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Everything posted by etiennep99
More QED. There's a saying: "A little learning is a dangerous thing." Liberals are a perfect representation of that. They consistently make bad choices. You are trying to defend bad guys and say that their deaths were all due to evil White people, as an entire class. That's racism. I judge people as individuals.
Arbery had a prior record. FACT; it's police cameras. The white father was a retired cop who had dealt with Arbery. Fact. Break-ins had been happening. Fact. A gun was stolen. Fact. Arbery was seen trespassing before and again that day. FACTS. The police asked the retired cop to help police the neighborhood. Likely fact. In Georgia it is legal to make a "citizen's arrest" if you believe that a crime is happening. Fact. They didn't wake up that day and think that they would lynch somebody. Past behaviour predicts the future. It was not racist to suspect Arbery. It would be racist to suspect a random black guy on the street. Arbery was not a just some random "jogger". That is YOUR bias.
He charged the cop in the park and was swearing and menacing the cop. Did your research show you the WHOLE video?? Or did you just use selectively edited videos from liberal media. Never let facts get in the way of your own views, do you much?
Where? Where did I rush to judgement??? Are we even speaking the same language?? The coronor said that Daubry started the altercation and caused the gun to go off. The video seems to show the same thing. You know, pointing out the other side of the story isn't a rush to judgement, especially when it is MORE authoritative. On what basis do y'all claim to know what really happened? I'll tell you . It's anti-white racism. Whites are always guilty until proven innocent. That's what y'all seem to be saying.
Doesn't matter. He was trespassing. It's a crime. And while nothing was taken from that house, other houses were broken into and had things stolen. Like the guy who "killed" Daubry had his gun stolen during one of these crime sprees. Can't you emphathize with these guys? There's been a load of house and car break-ins. His neighbor has video of this kid trespassing on his property. The day in question, he was trespassing again. The white father is a former cop who had investigated Daubry before and knew that he was a bad apple, and might have a gun on him. Can't you see how this would make people scared?
QED (Can you Google that? or should I dumb it down for you??)
You don't know that. The coronor said that Daubry likely started the physical altercation and likely caused the gun to go off. What do YOU know that the coronor doesn't know? Maybe we just don't hear about the Whites who are unjustly injured/killed by cops? Media bias? (We all know that the MSM is extremely left-leaning). It's an election year. Biden said "you ain't Black if you don't vote Democrat". Obviously there's a lot of stoking of fires going on. This thread is tiresome. Want to know what it is to be Black in a "White World", try being a Christian and a Conservative on an extremely Left-leaning, anti-Christian website like Sabrespace.
Cameras don't lie. He was IN the house.
I saw a video last week of a black nurse beating up a white nursing home patient. Bad people do bad things. It doesn't have to be because of skin color.
This meme must stop. People are not killing people because they are Black. Sure, it might be possible that some Black crime suspects are treated worse than they deserve; but they committed a crime first. Aubry Daubry "jogger" had a record, past violence towards cops, was trespassing IN at least one house, and likely started the physical altercation that got him killed. George Lloyd was caught passing a fake 20. Yes, a person could easily unwittingly do that. And yes, what happened to him WAS MURDER, but it wasn't murder without any pretext. Since the perp cop and Lloyd knew each other, there could be a back-story here that we don't know about; we shouldn't rush to judgement. We've seen stories in the past that, once the full story came out, the cops were exonerated. But yes, George Lloyd was MURDERED.
I've had several black friends. My impression is that their fitting in depends on their attitude. If they are willing to (as some perjoritively call it) "play whitey's game", then they get along quite well and are well accepted. I think that studies on campuses might indicate that lone blacks might even perform better academically if not socially, as we've all seen minority groups self-segregate when they get large enough. In high school my buddy and I were "nerds" and sat at a nerd table. One semester one of the few black fellows at my school sat at our table. We welcomed him. Decent guy, but he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box, and we had little to talk about. I can imagine that it was really hard for him. I've lived in places where they try to get you to speak Spanish instead of English. Frustrating. I don't understand why I, as a native North American, speak more Spanish than an immigrant who has lived here for years can speak English. How do you live without speaking the language? If _you_ really want to "feel" what it likes to be a minority, take a trip to hood. Not feeling it yet? Take a trip to Africa. Or China. Or India. Billions upon Billions of non-whites there for you to get the picture. Or wait a little bit of time. North America and Europe are the only places with significant White populations. Demographic changes being what they are, it won't be long before Whites are no longer the super-majority in the USA. Speaking as someone who has been assaulted by Blacks on numerous occasions, badly injured too, I feel like a lot of their problems are self-inflicted. Like that Aubry Daubery guy swearing and threatening a cop for just running his driver's license (while he was parked in a crazy place, driving a car on a suspended license, and smoking pot) (or like him "jogging" 10 miles from home in an all white neighborhood, stopping to trespass IN at least one person's home on multiple occasions.) Or like riotting and looting instead of trying to address their root cause of their complaints. I don't riot and loot because I don't want to be rioted against and looted myself (viz. The Golden Rule). I try to judge people by the content of their character. Rioters show little character. Still, It _is_ hard to empathize with a people who have very high crime rates and who have personally attacked and injured you (there is much more black on white crime than white on black crime; that's just a fact.)
