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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. The Sabres finish October with 8 pts in 12 games. That computes to a 54 pt season pace. Of course, in 2015-16, and 2016-17 the Sabres finished October with 8 points. What is it with that 8 pt glass ceiling in October? So cheer up - the 2016 and 2017 Sabres did much better than 54 pts - 81 and 78 respectively. It looks like the 2017-18 Sabres are on a 'glide path' for ~80 pts for the season. Let the celebrations begin!
  2. I agree completely - the title before was perfect, and matched just about all our moods regarding the team at this juncture.
  3. LOL One thing - Even in the worst tank years, the Sabres would surprise with unexpected wins in meaningless games, where the Sabres ended up looking good (for one night at least) I'm going to go with that feeling tonight, too! Win for the Sabres over hated Bean-town!
  4. I had recorded this garbage, but didn't watch it - this morning I scanned thru and then played the last 4 minutes of the game - I believe they managed only 1 shot on goal in that span, despite 2 minutes of empty net play. Vancouver just looked so much more in control those closing minutes of the 3rd. Didn't really even look like a man advantage. What I saw was like the worst of the Ted Nolan Tank years, but even worse - a team with no fire or heart. Roster was garbage in those years, but they generally played hard when Nolan was coaching. Didn't even see that - most of the Sabres roster was just going thru the motions. This is way more than just needing to 'learn a new system'. Other teams with new coaches, and new systems, this season are better than this.
  5. Well, at least we can hope the Housley coached Sabres end up with a better win/loss record than the Dismal Dan-coached team did. I will watch - hey, it's Boston - it's obligatory.
  6. I jumped out for a couple games - disgusted with what I saw. During that span, a win, and an OTL. This is a BAD start to a season. Terry Pegula took a +.500 team that frequently made the postseason, and turned it into perennial bottom dwellers. There doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Yeah, they're still learning the new system and each other - that must be it. Uh-huh! So how does a brand new team like Vegas end up 5-1? And beat the Sabres? They don't seem to be having any trouble 'learning the new system' Tired excuse is tired. 22 total shots on goal - and tellingly, only 9 in the 3rd period; not much of an effort to try to even up the score, was it? After almost 7 years of Pegula's hand on the helm, just waiting for the Sabres to hit .500 - that would make me happy - forget about playoffs, just .500
  7. It's almost like Housley is in desperation mode already - throwing Moulson and Gorges out there - perhaps the thought process is "We haven't tried it yet - maybe they can do something????". And we're only 5 games into the season.
  8. Well, I said last season, if Moulson, Gorges, and Bogosian are back in 2017-18 as regular components of the line up, this team is not really serious about winning in 2017-18. Last night's game - Gorges and Moulson combined for over 30 minutes of ice time - Gorges 13, Moulson nearly 20. What else besides an "L" would be expected? Gorges got the expected 2 PIM - that's about all I expect from him.
  9. That would be great, if there was some guarantee it would make any difference. This Ownership seems totally inept at building a winning organization. Even the new/novice owner EXCUSE doesn't work any more. The 7th anniversary of Pegula taking the reins will be February. This is the 8th season of the Pegula Regime. We've been thru this cycle of hire/fire a few times with the Pegulas already. No improvement so far; some things get better, some get worse, but the end result is a team that can't even begin to challenge for lowly wild card berth.
  10. Hyperthermia? I had never even heard of it - but definitely would kill the game play of an NHL star, and would be a reason for his poor stats. That's terrible. Now I feel bad for criticizing him in the past. I hope he can continue to contribute even if not on the ice. Great for him to make lemonade from the lemons he's been handed. Good luck to his future endeavors.
  11. Not I! Kane has been excellent - Kane, Pominville and Eichel have been the only real bright spots so far in one of the worst starts to a hockey season I can remember. Imagine how bad this team would look WITHOUT Kane?
  12. Yeah.... We were using the "at least it's fun to watch" excuse during many of the Tank years/games. "Nolan's team hits hard and works hard at least" - that kind of crap. I guess THEN we could excuse it because our hope was "Wait until 2017!!!!!" "2017.... that will be our season ..... it all comes together!!!" Well, it's 2017, and this team has a record worthy of a true Tank team so far. We should be pushing for a WC berth at least, but instead languishing at the bottom of the league.
  13. I bet Botterill, Housley and the Pegulas' team will really start to catch heat from the media by the end of October if the team is only earning 1 out of 4 or 1 out of 5 available points (right now it's 1 out of 10). There's a honeymoon period - but that only lasts so long. They've had the new coach and GM for most of the off season - the Classic Buffalo Excuse - "they need more time to learn the new system" only works for so long... The Stars (2-3-0) Kings (3-0-1), Canucks (1-2-1) and Panthers (2-2-0) also have brand new coaches for the 2017-18 season and they're doing better than the Sabres. Plus....,Vegas is a brand new team, and already already 3 and 1 with SIX points to the Sabres 1 after 5 games. That is disgusting, and that throws the tired "Learning the new system" excuse right out the door, doesn't it?
  14. I hate seeing that crap here. :(
  15. Wow - who would have thought 5 games in the rebooted, rebuilt Sabres would have ONE lousy point, and firmly entrenched at not only the bottom of the Atlantic, but the bottom of the entire LEAGUE??? It sure is looking like a serious tank year - I thought the idea was to push for a WC berth this year, and serious Cup contention next year, and thereafter?
