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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. If we don't win this game, need to be some serious evaluation of the rebuild. The Toronto Friggin Maple Leafs???? As Brad May pointed out during a game last season (I believe) we just beat the Leafs constantly and all the time; they were our b@#$%. And in the 3rd season of a rebuild, with a big money coach on the sidelines, the Sabres better still be in charge tonight or heads should roll!
  2. Wow, great game! That Ennis goal 18 seconds in - it doesn't get better than that. Was one of our defense men playing for Dallas at the start of the 1st? LOL. Note to Klingberg - usually, feeding the puck blindly right into the center of your zone in front of your goal is a formula for disaster; better to have fed it back along the boards. Oh well! LOL I also LOL'd at the Dallas style - lots and lots of passing which we frequently broke up or enjoyed a take away- it reminded me of a Lindy Ruff strategy..... oh wait!
  3. So are you inclined to think that Murray had as much input in the HC selection as Whaley did with the Bills? Or as little? lol Was Murray trying hard for Babcock, and when that failed good ol T-Peg stepped in and took charge and said to effect "You had your shot kid, and you blew it! We'll do it MY way now!"
  4. Didn't even realize it was a 1 pm game. Usually just Govt and schools and banks have the day off. Slackers! Most of the Private sector needs to keep up the push to put food on the table and pay the bills. The business of business in America is business!
  5. haha - yup. Drew. Bledsoe. And he was Brett Favre's backup. One era of excellence ended, another began. 8 seasons in a row where the Pack has made the playoffs, including a Super Bowl win. Some of these teams have all the luck (or all the skill?) in the Talent dept.
  6. I would blame the "shoot out" woes less on shooting, and more on a goalie with a 0.0000000000000 SVG% in the shootouts. But then, that's on Murray, isn't it? We won't hear that. LOL
  7. Not the admitted structure, at least. I still think Bylsma's answer about Murray being his 'boss' was a little too hesistant - and yeah, maybe Bylsma's got a low IQ, and speaking is tough for him and that's his usual interview manner - but it's still a concern. And another topic from Pegula's interview - Brandon apparently loves to watch the Bills 'film' with the coaches - wonder if he has the same tendrils spreading now through the Sabres' organization? Dysfunction - thy name is Terry Pegula. I doubt these teams will ever be truly successful on the field or on the ice with the Pegulas running them. Whaley led the search for the HC - but gave Pegula 4 candidates, and then punted the decision to them (or had it stripped from him?) And they've got such a great track record of HC selections - who would be better to make the call then people with so little experience or knowledge?
  8. Don't forget - Terry Pegula himself has boasted that everything is done by committee in his teams' front offices - which almost guarantees mediocrity.
  9. Murray is Big Fat Contract Comfortable? Or maybe he needs new glasses without the rose colored tint?
  10. Yeah, especially with the dysfunction we've seen in the Bills front office. Seems like a case could be made for it being yet more of the Pegulas' tiresome parochial PA connection at work again.
  11. After these last two games, maybe we should be rethinking all this easy grading and talk of 'improvement'? LOL I was anxious for them to enter 2017 improved - and the first 4 games looked promising, but the last 2 have been a return to their lousy performance from earlier in the year - and no real injuries to blame it on either.
  12. They finished 2015-16 with 81 points. And they're on a pace for 80 pts this season. And that's only after a 'hot streak' of 7 out of 8 points in 4 games. If they finish with the same points this year as last, it shows a significant lack of forward progress in the 3rd year of Murray's rebuild, and heads should roll for it!
  13. Well, I don't think it's a concern either way now. 4 game point streak ended with a whimper tonight.
  14. Coincidence or not that the team has been doing better in the past 4 games with Gorges pretty much out of the lineup? In fact, he's only got 15 minutes of ice time this year, and that was in the Chicago game (which we also lost - coincidence?)
  15. I enjoy a win against Filthy-Delphia almost as much as one against Boston! Now that would be a heckuva streak. I would say if the Sabres win another game (or two), national media will start remarking on it. 8 games, and the talk becomes "These guys look great!" Another tank-like performance tomorrow night against Tampa, and we'll all be back to crying in our beers. Joy will be forgotten.
  16. I'm punting my decision out as far as possible - to see if Kane's play of late is a streak or a solid trend.
  17. Well, when are we officially "On a tear"? 7 out of 8 possible points in January so far, and 3 of the opponents have solid winning records - 2 of those in the Top Ten in NHL point standings. I dunno how long it lasts with Dreary Dan at the Con, but I will enjoy it while it's here.