Toasters are prohibited on the International Ice Station.
Bob & Doug begin manual flight test...and drive off to the closest Timmy Horton's for doughnuts and backbacon.
Take Off! You hoser. Bob and Doug fly over the Great White North, a beauty way to go. G800 to LOS Dragon Houston, we have 40 seconds to LOS you're looking good burning over the hill, we will see you in Madrid and we enjoyed the music Bob thank you
I like how you put your abbreviations in all-caps. Old-school and much clearer. ?
Agreed. This is progress. You came out swinging like a traditional Muslim. You have corrected me and shown me that I was wrong in that assumption. I'm glad that you're able to think for yourself and to choose your own path. I would hope that we could have peace between us. @ Dudaceck: Thanks. China immediately comes to mind regarding their heavy-handed subjection and persecution of the Uyghurs.
This is in reply to Crosschecking, not meant for others per se. I don't play games. I don't try to chum up to people under false pretences: "25 Ways to Win People". I don't believe in manipulating people. I try to be as open, honest, and direct as possible. You are making a grave error. NO person is discipling me. As best as I can tell, the churches around me are weak and preach only milk in Rock Concert Atmospheres. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth;". You are worried about turning people off. I'm worried about Quenching the Holy Ghost. I believe in addition by subtraction: weed out the pretenders to find the real contenders. Jesus said that people cannot serve two masters: you're either a child of God or a child of the dark one. People, deep inside, they know which team they are on, or at least which team they are leaning towards. Frankly the reaction of this board has only increased my faith. The Bible comes alive: when you speak the truth about Jesus, people take sides pretty quickly. Frankly, the Bible says that I should rejoice when people mistreat me. The Bible also talks about how all of Jesus' disciples abandoned him at the cross. Crosschecking, I know that you're trying to be nice, but did you check your cross in with the luggage? Because you've said nothing to support me save to say that I'm misguided: like my quotation from Clarence Jordan. Perhaps a little, "Hey, that is what the Bible says. He isn't speaking smack. It might not be my style, but I stand with him as my brother. I agree that Jesus is the only answer." That would be nice. Christians are supposed to be baptised and make a PUBLIC declaration of their faith.
Thank you for being forthcoming above about your beliefs regarding the Passion of Christ. You confirmed what I said, and exactly what people were attacking me for. Indonesia and Malaysia haven't been exactly panaceas for Christians either. But, OK, let's say that your interpretation of the Quran is different. You are one against MILLIONS to BILLIONS of people. Do you also believe in the Hadith? What about Abrogation? Because according to Abrogation, your interpretation would be wrong. I'm sure that there could be those in the Middle East who would consider you an apostate. I'm not trying to target you and your beliefs. You don't have to reply. But this seems more like a discussion now.
I also said that you may go your way in peace. You had said that you sought and didn't find. I said that you must REALLY WANT TO FIND IT. Just look at what is happening now. Seemingly everyone, including the "Christians" are either attacking me or leaving me undefended. Were you ever willing to sacrifice like that, to have people HATE you for your belief in Jesus? I'm not condemning you nor judging you. I'm just saying, there's a cost to pay.
? You're a funny guy. Hospitable, perhaps no so much. Matthew 10 12 "And when ye come into an house, salute it." 13 "And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you." 14 "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet." 15 "Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."
Shalom. Here's a list of the 25 countries that persecute Christians the most. https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2015/jul/27/where-in-the-world-is-it-worst-place-to-be-a-christian North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, CAR, Qatar, Kenya, Turkmenistand Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Burma. Do we notice a commonality here. 22 are Muslim. I quote about Saudi Arabia: "... conversion from Islam is punishable by death. Church buildings are forbidden and so Christians meet in house churches, which are frequently raided. Christians may be arrested, imprisoned, tortured and deported for their faith." How is that Shalom and love for your Christian and Jewish brothers? ISIS isn't the aberration; they are the fundamentalist, true believers. How's this? You can keep the Middle East, and the West can remain free? Edit: And for what it's worth, I've considered the US military intervention in the Middle East to mostly bad and often based on lies. Missing Weapons of mass destruction, lies about Iraqis throwing babies out of incubators, duplicity in our dealings with Iraq and Iran, funding Bin Laden during the 1980's. I could go on. And, I've been attacked on this board numerous times, but I think 9/11 was a very complex situation whose official story smells to high heaven. I've never been one of those "get the Ayatollah and all of those A-Rabs" person [knowing of course the Persians are mostly not Arabs.].
