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Everything posted by Claude274

  1. I just don't understand they don't do basic defense stuff! Don't chase the puck, cover the players!
  2. If they only shoot the puck more often and stop extra long passes
  3. That's the typical answer but no. They should surround him with more experienced coach and a def specialist. Look how they proceed in other sports. For too many times, hockey answer has been to fire the coach like he is responsible for everything. I'm a teacher and even though I did that for a long time, I still don't have all the clues. People around me still help me.
  4. When I was young, that's 40 years ago, I was a Nordiques fan (I'm a north quebecer). Never liked the Habs not because of the team but the medias. Two sports in Montreal at that time and sports reporter were messengers of how terrific the "Sainte flanelle" was. Still is! So when the Nordiques appeared, I was in! Marvelous years with Sakic and Forsberg then crap, too pour a province to have two professional hockey teams. I tried the Avalanche but no. Then came the Sabres in 2006 with Drury and Brière! Wow! I had my team. I went through the miserable years telling everybody the Sabres will be the next Hawks. What a sorrow! They look more now like the Leafs under Ballard in charge!
  5. Tim had his flaws but is really good at evaluating prospects. Paid too much on trades and missed completly leveling offense and defense, not speaking about farming. That's why he needed somebody to cross check his actions. Byslma had to go but brains are needed! They flushed the bath with the baby still in! Completly erratic!
  6. http://www.tsn.ca/sabres-should-have-been-hiring-instead-of-firing-1.730921
  7. What? They shot on goal? :worthy:
  8. Wow! This is why I hate hockey! Two jerks throwing punches at each other! What did it bring? Oh Canada!
  9. Reinhart had nothing to do here. After the first two games it was sure he would go back! Hope they can manage something for Zadorov who is in the same situation as Girgo two years ago!
  10. Awesome things are: Girls with great curves, beer, bicycling and Sabres. Things that sucks: being a teacher!
  11. Sarcasm=on Yeah! They should offer everyone on this team for best offer! Then buy new players all around the league! Sarcasm=off
  12. http://www.vancouversun.com/sports/Kassian+deserves+chance+over+doubters/6227725/story.html
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