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Everything posted by Jsixspd

  1. Dumbdon just came on the air on WBEN. He is just jubilant over ticket sales now. Ironic because I just pulled this topic up to post. I see nothing different at One Bills Drive. This is the vintage Bills approach to team management/mismanagement under the regime of the aged Ralph Wilson Jr.... they do not spend money on the fundamentals, where they should be spending money. Rather, they will go get a flashy high profile player (like T.O.) that boosts ticket sales. Meanwhile, they spend less than they can or should on coaches, coordinators, scouting personnel, talent department, front office personnel, etc. I'm predicting the Bills could now go 7-9, or maybe even 8-8 with Mario Williams. Because that plethora of weaknesses the Buffalo Bills had in offense last year are NOT going to be cured by one defensive player, no matter how good. Dumbdon is blowing his own horn about how fired up everyone in the community is over this acquisition..... well, you know what Russ? Under your watch, the Buffalo Bills set a record for futility in years squeezed out of the playoffs.... 12 and counting.... BTW, that is something MUCH HARDER to do in the era of parity than it was 30 years ago. That takes a special level of incompetence to achieve. You know what would get people fired up, Russ? The Bills actually achieving a 500 or better record for the season, or actually squeaking into a wild card game!!! That would be worth celebrating by Bills fans. I would have to go back and check the stats. I don't believe the Bills have hit a 500 record since Wade Phillips was here - Does no one in the media ask Dumbdon any tough hardball questions? He got a bunch of feel good fluff from the WBEN news team and now he's gone. Given the hideous record of the Buffalo Bills, and the enormous amounts of tax payer money that have gone into subsidizing Wilson and Brandon's bean-counting enterprise over the year, this guy and Ralph Wilson Jr. should be absolutelyexcoriated whenever they get interviewed until the Bills get back to parity on the W/L tables and make it into the post-season Pathetic.
  2. Yeah, probably not... but... Hodgson's attempt was so far off the mark.... if at least he'd been on target or there was a chance it could go in the net my attitude would be different. But... that shot would have missed if the net was empty. If he's that green, maybe Hodgson should be sent down to Rochester to get some seasoning? Does he really rate a spot as forward right now? He's been playing more like a D-man.
  3. If we're gonna put "rookies" in the shoot out, have rather seen Foligno take a shot - he's actually gotten the puck in the net 3 times so far in 1/3rd as many games as Hodgson has played (and done nothing, I might add). Plus i'd say Foligno is a lot more of a 'rookie' than Hodgson is.... guy just got called up from the minors a week ago!
  4. Memo to Lindy Ruff - NEVER put Hodgson in a shoot out line up again - guy sucks!!!
  5. I disagree - he needs to have more pressure put on him, not less. Push harder!!! Ride him, bust his chops, day in day out until he produces. Shooting drills, shooting drills, and more shooting drills. Work work work work work!!! We're not interested in his little problems - we want results, not excuses!!! Sulzer scores a point before he does - hammer that home too. He clearly has not been provided the proper motivation yet to succeed! I would keep hammering until he gets it done!!!
  6. Hodgson has played eight games with the Sabres, and has nothing to show for it. He's been pretty much invisible in terms of any tangible contribution since the trade. That's a long drought. I doubt Kassian would have done much either in those 8 games, so it's not like we've lost out. But it would have been nice to get a player who can actually get a point now and then. Somebody better make Hodgson aware the honeymoon with the team, the fans, the press is coming to a close, and that he is expected to start producing. Especially with Myers on a 3 game suspension, it would be the perfect time for Hodgson to shine, if he's going to. If he goes 11 games without a point, I think there's gonna be serious doubts about him.
  7. Did the Bills do something? P.S. - I am a Giants fan. :)
  8. Irish coffee right now.
  9. Cannot wait to see Hodgson play tomorrow night. Hope that Hodgson provides the shot in the arm our offense desperately needs.
  10. Lindy loves his soft, doesn't he? LOL
  11. Kassian should always have a fond spot in our hearts for that moment. Sestito won't forget that for a while - LOL Doubt he would ever mess with Kassian again.... not if he's sane. That being said, I think we got the better deal here by far. I hope that Hodgson will add some real spark to our offense. We need to score more goals - and Kassian wasn't the answer to that particular problem.
  12. Rep point for this post - thanks for sharing. :) Nice that some other city besides Buffalo is doing the crying for a change.
  13. Yep, Gragnani was terrible - more than once his play left me shaking my head in dismay. Glad to be rid of him.
  14. No beer, but I did bake one of those Wegmans frozen pepperoni pizzas - eating that now while posting and watching the Sabres. So good to have the Sabres back on TV
  15. Brendan Shanahan would suspend all the guys in the movie.
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