define anything, but rather to describe a thing. Working from your example, both "green," and "Christian" describe qualities of their nouns. Here is the comparison you make, and I will show you why I think it is a bad comparison: This is the perfect example of Christian hypocrisy and ignorance / That shirt is a good example of a green shirt. The subject of the statements are not similar: This (public reaction to a news story) / That (shirt). The subjects are different in size and scope. One is indefinite (the public reaction); the other is definite (the shirt). "This public reaction... perfect example... ignorance," is not a tautology like "that green shirt... good example... green shirt." The objects of the statements are quite dissimilar between "perfect example of Christian hypocrisy and ignorance / good example of a green shirt." One contains the superlative adjective "perfect," and the other contains the regular adjective "good." That changes the comparison being made. Also, I shouldn't need to explain how the adjective "Christian" describes something vastly different from the adjective "green." Furthermore "hypocrisy and ignorance" are different from a "shirt." Please save me the trouble of having to tell you why. A better comparison would have been "perfect example of Christian hypocrisy and ignorance / perfect example of American bigotry and conceit." Used as adjectives, in this way, "Christian" and "American" both describe qualities of origin. "Green" is not a quality of origin. The best example, for why your statement is offensive would be apparent were you to substitute "Christian," with another religious origin. "This is the perfect example of Jewish hypocrisy and ignorance" However, it isn't kosher to discriminate by religion, race, or sexual orientation. It's not o.k. to use the term "Christian hypocrisy and ignorance," any more than it is to use the term "Gay immorality and deviance." That is why I found your statement to be offensive.
  4. Hey, let's not paint Christians with a broad hypocrisy brush. If you have a problem with hypocrisy, that's one thing, but all Christians aren't hypocritical, at least no more than any other religion. Also, Christians aren't any more ignorant than any other religion. To me, it seems you've got a problem with the stupidity of comments sections, not with Christianity.
  5. My brother is providing my ticket. I envy your social schedule. It will be fun, especially the Bills games. But I do like it cold, and not sweaty I'd keep the house about 55 to 60 degrees if that were a viable option.
  6. More power to her for not drinking, burp.
  7. I'm going to the home opener. Gosh, I hate the heat of summer. It's hell. Give me the cold and dark of winter any day.
  8. Inhale deeply, arms - out more, Do not hurry - three and four! Grace and pliability are emphasized! All around conditioning, And hangover quickening, If you're still alive and fidgeting - Exercise! If you're working out at home, Do lie down!- three and four! Correctly go through every single motion! Lose the tension that you feel, Get accustomed to the drill! Inhale deeply right until... Exhaustion! Quickly growing 'round the world - Flu and illness - three and four! The disease is gradually flourishing! If you're weak - straight to the grave! If you want your wellness saved, With a towel rub yourself, It's nourishing! If already you feel spent, Sit and stand, sit and stand - Do not fear the Arctic and Antarctic! Our main scholar Dr. Joffe Proved to us that booze and coffee Will be replaced by athletic prophy - - lactic All the talking should be stopped Keep on squatting 'till you drop Do not be such gloomy creatures! If you cannot hold your ardor Rub yourself with something harder In the water, you can start the Drilled procedures We're not scared of doltish talk - In response we run and walk,- Amateurs - triumphant from the start! Beautiful!- right from beginning No one's losing, no one's winning Stationary running is bringing Peace to hearts!
  9. Here's a guy that I'm going to miss. He had great balance, strength, and always seemed to get the most of his carries.
  10. Pope Francis?
  11. Thank you for the advice. That's what I was leaning towards and that's what I'll do. I appreciate the support. Hopefully, I'll be able to make my case. +1 Liger for GM.
  12. Imperfect accuracy is the small price we pay for being shot in the head first, here, on Sabrespace. Honest question: would you rather be shot in the head first, here, with questionable accuracy; or would you rather be eventually struck with a stray bullet in the head, right on the money? :angel:
  13. I guess modern day telephone and internet polling has to be reckoned with too. Otherwise, I'd say, just have all the primaries at the same time, but then, the large population states would gain an advantage by volume, and less populous states would be feeling like also-rans. It really is a delicate balance between state identity and USA. I'm interested too. You've got the problem solving part of me working, Neo. Mr. Fixit lives in a lot of us.
  14. That was a bit moving, and I say that coming from a repressed place. I'm grateful to you for speaking out, fellow worker. Go Sabres!
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