  16. So do I. Some have made the argument that the players "Have to learn the new coach and the new system" . Where have we heard this before in Buffalo? Let's see..... Chan Gailey. Rex Ryan. Dan Bylsma. In those 3 instances, it wasn't needing to learn the coach or system - it WAS the coach and the system! I wasn't expecting Stanley Cup contenders out of the gate, but they are arguably the worst team in the NHL right now. Statistically, in terms of the standings and goal differential, they are. I expected 2 or 3 pts 4 games in. New coach and new system doesn't automatically guarantee last place or a horrible start. The Flames and Kings have new coaches - and they're 9th and 11th in the standings. Is it wrong to expect or hope for 2 or 3 points out of 8 Maybe 4? Jeebus!!!!
  17. The Sabres are now at the very bottom of the league standings at ESPN.com - and the worst differential in the NHL at -9 What do Botterill and Housley have to say about this horrible start? It's not exactly a ringing endorsement for the efforts of either man. If it weren't for the veteran Pominville, this team would have 0 points after 4 games. Remember how a couple years back, it was optimistically stated here that we were ahead of Toronto in the Rebuild? How Leaf fans had years of 'pain' as Regier would put it, ahead of them while ours was finally at an end? How Babcock, accustomed to winning in Detroit, would be frustrated in Toronto, and regret passing up coaching the up and coming Sabres? Well, Toronto is #1 in the Division with 6 pts, while the Sabres are basically settling in at the bottom of the Atlantic, once again. Yeah.
  18. Shades of Pomminstein! How can this happen in a professional NHL team?
  19. Buffalo already 5th worst in the league, and right back to their perennial place at the bottom of the Atlantic. There are carp and suckers that spend less time on the bottom than this team. Pathetic. There's a difference between 'learning a new system' and being lackluster, unmotivated, and apathetic. Looks like serious trouble already with the new management. When do we start tanking?
  20. I said late last season, if in October we see Moulson, Gorges, and Bogosian back for another year - we'll know it is still a mediocre team and not at all capable of winning, or reaching the playoffs. You can't keep putting dead wood like that on the bench, and for, what, $14 million, and expect good results. And tonight we did indeed see Moulson out there against the Islanders - for ten full minutes. Zero shots on goal, zero assists. Warmed the cockles of my heart, it did. Like a bad penny, he keeps turning up. smdh!!!
  21. Well, that's not terribly encouraging either. The Islanders passing woes might have been temporary to this game - but the Sabres have been putting on poor passing clinics for years. Terrible game tonight. Power play looked horrible. And Lehner.... Lehner was just abysmal. He demonstrated, as if anyone needs convincing, that he's just as bad on breakaways as he is at shootouts. Lameher is another one of Murray's mistakes that continues to haunt us.
  22. Many of us have been comparing their performance closely since the start; since they were the two top picks of that class. It was clear that GMTM and Buffalo wanted McDavid - and GMTM was clearly disappointed not to get him. That's ok though - Buffalo would have made sure not to give him the Captain's C, instead opt for progressive ideas about rotating As and non linear leadership (sounds like Kim 'N Terry talking right there) and also to sit McDavid in shoot outs as frequently as possible. And he'd also be playing with slugs like Moulson, Gorges, and Bogosian so his on ice effectiveness would be diminished. So the outcome would be the same, basically, whether we got McDavid or Eichel.
  23. I didn't realize Toronto was all alternates - or Carolina had a road Captain and home Captain. The Sabres approach sounds different though - a rotating alternate Captains throughout the ranks which sounds pretty touchy feely and weaksauce. http://buffalonews.com/2017/10/05/sabres-decide-collaborative-leadership-captaincy/?utm_campaign=puma&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Facebook#link_time=1507224204 Gotta love the Buffalo News rubber stamping and endorsing the approach with no critical analysis. "But the traditional captaincy is a top-down model and success these days – whether in business, hockey, or the business of hockey – is built on collaborative leadership." Really? Most businesses that I work with, or my own employer - it's a traditional top down management structure. Maybe the Navy ought to start having alternating Captains on their ships - see how that works for them? LOL Then Botterill is quoted "I think successful teams have a collaborative model. Just like coaches, you can't have one voice." Really? Hasn't Crosby been the Pen's captain for years? Toews captain of the BHs for years? And even outside hockey - would the Patriots have built such a juggernaut dynasty if Belichick had to spread his authority and decision making around? I'd say say the aforementioned teams are successful with a very traditional structure - one guy at the top. Which teams are having all this success with rotating alternates and 'collaborative leadership'? I have to wonder if this is Botterill or Housley's idea? Or if it came from ownership? These owners love their committee decisions and meetings.
  24. Cuba Cheese Extra Sharp Cheddar. We had to make a quick trip to New York last week - stopped in Cuba and picked up a couple 5 lb blocks of it. Wegmans also carries Cabot's "Seriously Sharp" cheddar from Vermont - that's very good too.
  25. Ok, ok, ok - he stopped it. Hard not to be sarcastic and negative when it comes to Lehner and shootouts. At least he's made a stop in a shootout - he'll be at least one shot stopped better this season than an empty net would be on shootouts. Hooray for Lehner.
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