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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. Yeah, but that would really suck to be a fan of a hot team like the Blues were, pre-Olympics, and then have them come out looking totally flat and lifeless after the long Olympic break. Another reason why NHL players shouldn't be in the Olympics.
  2. Buffalo scores more often than the Blues. It's pushing 200 minutes of game time since the last time they scored a goal. Lack of scoring and no defense..... sounds kinda like pre-LaFontaine Sabres. Just checking - the Blues had 8 current players in the Olympics - post-Olympic bonk really hitting them hard it seems like
  3. Yeah, that was ridiculous - there were two Coyotes standing in front of the net - but the defenseman apparently didn't even see the second one just standing there - he pushed the nearest one away and left him standing there.
  4. Wow, no defense in front of the net either - another Deja-Sabres feeling for poor Ryan
  5. Blues somehow missed ANOTHER open net shot - and it was our old buddy Roy too. Tarasenko keeps making ill-advised passes. Also reminds me of the Sabres.
  6. I didn't even notice - yes, he does have 39 at last! Nice! Well, so much for Halak's statement that Miller would face fewer shots - he's already faced 12.
  7. Somehow the Blues missed a WIDE OPEN goal - dayum!!!! I was thinking the same thing - they seem to be snake-bit - I take it they're going thru a scoring drought of late too.
  8. Good point - this game actually matters - two good teams.
  9. Yeah....I bet there's a lot of younger forum members who've never known any else as the primary Sabres goalie except Ryan Miller.
  10. Sigh! Poor Ryan must feel like he's back in Buffalo - Blues couldn't get the puck out of their zone at all, and he just kept getting hammered at.
  11. Cool little video - showing Ryan and Steve getting picked up at the airport and taken to the arena. Here we go!
  12. Tim Murray hasn't won a Stanley Cup yet - OUTTA here!!!!! :lol: ^^^^^is right!!!! Jeebus!
  13. YES, props to Bufftex!!! Watching and DVR going. The Blues broadcast giving lots of props to Miller and Ott
  14. That is an outstanding video.
  15. :lol: They don't even have real Mom's Apple-Pie style baseball over there either, just "cricket". :lol:
  16. AND, companies lie to their own employees all the time.
  17. Well, this is going to happen when the organization handles a major situation like this about as poorly as an organization can. If you want to believe a corporate mouth-piece/weasel/Regier-boy like Black, be my guest.
  18. Great tip! Yeah, DISH has the Center Ice Preview thru Tuesday night. Dish Channels 891 and 892 for the St. Louis/Phoenix game! 891 is the homer channel with the St Louis broadcast - AND in HD!!!! Sweet! Thanks for the tip - may still end up ordering the bargain rate for the rest of the year - I'd hate to be able to watch any game I want. :)
  19. I wonder if Ted knows details about this that even Murray doesn't yet know? If so, that could cause further problems - let's say the "Inner Circle" gave Murray the spin-rinsed version ala the presser today. What if Murray finds out from Ted Nolan or from PLF that it wasn't voluntary and that the public story is a crock of crap? Will Murray lose faith in the owner and the owner's boys?
  20. Well, that pretty much kills the nonsensical rumor that PLF was so enraged by the trading of Miller that he picked up his marbles and went home.
  21. Guess it's time to unbury the buried hatchet? However, if Ted Black is to be believed, T-Pegs was disappointed that PLF left. Of course, "disappointment" can mean a lot of things, in a lot of different contexts. Pegula could be disappointed it didn't work out, but happy to see PLF go. I would love to here Pegula himself say - "I was very saddened when he tendered his resignation - I did not want him to leave and made that very clear to Pat. But Pat left for personal reasons, and he said he enjoyed his time here and would have stayed otherwise." or similar. That would be a bit more definitive.
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