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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. I hope Darcy hires Captain Creampuff 2 then, just to make you happy; another soft playing occasional scorer who's miraculously nowhere to be seen when there's trouble/fighting on the ice. And Regier might - he's basically populated the team with smallish, soft finesse guys for years - why would he change now? At any rate, awesome to see the Rangers stick it to the Caps and Overratedchikin. I've disliked that guy ever since he sandbagged to get his coach fired. Hilarious that the "Great" Ovechkin was shut out in two back to back, crucial games.
  2. The guy has scored 3 goals in 3 playoff series and 13 playoff games played. And his overall plus/minus is -2 for playoff appearances in the last 3 post-seasons. For a "Number 1 line" offensive player that seems purely mediocre - in a quick review of the 2013 playoff stats at ESPN there are already TWENTY FIVE PLAYERS in the NHL that have scored 3 or more goals in ONE PLAYOFF series this year, or half the number of games! The guy is a career softee and career creampuff. Good riddance to him! The Wild will learn, just like most of the fans have. Now if we can just pack Stafford's suitcase too, maybe we'll get somewhere.
  3. Rangers finally managed to score a goal - but that's only 1 goal in their last 100 minutes plus of ice time in this playoff series. What happened, did the Rangers get some telephone consultation from Stafford, Roy and Pominville on how to choke in key games? :lol:
  4. I didn't go that far back - I only went back 6 seasons. Injured or not, his performance this post-season was highly comparable to his performance in 2010 and 2011.
  5. haha - "Sabrea" - guess that's what we get when our GM has a girl's name.
  6. Are you kidding? He's deservedly earned the nicknames of Captain Softee, Captain Creampuff, etc, long before his post-season stint with the Wild. He's a soft player, and he pulls a disappearing act whenever there's trouble on the ice and a Sabre needs someone to step up for them after being cheap-shotted, etc. And I'm just saying that his low/no scoring, negative plus-minus is absolutely typical of his post-season performance in the last six seasons. http://espn.go.com/n...ason-pominville Good riddance to him - I can't wait for them to get rid of the rest of the dead-wood on the team like Stafford. Fun aside - I actually started searching for POMMINSTEIN (which is the frequent way I see his name here) at ESPN's website, when I realized - duh - Pominville! :lol:
  7. Nice, Darcy - Firing Ruff mid-season really helped achieve that goal of getting into the playoffs this year, didn't it? The main problem with the team is all the softies and poor contracts (Leino) that he's put on the roster. What a maroon.
  8. Just was checking the results of the Blackhawks/Wild series. Pompomstein's 2013 playoff stats - - 2 games played - 26 minutes of ice time, only 4 shots on goal, no goals, no points, and his +/- is for the two games = -1. What a stellar playoff performance by Captain Creampuff - absolutely typical. How's that trade working for you, Minnesota? Bwahahahaha!!!!!
  9. Well with the Sabres out of the playoffs I'm at the point now where, While watching the playoffs it's a matter of ...."Which remaining team do I hate less?" :lol: And the Habs are fairly high on my hate list. Haha yeah particularly the short handed goal they gave up. I even looked for Tyler Myers but didn't see him. :lol
  10. Awesome to see the Habs get crushed - that Subban is a dirty SOB - they should have sent in a goon to commit a double minor or major at the end when it didn't matter just to nail him. At least the Senators made him pay for that final penalty by scoring and making it 6-1 And you know.... the Senators should have taken a time-out with 12.5 seconds left when the puck got knocked out of play - lolol - that would have really frosted the Habs I'll bet. :) Bye-bye French fries!
  11. Jsixspd

    Derek Roy Tracker

    Roy is just a lazy punk with a big chip on his shoulder who never pushes himself or really tries. He is a naturally soft player who was coached soft by Lindy Ruff, and encouraged to remain soft by Ruff, and his bad work ethic is so ingrained now I don't see him ever improving. The other "plus" he brings are dumb penalties that hurt the team at really bad times, because he does what he wants and isn't a 'team' player. Sabres are better off without him - however, the problem is there's so much dead wood in the Sabres lineup that trimming him didn't have a visible effect - sort of like having a woods full of dead trees - getting rid of one is an improvement, but the overall look doesn't change much.
  12. It's hard to believe anyone could dislike French-Canadian fans..... :angel: BTW, Vancouver, how you liking that Derek Roy magic now? :nana:
  13. It's pretty much the same sort of nonsense we've seen from Ralph Wilson Jr. and the Bills these many years. Wilson and the Bills knew better than everyone else how to win.... they didn't need to spend money on elite coaches, or an elite QB.... they have their "own formula" and are contemptuous of advice to the contrary.
  14. The only thing I fault Pegula for is NOT doing what is so painfully obvious to sports-writers, sports analysts, and most of the diehard fans - that is, firing the deadest of dead-wood - Darcy Regier. Guy should have been sent packing as soon as feasible after Pegula took ownership. Don't forget - this Regier character is the self-same schmuck who threw his 'friend' and hire Ruff to the curb in a weaselly effort to save his own job - when at least 3/4 of the problems with the team are because of the poor quality he's assembled, overpaid talent, etc etc etc
  15. Pageau just got a hat-trick. Haha they filled a couple garbage cans full of hats taken from the ice. The Senators fans are loving it
  16. Crazy - 76 hits thru the end of 2 periods.
  17. I'll answer with yet another "Are you kidding me??" First, who is backpedaling? I'm expanding on my reasons. Second, there is no friggin way that Regier explains to Pegula that most of the failings of the team are HIS responsibility instead of Ruff's, and then Pegula asks Regier to fire Ruff. We don't even know but what the idea to fire Ruff CAME from Regier - you got an owner who is completely naive about hockey, and a manipulative weasely scumbag of a GM providing the advice and consultation. Add it up! Regier is a weasely little..... weasel!
  18. AND, BTW, Senators lost last night.... Shanahan helping the Habs out? Gryba is no scoring machine, but it doesn't help them either.
  19. That suspension is disgraceful. A Bruins player, a repeat offending cheap-shot artist, gets a slap on the wrist, and this poor guy has to sit out 2 playoff games for a good hard clean hit? Shanahan is an embarrassment
  20. That's just good clean hockey - he should get nothing, really. He didn't even lift his shoulder,
  21. I wished I could thank a post - I would thank Ghost of Dwight Drane's. :) Whack a Weasel - haha!!!!
  22. Notice that Chz's location is FRACKING Shanahan's house? I think maybe she's already been bought and paid for. :lol:
  23. Always great to see a team that Dipdong Roy is playing for, lose. Imagine that - soft play and poor D from Derek Roy. Color me astonished. I would be amazed if they could bounce back from such a drubbing, mainly because it demonstrates a major advantage in player ability/skill to the winning teams. But stranger things have happened.
  24. Are you kidding me? This team was entirely BUILT by Regier.... There's no NHL team where the continuous fingerprints of the GM are more visible than this one. I see the responsibility as 75-25 Regier to Ruff, possibly more since Regier hired and retained Ruff for so many years. I am not saying he should resign.... but he should make it clear to the owner that the recent failures are mostly his. I would think at that point, Pegula would release him.
  25. Tonight's games went as I expected. Figured that Boston and Pittsburgh would dominate Toronto and NY.
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