Bravo. That's exactly what I was expecting to hear. You've been sitting back taking the high road, so to speak. So, let's talk Marcus Aurelius. He tacitly allowed persecution of Christians to increase, until perhaps this happened, I quote Wikipedia. The early Christian apologist, Justin Martyr, includes within his First Apology (written between 140 and 150 A.D.) a letter from Marcus Aurelius to the Roman senate (prior to his reign) describing a battlefield incident in which Marcus believed Christian prayer had saved his army from thirst when "water poured from heaven," after which, "immediately we recognized the presence of God." Marcus goes on to request the senate desist from earlier courses of Christian persecution by Rome.[300] Care to comment? How does his do no violence to others mesh with his many wars and his earlier persecution of Christians?
Would you like fries with that? Sorry if you were offended. It was meant as a perfect reply to your condescending advice to get with the program and shut up. Religious discussion isn't the stuff of milquetoast and tea. It seems like I'm the one trying to discuss and the rest are throwing rocks. I'm quoting Marcus Aurelius. Why isn't the Stoic quoting him? You guys watch hockey players hit, slash, and fight. Many of you cheer it. But if a person says something of substance, people get all offended.
This reply is especially for "Crosschecking". 1. I have no clue what ATST means. 2. My mentor is Jesus. 3. I draw inspiration from numerous other sources: "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." -Neil Peart #5: “To do harm is to do yourself harm. To do an injustice is to do yourself an injustice. It degrades you…You can also commit injustice by doing nothing.” --Marcus Aurelius “The people in the liquor traffic,” said the speaker, “simply want us to do nothing. That’s all the devil wants of the son of God—to be let alone. That is all that the criminal wants of the law—to be let alone. The sin of doing nothing is the deadliest of all the seven sins. It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.” -Rev. Charles F. Aked "By western standards he [Jesus] was a penniless tramp, at best a high minded hobo. Most of us...would have been embarrassed to have had him as a guest in our fashionable homes, just as our kids would embarrass us. And most of us would have been ashamed to acknowledge him as our friend, mostly on this money matter. Now the most educated and successful amoung us would given him free lectures on getting ahold of himself, settling down in a good job, raising a family, and other free pointers on conforming and adjusting to the organization, to the society. Perhaps some of us would have condescended to have gone so far as to offer our help to him in contacting certain influential leaders such as Caiaphas the High Priest, or Pilate the Governor with the hope that we might get a him a good job and possibly into the Rotary Club. We would have especially urged him to give up his messianic dellusions, not to ruin himself and his future by taking such positive stands on controversial social issues. You don't think that we would have given him lectures along those lines? You bet your life we would." --Clarence Jordan "Who would be so foolish as to light a lamp and then cover it over? Now he says if men are not that foolish, then God is not that foolish. God has lit you up so that you might shine....Jesus said to the religious people of his day, 'you all are like graves which appear not and men walk over unawares.' Now, let me translate what he said for you. He said you religious folks... you guys have been dead and buried so long that there's not even a marker where you were buried and not even any more fresh dirt...There was a time when at least you had the capacity to raise a stink, but you've even lost that. And you make as much impact on the world as a corpse that has been dead and buried so long that there's not even any fresh dirt left. I sometimes wonder if that isn't about how effective we Christians are in this society of ours. The work of the salt is to be salt, not to be morons. The work of the light is to shine. Not to hide itself." --Clarence Jordan Acts: 4:18-20 -------------- And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. 20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." -- Matt: 10:32-33 "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." As far as I'm concerned personally: I will fight against Nazism, Communism, Totalitarianism, and by extension Islam. So, no, when a muslim slanders Christianity on Easter, I will not fail to take a stand. It's too bad none of the other Christians on this board are too timid to take a stand: making _me_ the bad guy.
When David Icke says that Covid-19 is a hoax caused by 5G, I take offence. I don't want to censor the guy, but he's clearly talking smack. (That's not to say that 5G hasn't been tested for negative health impacts; just to say that Sars-Cov-2 is real.) When people say that the Earth is flat, I think that they are incredibly naive and ignorant. When people say that the moon landing was a hoax, I think it's silly. When people say that The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, I find it offensive. When people say that Holocaust was a hoax, I'm offended. But I don't go bat-crazy on people; I just feel sad. I'm just putting out facts to let people decide for themselves. But, to quote Marcus Aurelius: #2: “Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed, and you haven’t been.” #1: “When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own – not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.”