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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. Thank you!!! :)
  2. What the hell.... I missed the game last night..... so NHL network was *supposed* to replay Game 5 today from 1 to 3 pm..... So I set it to record....I get home and check the recording - it's Game 7 of the Leafs/Bruins. WTF?? Are they going to replay the game???? Every other playoff game has been replayed the next day, AFAIK.
  3. I still think Miller is a better goal-tender than Enroth. Think it's a mistake to downgrade the goalie unless we get rid of the dead wood like the Staffords and Myers and get someone decidedly, more capable, offensively and defensively, on this team. Let's get a number one line like that of the Blackhawks or Bruins on the team first, then start discussing swapping goalies.
  4. Yeah, I would just hate to see him on the Sabres, firing conference-championship winning and Stanley Cup winning goals and such! :lol: (PS, it was another Kane overtime goal that won the Hawks the Stanley cup in 2010) I understand why some might not like him personally.... maybe I wouldn't either. But it might be nice to actually win something one of these decades. And no, it's not gonna happen as long as clueless, naive T-Peg so willfully leaves the reins in weaselly Regier's hands.
  5. Yeah, I wished they were our douche-bags. I'd trade a pallet-load of Staffords and Myers for them. LOL
  6. Well, I looked at NHL Conference Finals Sweeps over the last 26 seasons. There have been 6 sweeps including this one. The only team to get blown out worse than the Penguins (scoring only 2 goals in 4 games) were the horrible Minnesota Wild. They were crushed by the Ducks in the 2003 Western Conference finals - scoring only ONE goal in 4 games. However, the Pens had the worst performance ever in an Eastern Conference Finals, and it could be argued that since the Pens played almost an extra 40 minutes of hockey in double-OT game, that the two goals is comparably bad to the horrible final performance by the Wild. At any rate, it's VERY bad. :)
  7. Nope - I checked the box score - in the two games where Pittsburgh scored, Boston scored first. They NEVER held the lead in any of those 4 games - that is just an epically horrible NHL Finals performance - I'd have to check the history books - but has any team scored fewer than 2 goals in a 4 game sweep loss in the finals? I would assume Pen fans will be on the warpath, demanding mass-firings starting tomorrow!
  8. Deep into the 3rd period, and it's 1-0 Boston. The Penguins have only scored 2 goals in about 4 1/2 games (almost 2 full overtime periods played the other night). That is absolutely putrid - the Penguins team as a whole maybe ought to consider committing ritual group seppuku - how can they live with themselves after such an embarrasing, shameful performance? :lol: This may be the worst Conference Finals performance by any team ever. Penguins fans might not even want the team to come home to Pittsburgh - some of them must be thinking that maybe the team ought to settle in Bangor, or Portland Maine. LOL Well, the Penguins SUCKED big time! What an over-rated team
  9. Awesome! We'll have a great place to go to celebrate the Sabres when they finally win that Stanley Cup..... Oh wait..... :lol:
  10. haha, yeah. Why does the network bother with the pretense of an 'impartial commentator' anyways. They always bandwagon on the winning side. They should hire a commentator who is always on the side of the "heel' players, like Jesse the Body Ventura was for the "heel wrestlers" back in the heyday of the WWF. haha, somebody gets blatantly hooked or boarded, the commentator is sputtering "Whaddya talkin about? That was a legal move!" :lol:
  11. Or a General Manager. Pegula came into town and decided he already had himself the manager of managers - Manager for Life, Darcy "the weasel" Regier.
  12. Penguins = wussies. They've scored only 2 goals in nearly 160 minutes against the Bruins. You could see 'em running out of steam in those OT periods. They're Sabres-Lite. :)
  13. Watching the overtime - Penguins seem listless..... what, are they following the Tyler Myers physical conditioning regimen? They need to suck it up and kick it into high gear - don't they understand they end up down 3-0 in the series?
