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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. I love the smell of crushed Prius in the morning......
  2. That was ridiculous - imagine if Girgensons had been standing where Leino was, in front of the crease when Ott made that pass? I just don't understand why Ted is playing him so much, and in such crucial moments like this one, and the PPs in general. And I think I'm joining the tank brigade - the season is essentially over.
  3. And the mid-winter NHL drought hath begun.... not much to discuss for a few weeks. :(
  4. The curse of the Stafford goal is alive and well.
  5. Why Leino and not Girgensons??? Does that make any sense?
  6. Why was Leino out there for the last 20 seconds?
  7. Great work tonight by Drew....but remember ....The Curse of The Stafford Goal ....will it continue?
  8. Ok, it's now officially posted at ESPN - Mike Weber has the WORST +/- in the entire NHL And what makes it especially awful - he also has, at only 3 points, the fewest points by far of ANY of the bottom 10 in this statistic. The next worst bottom 10'er is Colin MacDonald, with 8 points. And of that bottom 10 group, he's played the second fewest games at 42. The fewest is Mike Cammalleri of Calgary, but he has 7 times as many points as Weber, so his +/- isn't quite so important. Really, with those stats - Mike Weber should NOT be playing in the NHL. That is just brutally bad. He ought to be Tank Commander, instead of Leino. I like him, I like his grit, but he shouldn't be on the ice in the NHL. I made a screen capture - check it out. P.S. Buffalo has the most players in the bottom 10 +/-. Myers and Ott are 3rd and 4th. But at least Myers has turned his season around significantly since Ted Nolan took the reins - but Weber continues to be awful game after game.
  9. Well it started out good but ended ugly. The Curse of The Stafford Goal continues.
  10. Miller's chances of starting in the Olympics are going downhill by the minute.
  11. No call on Crosby of course. We would have been called for a penalty if the roles were reversed.
  12. Another minus for Weber...maybe not so much his fault but....
  13. Weber is now in the lead for worst plus minus...and a penalty to boot.
  14. Calls going in favor of Pittsburgh....earlier a puck came out past the Blue line before Pens dumped it back in...no offside called. And yeah why wasn't that icing?
  15. Another shut out chance for Miller gone up in smoke
  16. Who is leading the Tank Brigade tonight? Tank Commander Leino is absent.
  17. Is the other Leino topic gone? That was absolutely hilarious and one of the best I'd seen in a long time.
  18. That would be awful, because at that point the only thing to hope for is a draft pick. You know, I hate to say it, but The Tank is looking more appealing. Also, less aggravating - instead of getting angry, for example, like I did at that ridiculous waived off goal against the Oilers, if one's for The Tank, a moment like that is enjoyable instead and easy on the blood pressure.
  19. We should have a Saberspace forum gathering at Mighty Taco!
  20. ^^^^LOL!!!! Angolan hockey team!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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