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Everything posted by Peppy22

  1. Luke Adam had a fight today...
  2. Well I doubt that he wants to stay. Anyway what I meant is that I have a tough time for blaming Miller on that 4th goal. 3rd was his... 1,2 and 4 were not his fault.
  3. Ever been a goalie? Ever been screened?
  4. Ironymode Without "Average-Miller" we would be leading 1:0...
  5. That looked like 2 teams who didnt want to win because of a better draft position... haha
  6. Thats why ruff had him with myers a lot. Sadly never worked out
  7. Tonights Nascar race is sponsored by the NRA? Who came up with that brainfart?
  8. Nashville is losing on purpose ………haha Klein hits his own crossbar and several terrible giveaways
  9. Well even if they quit now... It's too late to quit for a top 3 pick. Carolina, Calgary and even Nashville have done that already in great fashion.
  10. I was watching last nights "Anger Management" episode with Miller's wife.... in that episode she broke up with her boyfriend "Ryan" I laughed... those writers have humor :D In that episode "Ryan" was married and had a son "Tyler" :D
  11. Haha well this wasnt directed to this forum. More in general. Twitter or facebook for example.
  12. It amazes me how many fans want the sabres to lose out in order to get a better draftpick but still get supermad if they lose... xD
  13. Borussia Dortmund vs. Malaga That was one of the craziest games I have seen in the last decade... What a Champions League Match... H-O-L-Y C-R-A-P
  14. Truer words have never been spoken
  15. Yeah however it's almost impossible to compare the north american "fan culture" with the european "fan culture" that's why I try to avoid that. There was a funny video on youtube about that though :D I think by "hardcore fans" he means those "organised fans" we have in europe. They visit every home game, every road game (which of course is easier in europe). Always stand in the same section in the arena, know all the guys around them in the section. Create choreographies in the stands and such stuff. Thats by the way what I meant with: Its almost impossible to compare those fan cultures, as I think there isn't really something like those "organised fan groups" in the NHL or NBA or NFL.
  16. Honestly I dont know where the hate comes from. I pointed out that I didn't mean you in general. Here is the point. I have no problem with people booing, and I mentioned that. I have no problem with people showing (in what way that may be) that they aren't pleased with what happens. However I have a big big big problem with people going to the game giving the team no chance 1 second into the game for no reason. Every game is a new game. They go into the game vs. the Devils and it doesnt matter that they won 2 in a row and it doesn't matter how bad they played 4 weeks ago. But it's this attitude: "Ok let's drop the puck and see how bad they are today." that makes me mad. Again booing the Rookie's last night was terrible. We have reached a point were booing happens in every game. Right now I have the feeling, if they ever would be up 6:0 midway through the 2nd period, they get still booed if the PowerPlay is bad. To your last sentence. I am not lecturing anyone here. I post my thoughts within a discussion. That's what you do at places like this. Dunno if it came of wrong, but by "idiots" I didnt mean the fans. I meant that the fans are thinking of the players as idiots and calling them that after a mistake in the game. :) I did not say, that this would have happened. I just said it could have happened. And that's something that can not be denied.
  17. If you read the entire post, you should have seen that I understand criticism and that I think they had terrible stretches this year. This has nothing to do with rose colored glasses. But stop using the NHL elite as the measuring stick as of now. What makes me mad is ignoring the steps forward and destroying them for every mistake. You wouldn't do that with your kids and you wouldn't want your boss at work to do the same with you. If you (you in general) hate the GM, hate the team, do yourself a favor and stop buying tickets. Darcy Regier, Terry Pegula, Ted Black, no one forces anyone to become a fan or to go to a game. But to go their with the attitude: "Well let's see what those ###### idiots to tonight." is just an incredibly poor behaviour. Especially booing those rookies from the AHL.
  18. I have seen it now and it does not change my opinion whatsoever... ______ The I PAYED FOR THIS is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Its just stupid. If you go to a game everything can happen. Just don't go to a game then. The guys out there who were booed: Adam, Flynn, Porter, Pysyk and Pardy... first 4 combined have played in 123 NHL Games. ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THREE... Way to go... boo the rookies, boo the kids... Do you really think other players around the league watch that and think... "Hey I am a Free Agent this summer and Yeah great thats a place where I wanna play. Game is tied at 1 one bad shift and we get booed. That's what I always dreamed of." The complaining, "but they were in their own soooooo long and didnt manage to get out..." Well with support and a few Let's Go Buffalo chants, they might have been out there within 30 seconds... It's just pathetic to read some of those "yeah boo them they suck" comments from the same guys who say. "wow Lindy was so hard on the rookies and ruined them." Sabres are 4th in the Conference over the last 10 games. Did they deserve some boos earlier this year? Yes they did. But you don't boo a team for a few bad shifts or for a bad PP. If you are sitting at an arena and don't have anything else to do... well get a life then.
  19. That's the reason? Ok and what was the reason for booing then?
  20. please tell me its not true but I read comments, that people booed the team last night when the score was 1-1. Gotta watch the game later today but please tell me its not true. No one can be that stupid.
  21. sweet idea and well done
  22. Since the Sabres are in rebuild mode, and its an olympic year I am sure that Miller will try end up on a team with better D on which he has a chance to not only win the cup, but being the number 1 in sochi.
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