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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. Great topic. About 10 years ago, a friend introduced me to fishing in the Niagara River inlet for bass. Have had many, many great days out there in my fishing boat with double and triple-headers of catch and release smallmouth bass. Sadly, I didn't even make it out once this year due to some life changes. Of all the locations near Buffalo, Waverly Shoal is my favorite - can't always get out there though if it's too rough. I also like right in front of the Bethlehem steel plant. That slag that was dumped when the plant operated makes great bass structure. I do want to get out and do some stream fishing for lake run steelhead and browns this fall/winter.
  2. Didn't see this posted - apologies if it's already been shared; ESPN has a nice tracker going on the two stars http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/13716952/tracking-connor-mcdavid-jack-eichel-their-rookie-seasons
  3. I played total homer and voted for Eichel across the board. He is terrific.
  4. The Curse of Russ Brandon? :)
  5. 2 out of 11 is 18% or almost 1 out of 5. That would be brutal if 1 out of 5 games had outcomes changed because of this stupidity. Look at what it did to the Sabres last night. The momentum mid-third period was all Buffalo, the team was getting its act together, the early jitters gone, chemistry was beginning... The score was tied - the team and the fans were energized.... I had the feeling the Sabres were going to rally and win the game. And then, there's a lengthy delay in the game - and the entire Sabres team gets a kick in the teeth - No goal; momentum killed, players angry, tired and frustrated. Rally killed - thanks to the Zebras. What a horrible way to start the season; in unprecedented fashion.
  6. I would feel it was a totally cheap and tainted victory, if we won by such a stupid new rule.
  7. I'm still for just ditching the bitch completely and rescinding the rule, rather than trying to "make it work". It's face palm bad.
  8. If he's this fragile, how is he gonna last a season? Just moving around on his own, not even involved in game play at the time, he ends up on the DL for a lengthy period. ".....The Kids. They called me Mr. Glass!!!!"
  9. Since Kim Pegula appeared to be the person behind the song contest, can we infer that this is an example of the 'music' that Kim Pegula listens to on a regular basis? If so, and were I Terry, I'd build her an audio room in the most far away part of the mansion. And maybe buy some ear plugs too.
  10. Taking a cue from "Idiocracy", Mr. "Not Sure" in net tonight for the Sabres. :lol:
  11. Not expecting to go to the playoffs this year - but am expecting a record of .500 or better. Of course, my expectations were formed before the NHL's new Coaches Challenge rule. LOL
  12. Eichel's was prettier, but that was a BEAUTIFUL goal by Kane; it didn't seem like Anderson even knew it was in the net. And I will call it a goal - in any of the thousands of games played in 98 years of NHL history prior to tonight, that was a goal, before the league started pulling out protractors and slide-rules to micro-analyze linesmen calls from minutes before.
  13. That's a great suggestion, barring just eliminating the rule entirely.
  14. Both in baseball, and in the NFL, coaches challenges have to occur before play resumes. There needs to be a 10 or 15 second time limit tops; they certainly shouldn't let play continue for minutes, and then someone chimes in from the sidelines -"Oh by the way, there was a foul that occurred 5 minutes ago" Even easier - How about the NHL just shitcans the stupid rule? It's a terrible new rule. It was meant to redress blatant missed calls - but now it's gonna be splitting hairs and it will kill momentum and likely piss fans off. I know I was, and still am, plenty ticked off!
  15. The point is - I am not sure human eyes can accurately perceive that off-side - the players and the puck are moving fast, and the total misalignment was maybe an inch if that. Would you want it blown dead as offside and then challenged and found out that it was 1 inch onside???? Look at the way that kills momentum; look how long it took tonight.... It's awful. The officials shouldn't need to carry a damn micrometer onto the ice for pity's sake. Blatant offside where someone comes in and shovels a goal right in seconds later - yes, that's bad. Letting play continue for another 1 minute or 2 minutes until a challenge flag is thrown for an almost imperceptible offside that had ZERO effect on the outcome? That is WORSE. And don't forget - they reset the clock and put that 90 seconds or whatever it was back on the clock - but they can't reset Kane's mitochondria and restore his energy that he expended during that time - he was busting his butt, as was the rest of the line, working that puck down there. That was ice time - it didn't COUNT, but it took gas out of Kane's tank HE CAN'T GET BACK DURING THAT PERIOD!!!
  16. Oh yeah. I'm fine with that. I wouldn't even label that offside as a "blown call" - it was SO close - what was it - an inch? There's a limit to human visual acuity. Fans need to be screaming bloody murder to the NHL office about that rule - ridiculously reversed calls like that will ruin the game for most fans.
  17. That's gonna take a little time. Doesn't help with all the line changes either, while the coach figures things out. But the 3rd looked a lot better than 1st and 2nd. Things should be ok, so long as Buffalo isn't 'helped' by the officials like they were tonight.
  18. Yeah, it's unbelievable that play could continue on so long as that before a 'challenge' issued. Somebody must be in Ottawa's booth reviewing video - because that "offside' wasn't even perceptible unless viewed in super slow motion; or frame by frame. How many times have seen BOSTON just skate right in 2 or 3 feet offside or more and no one ever did anything. What a crock!!!!!
  19. It was DISGUSTING!!!! It didn't have the slightest effect on the outcome of the play - not a bit! Even worse, play continued on for, what , another minute??? It should have to be challenged immediately or not at all. And just by a coincidence, Buffalo takes it on the chin from some new rule. At no time in NHL history would that goal have ever been waived off. A travesty!!!!
  20. What a crock of that call was. Another Buffalo screw job. What was Zemgus offside by? an inch??? How many goals in NHL history would be disallowed by this new momentum killing challenge nonsense? It's hard for a human eye to even perceive that small an infraction. Game went from a great comeback game where Buffalo's two new stars each get a goal to tie it up to this crap. Fans should be ANGRY!!!!
  21. At LAST!!!!!! High hopes for this season. Go Sabres!!!!
  22. Even Chicago, the gold-standard for tank and rebuild, didn't make the playoffs the first season after their Tank ended. They had a solid winning record, but no playoffs. Now, starting in the following year, and ever since, they've been a solid playoff/Stanley Cup contender IF we hit a winning record this year, I'll be happy - because that will demonstrate we're keeping pace with Chicago. 2016-17 will be the year to watch.
  23. Van Miller was a fantastic, iconic announcer. He was one of the greats. I was very saddened to read of Van's passing. RIP. We shall never see his like again.
  24. Dumbdon sucks. The worse the Bills got, the more promotions that jerk got; those were decisions made by an addled Ralph Wilson Jr, a man who was firmly ensconced in senility and dotage at the time. Everybody in the world can love him and respect - I think he's the living embodiment of the Peter Principal, oh, and the fact that a PT Barnum like huckster/bean counter like Dumbdon excels at shameless self-promotion and aggrandizement. I blame Battista for this
  25. let's not forget GMTM's famous words "If a player doesn't want to be here, we can find a way to make that happen!" Loved it!!!!
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