  18. We bought a solar envelope home this summer. It has a two story "greenhouse" on the south side - which is all windows with shades. The idea being - open shades when sun is shining to heat up the 'greenhouse' which warms the thermal mass in the crawlspace (rocks added and covered with poly to prevent soil gasses, radon, etc) . Then close the shades after dark to reduce heat loss through the glass. The thermal mass retains heat energy overnight which helps reduce the heating system load on the house. While it's a wonderful home, I hadn't realized until actively LOOKING for sunshine to open the shades how absolutely dismal and almost sunless mid-Michigan winters are. LOL. I think we've had maybe 1 sunny day in the past 2 or 3 weeks. A couple times, it's teased being sunny - I'll spend 10 minutes opening shades, only to find the sun disappears and it's just gray and cold - no heat gain through the windows. At least on the plus side - it's an extremely well insulated, air-sealed home, with minimal north-facing windows so that helps even without the sun.
  19. Agree wholeheartedly. Also, they won't get a "football guru" that's worth a tinker's damn that way either. Good football gurus would never come work for such a dysfunctional org structure - where some glorified telemarketer who is the living embodiment of The Peter Principle has more say on the HC and overall direction of the team than the Football Czar himself! Could you imagine a Belichick or a Polian working for this mess? The thought makes me LOL - like it happens when pigs fly!
  20. As I explained, it could be done so it doesn't leave Taylor thinking he's done a bad job, or on the outs. FFS, Dallas benched Dak Prescott in the final, meaningless game. Prescott didn't end up feeling his future with the team was in doubt. And Taylor has some health concerns too that make benching him reasonable. It could have been done in a way that he didn't feel bad about his future with the team. IF the team decided to part ways in future months with Taylor, that should be a separate issue. Mismanagement/mishandling of simple things seems to be a hallmark of this team.
  21. But at least they're 'remorseful' that Taylor was benched. It would have been so easy to handle the Taylor benching so that Taylor was left feeling good about himself, and Lynn didn't look like a Yes-man. FFS, Pegula could give Lynn the nod as interim HC for that game, and then meet with AL and say "Do you think benching Tyrod is a good idea this Sunday? It's a meaningless game, he's a fine addition to our team, but he's got a few injuries that I think would be better to avoid risking aggravating, especially since nothing is at stake and he is a key part of our offense. What do you think Anthony?" Lynn would have almost certainly agreed if explained in reasonable logical fashion - Lynn would have saved face - it would be his call as HC, Taylor would have saved face and not be left with the feeling the team was dumping him.... AND THERE WOULD BE NO CONTROVERSY. How can these Pegulas be so ham-handed and amateurish?
  22. Wow, amazing game. 2017 has been good for the Sabres so far. 3 games and 5 points. And yes, Jack, 6 would be better. But no team ever finishes the season with 164 points either. But on the negative side - will it last? Even bad teams have good streaks - so the next 3 games could be 1 point earned and 5 left on the table. And Lehner let in his almost obligatory 3 goals this game. One of the goals (can't recall if 2nd or 3rd Jets goal) he left the rebound laying right there a foot or two in front of him and it got hammered into the net - that was frustrating to see. Just looked at Lehner's game log - last time he had a 1 goal game was late November. Since then he's had 9 three goal games, and three 2 goal games.
  23. Yeah, and after getting behind a goal or two, Dreary Dan can then slow things down a bit and play 'prevent' to help protect the behind. lol The Leafs started rebuilding after us - it's not possible for them to be ahead of us. Our pain and suffering was behind - but Toronto certainly had several years more to endure. This has to correct itself. I expect at the end of the season, the Buffalo Sabres will have more points and wins than Toronto. Any other outcome just can't be possible!
  24. Even I tried to dismiss the disappoint of the loss with - "3 out of 4 points on the road against two tough teams is good." Perhaps even we fans have been lulled into complacency by years of mediocrity from the Sabres? Looking through Eichel's lense, I don't think he'd approve of many topics at this forum that have the general tone "Well, it could be a lot worse" or "We'll get better.... someday". Here's the thing - either Jack Eichel can help drive culture change at the Sabres... OR.... he'll get frustrated with Bylsma's play to not lose and dump the puck into the zone and head to the bench, and he'll sign with another team that wants to win. And then you hear Dreary Dan's response....you'd think he could show some sort of fire or passion instead of channeling Eeyore all the time?? lol
  25. Memories..... thank you!!!
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