  14. Boy, that's scary. Hope he's ok.
  15. Love the Weasel avatar, BTW. :) And yeah, the local media treats Buffalo teams with far too much deference and respect - far more than they deserve. Local media should have excoriated Regier and Ruff years ago!!! Those guys should have been lambasted at every opportunity. Same with Ralph Wilson Jr, and the useless advertising/Yes Men at 1 Bills Drive, ad nauseum. About the only one that was uniformly critical of both the Sabres and Bills is Bob Mathews in Rochester.... but Buffalo media (and fan base) kisses the rings far too often!
  16. Boston is way over-rated, and deserves a lot more criticism for their handling/mishandling of a number of major incidents. It's like no one wants to talk about it because we need to be 'sensitive' - forget that - the city and people need to get criticized and criticized severely! The city jumped the shark over the Aqua-Teen Hunger Force marketing blitz, then panicked and shut down entirely and turned into a Police State because some 19 year old kid, unarmed, was running around with some Paula Deen cookware in one hand, and some religious tracts in the other. And afterwards, Boston's Assistant Fire Chiefs came right out and said unanimously that the Boston Fire Chief was incompetent in his response to the bombings.... and despite that damning criticism, the Fire Chief still got the knee-jerk support of the mayor, the same mayor who provided similar knee-jerk support for their dim-bulb police chief after the ATHF debacle. Oh and despite the massive manhunt for the bomber, and door-to-door invasive searches, those expert Boston SWAT guys somehow stupidly didn't look under a tarp covering up a boat where a badly-wounded, 19 year old kid was hiding.... it took the OWNER of the boat to find him once the Sheeple of Boston were given the all-clear by Big Brother to step outside! #Bostonsucks!
  17. I'm not sure I've ever heard this song during a game? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. So when's the last time that the Sabres played in June?
  19. NYR would be STUPID to hire Ruff.... I can only see it as a downgrade. The vast majority of NHL fans want straight ahead hard charging teams like Chicago or Detroit who are constantly trying to move the puck down ice. Who in their right minds wants a team coached like Ruff coached the Sabres???...... soft, positional finesse play where the players incessantly pass the puck back and forth, to and fro, just begging for a turnover in their own zone. Ruff coaches soft, trains his players soft (look how out of shape Myers was!), thinks soft, prefers soft players..... he seems to virtually EXUDE softness from every pore of his very being.... he's washed up, a has-been. Actually, Has-been implies HAVING-been successful, and Ruff never really was successful.
  20. bwahahaha!!!!
  21. I've posted similar about that - I thought it was ridiculous to so quickly slam the door..... and very similar to when simpering old Ralph Wilson needlessly and incompetently lavished a big fat contract extension on "Dick" Jauron because the team was 5-1.... which then tanked and went 6-10. There was clearly no need to rush the Jauron extension - not another team in the league was interested in him.... and similarly there was no rush with Ruffton..... again, no other NHL team would have snapped him away from us. Better to keep your options open. It's so typical of the idiocy of Darcy Regier.... he was more interested in signing up a puppet on the team than someone from outside who might call attention to his questionable management of the team.
  22. Well, that's a fairly serious error right there - it's kind of tough for many of us to get past. It's sort of like saying "You've had a bias against Captain Smith from day one because he didn't do enough to avoid hitting an iceberg with the Titanic". :lol:
  23. Buffalo is trying to be like Detroit though.... our GM has worked for the Sabres just as long as Detroit's..... we're almost there. :lol: I thought they were good, at least enough to make the playoffs. Never would have thought they'd have all-powerful Chicago on the ropes though. A shutout, with the firepower that team has? In the playoffs? Amazing!
  24. What's amazing is how close this Tornado's path was, to the 1999 tornado - there are even a few areas of overlap - so obviously a number of homes and businesses devastated in 1999 were wiped out once again. The only plus... this tornado didn't stay on the ground quite so long as in 1999
  25. Is John Scott involved in the fly rod business too?
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