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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. Well, Stafford has survived Leino (no big surprise there) but now Ehrhoff too? :lol:
  2. I love this quote from the Buffalo News. Awesome!!!!!!!! We've needed a serious, tough-minded hand on the helm for a while - and I think we have it!! :) “The fact that he quite frankly doesn’t want to be here makes it easy,” Murray told The News. “I’ve said at the start that if you don’t want to be here we’ll make it happen. "
  3. Nope - FIVE teams passed on the chance to draft Derek Jeter in 1992, including the Astros, whose scout, Hal Neuhauser, was so ticked off at the Astros for ignoring his advice to draft Jeter that he quit his job. But it took a few years for the colossal stupidity of passing on Derek Jeter become evident! :)
  4. Bettman is a weaselly little weasel, that's fo shizzle! :)
  5. lmao!!!!! Ok, if so, Sabrespace >>> Ville Leino, and for a lot less money too! ;)
  6. I will say that, with GMTM able to proceed with the buyout as he stated, my confidence in the Sabres' team leadership moved a few notches upward. And this buyout couldn't have been too easy to swallow. It would rankle the snot out of me to have to pay someone so much money for a six year vacation. I'd be tempted to keep him on the payroll just to fetch equipment from the back or top up my coffee, if I were owner.
  7. Leino's agent is named "Lehto"? That seems somewhat serendipitous. :) However perhaps in light of the current situation, his agent should be named "Letgo" instead? ;) BTW, if Letho is saying that 1 goal per season on average is "average" for Leino, what's above average for him? 2 goals a year? :lol:
  8. Haha, Trending Buffalo really doesn't like Leino - they posted this today, comparing some "scrubs" to Lameo! :) http://www.trendingbuffalo.com/sports/buffalo-sabres/10-sabres-scrubs-who-were-better-than-ville-leino-and-one-who-is-close/
  9. Wow, it's like Lameo won the MegaMillions Lottery. A guaranteed average income of ~$1.4 million a year for the next 6 years, and during that entire time he could sit home watching TV and drinking coffee. All that for scoring as many goals for the Sabres this season as any single member of this forum did. Unbelievable.
  10. I was thinking along similar lines earlier today. Battista is like Sabres version of Clemenza. "Leave Leino....take the cannoli" :)
  11. I won't believe it til I get the WGR550 text!!! EDIT - I GOT THE TEXT! Leino is OUTTA HERE!!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!
  12. Glass Case has been Battista'd already before he even started work? Ouch! Maybe Battista will hire him, so he can FIRE him? :lol: PS - we'll get a ton of mileage here out of Batista - lol!!!!
  14. :lol: - Those bastids!!!!
  15. I understand. There isn't much to say at this point anyways until we know if Leino's contract gets bought out or not. Plenty to discuss if he is (or isn't). :)
  16. That is pretty cool! I was happy to see that. And he did contribute to the overall victory - before he'd gotten hurt he'd gotten two points in the playoffs. Plus he scored 3 goals in the regular season - that's 3 more than Ville Leino - lol!!! A nice story about it here at ESPN. Very cool how he was the first man to be handed the cup by King's Captain Brown! http://espn.go.com/blog/nhl/post/_/id/31485/veteran-regehr-finally-gets-his-cup-winning-memory
  17. Thanks! :) That's still a princely sum for doing..... nothing. Only in America....
  18. I'm waiting for the text message from WGR - "Tim Murray resigns unexpectedly - Joe Battista named acting GM. Sabres to hold press conference at ......" ;)
  19. You can hardly blame fans for being suspicious of the competency of Sabres' management/ownership. They have kind of shot themselves in the figurative foot over the last few years in that regard, even as recently as the disastrously managed departure of PLF
  20. How much of a windfall would Leino reap from this buyout? $9 million? (2/3 of 4.5 million per year for 3 years) If so he'll be crying over his buyout - all the way to the bank. More baggage from the Regier Regime.
  21. As an aside, any hockey withdrawals yet? Saturday night I was thinking - "Hey, I should watch playoff hockey tonig...... DAYUM!!!". Gonna be a long drought, but, at least there's Yankees baseball to watch now 'til hockey returns. :)
  22. Let's just hope Leino's gone by the deadline. There will be (much) more to discuss if he isn't. 'Nuff said.
  23. But how many times does it need to be communicated? It seems to me it makes more sense to use the buyout than pay him for doing nothing except setting a bad laughable example for the up and coming players. I wonder if it could cause internal strife if GMTM strongly advocates dumping this dead wood, and Battista/Pegula override him?
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